


末了(liǎo ),完了(liǎo),与“始”相对:年~。~场(末了一场)。~极。~审(司法部门对案件的最后判决)。~端。靡不有初,鲜克有~(人们做事无不有开头,而很少能坚持到底)。从开始到末了:~年。~生。饱食~日。人死:临~。送~。到底……


年纪大,时间长,有经验,陈旧的:~当益壮。~朋友。~练。~化。少年~成。~马识途。对年纪大的人的尊称:吴~。~人家。~大爷。极,很:~早。~羞成怒。老年人:敬~院。扶~携幼。~有所为(wéi )。晚年:~年。~境。敬老,养老:“~吾老,以及……



汉语拼音:zhōng lǎo







  1. 终身;到老。

    汉 枚乘 《杂诗》之四:“同心而离居,忧伤以终老。”《玉台新咏·古诗<为焦仲卿妻作>》:“今若遣此妇,终老不復取。” 宋 何薳 《春渚纪闻·后土词渎慢》:“ 金陵 邵衍 字 仲昌 ,篤实好学,终老不倦。”

  2. 度尽晚年;养老。

    南朝 梁 沉约 《郊居赋》:“以斯终老,於焉消日。”《宋史·刘爚传》:“伪学禁兴, 爚 从 熹 武夷山 讲道读书,怡然自适,筑 云庄山房 ,为终老隐居之计。”《醒世恒言·白玉娘忍苦成夫》:“ 玉孃 不敢固辞,教老尼收了。谢过众官,即将一半礼物送与老尼为终老之资。” 郭沫若 《瓶》诗之十七:“我的痴心,嗳,实想在 西湖 终老。”



  1. The conclusion was that while most the males lived and died around the same river valley, the females moved on.


  2. If I'm gonna be an old lonely guy, I need a thing, a hook. Like that guy in the subway who eats his own face.


  3. Kirilenko won't get old with the Jazz. . . be prepared to have him in a big trade buster next season.


  4. I grew up in a mostly African American community in Chicago. I planned to live and die in my community. But God had different plans.


  5. Unfortunately, many caterpillars do not know they have the ability to become butterflies and so remain in their cocoon until they die off.


  6. Richard thought there was no point in continuing treatment; he'd never get any better or leave the hospital alive.


  7. Courbet, Charlie Chaplin and David Bowie are among those who settled at Lake Geneva. They are intoxicated, no doubt, at the Alpine panorama.


  8. You don't have to be a hairdresser for the rest of your life.


  9. Eh, 6 years ago some fortune teller said I would get married, it did not materialise and then the year after, they took a shot again.


  1. 可与他终老的男人。

    A man who I can spend the rest of life with.

  2. 我们也许只能孤独终老

    And then we could end up all by ourselves.

  3. 我不能感情破裂 孤独终老

    I need to not die emotionally crippled and alone.

  4. 跟你在这间屋子里相伴终老。

    Here, with you, in this room.

  5. 这是我祖先终老的地方, 这是早期移民自豪的地方。

    Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrims pride.

  6. 你并不需要丢掉你的手指头然后在这儿终老一生。

    You don't need to lose no fingers to want to get stoned in this town.

  7. 许多失意的诗人最后都成为嗜烟教师而终老一生。

    Many frustrated poets end as pipe-smoking teachers.

  8. 我真希望退休后可以终老林泉呀!

    After I retire I wish to spend the rest of my life in the countryside.

  9. 我真希望退休后可以终老林泉呀!

    After I retire I wish to spend the rest of my life in the countryside.

  10. 后来,老楚做了更多的好事,120岁时,他无疾而终。

    He did many more good deeds, and died peacefully many years later without any suffering at the age of one hundred twenty years old.

  11. 本来,卜卢先生理应寂寂无闻地活到老,以寻常疾病而终。

    There was no reason in the world why Samuel Bruhl shouldnt have lived along quietly until he died of some commonplace malady.

  12. 他将摆脱国务,终老于林茨。

    He would withdraw from the affairs of state and finish out his life in Linz.

  13. 你不必一直做个美发师终老余生

    You dont have to be a hairdresser for the rest of your life.

  14. 我想最扣人心弦的是老夫人临终时的那段情节。

    I think the scene that grab me the most is the one in which the old lady was dying.

  15. 衰老和临终可以变成一个渐强的过程一直到结尾。

    aging and dying can become a process of crescendo through to the end.

  16. 我始终想着老爸在临终前确信的预言, 他说我会胜出。

    And I couldnt get Daddy and his confident deathbed prediction that I would win out of my mind.


  1. 问:终老拼音怎么拼?终老的读音是什么?终老翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终老的读音是zhōnglǎo,终老翻译成英文是 spend one's remaining years till death; sp...