







汉语拼音:qián bǎi






  1. She's not the kind of girl to let promotion go to her head. Not the sort to queen it over the ordinary nurses.


  2. Men and children, including girls up to 10, were allowed to attend the show with some posing for pictures in front of the movie poster.


  3. One woman, Fan Dongyan, poses in front of the pool with her hands above her head like a diver.


  4. Each day at the same hour you entered an artificially-lit room, undressed and took up the same position in front of a motion picture camera.


  5. At the top of the hill, the group elbowed their way into a spot in front of the statue and posed for pictures.


  6. Sometimes bruised and bloodied , the girls pose in what looks like the Forbidden City.


  7. Im sure if i dug around in all the closets, the attic e, and the basement I'd have two garages full.


  8. Dominic Johnson-Hill poses with his T-shirts in his shop "Plastered" next to his home.


  9. And the men of Israel went out to battle against Benjamin; and the men of Israel put themselves in array to fight against them at Gibeah.


  1. 前荡前摆跳下

    pendulum drop

  2. 同时,右臂前摆。

    Meanwhile, swing right arm forward.

  3. 别在镜子前摆姿势了。

    Stop posturing in front of that mirror.

  4. 女演员在镜子前摆姿势。

    The actress postured before the mirror.

  5. 所有的图片都应朝前摆。

    All the pictures should be faced forward.

  6. 香炉前摆着两个拜垫。

    In front of the incense burner, there are two mats for people to kneel on.

  7. 她在相机前摆出做作的姿势。

    She postured before the camera.

  8. 在这幅油画前摆了一些座位。

    A number of seats have been arranged in front of the painting.

  9. 大腿积极前摆对提高短跑速度的作用

    Function of Thighs' Actively Swinging Forward to Increase the Dash Speed

  10. 跳远起跳时摆动腿加速前摆的时机

    On the Taking off Opportunity of Accelerating Swing Forward of the Swinging Leg in the Long Jump

  11. 大部份歌手都很擅长在镜头前摆姿势。

    Most singers are good at posing in front of cameras.

  12. 论前摆技术为此对传统方法进行了改进。

    The improved method was put forward.

  13. 冬季外套前摆重叠部分至少应有6英寸宽。

    The front lap of a winter coat should be at least6 inches wide.

  14. 艾薇嗨, 蒂娜。我想在这座雕像前摆姿势。

    Ivy Hey, Tina. I want to pose in front of this sculpture.

  15. 她轻拍裙子的前摆,好似要熨平皱折似的。

    She patted the front of her dress as if to iron out any wrinkles.

  16. 暹罗舞者在一座寺庙的庭院前摆出姿势以供拍摄。

    Siamese dancers strike a pose in a temple courtyard.

  17. 在面试前摆一个充满力量的姿势能让你在面试中更加自信。

    Adopting power poses beforehand can make you feel more confident at interview.

  18. 那时我去厨房,拿出一支水果刀,在大门前摆好姿势。

    And that was when I went to the kitchen, got out a paring knife, and took up a position inside the entryway.

  19. 脊柱前倾摆出牛的姿势, 呼气。

    Exhale as you round your spine forward into a cow pose.

  20. 紧身的胸衣前下摆与腰裙相连。

    The reinforced stomacher was held together at the front over a tucker.

  21. 一位教师站在他的哲学课学生前,摆了些东西。

    A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him.

  22. 楼上的前楼摆着三只没有蚊帐的破床,却只有一张方桌子。

    In the front room upstairs were three rickety beds with no mosquito nets and a single square table.

  23. 前点头球后摆

    heading backward

  24. 前摆手点地

    Wave hands ahead and skim floor.

  25. 灵前摆着花圈。

    Wreaths were laid in front of the coffin.

  26. 烈士的墓前, 左右两侧摆满了鲜花。

    Flowers are placed on the two sides of the grave the martyr.

  27. 烈士得墓前,左右两侧摆满了鲜花。

    Flowers are placed on the two sides of the grave the martyr.

  28. 摄影师在照相前先让一家子摆好姿势。

    The photographer posed the family before taking the picture.

  29. 我在饭前摆好桌子,饭后洗刀叉。

    I set the table before dinner, and washed the silverware after dinner.

  30. 请帮我把那些椅子在屏幕前摆成一排。

    Please help me banking those chairs in front of the screen.


  1. 问:前摆拼音怎么拼?前摆的读音是什么?前摆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前摆的读音是qián bǎi,前摆翻译成英文是 forward swing

  2. 问:前摆上拼音怎么拼?前摆上的读音是什么?前摆上翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前摆上的读音是qián bǎi shàng,前摆上翻译成英文是 uprise; stem



qiánbai[last time] [方]上次别信他的话前摆我就让他给骗了