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把东西送进口中咽下,或依靠某种事物生活:~饭。~药。~斋。消灭(多用于军事、棋奕):~掉敌人一个连。吸:~烟。感受:~惊。~紧。~一堑,长(zhǎng )一智。挨:~官司。承受,支持:~不消。船身入水的深度:~水深浅。被:~那厮砍了一刀。说……
汉语拼音:chī kuī
唐 杜牧 《隋苑》诗:“却笑喫亏 隋煬帝 ,破家亡国为谁人?” 宋 陆游 《夏日》诗:“分得 镜湖 纔一曲,喫亏堪笑 贺知章 。” 元 无名氏 《桃花女》第二折:“元来这姐姐口强心不强,只是我做媒的吃亏。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·守楼》:“依我説,三百财礼也不算喫亏。” 梁启超 《论内地杂居与商务关系》:“即如杂居一事,吾人虽知其喫亏,犹以为不过体面上不好看而已。” 峻青 《水落石出》四:“学会了一件本领:那就是吃亏。什么亏都吃,什么气都受。”
《儿女英雄传》第十九回:“你这病根却又只吃亏在一个聪明好胜。” 老舍 《黑白李》:“我们吃亏没有家伙,专仗着砖头哪行!”
Nowadays not being able to use a computer is quite a handicap for a secretary.
今天的秘书如不会使用电脑,那是很吃亏的。One of the essays in the "Working Efficiently" section is written by David, titled "Don't Suck at Email" , and talks about this.
其中“高效率工作”部分有一篇文章,是David写的,叫做“不要在邮件上吃亏”,谈到这一点。What seems to be a disadvantage will turn out something good for you, for fate will compensate you in other aspects or on a higher level.
你看似“吃亏”的那部分,命运会在更高更远的地方给你补偿。The Scots too seem to have received the bad part of the bargain when they dissolved their Parliament and joined England.
无独有偶,苏格兰人也是讨价还价中吃亏的那一方,他们解散了议会,加入了英国。Under such a scheme, countries that are too rich to receive free drugs yet too poor to pay for other people's vaccine may be punished.
根据这样的方案,那些既不够贫穷、不能得到免费药物,又不够富裕、不能为别国疫苗埋单的国家可能吃亏。Note: test such as bait, can be an easy job to make a lot of people showing greedy nature, however it is often suffer deceived start.
注:试探如饵,可以轻而易举的使许多人显露出贪婪的本性,然而那常常是吃亏受骗的开始。Philip is only a babe in the woods; when he tries to negotiate with those men from New York, he'll lose everything.
菲利普尚无经验,如他想要与纽约来的人谈判,他一定会吃亏。Neal is always going to have seniority over me and I'm always going to get screwed.
尼尔总是比我的资历深,我总是要吃亏。Ms. Lagarde said the Chinese officials would lose out by not attending. "We have a lot of substantive issues to discuss, " she said.