


1. 扒 [bā]2. 扒 [pá]扒 [bā]抓住,把着:~车。~墙头儿。刨开,挖:~坑。~堤。剥,脱:~皮。~掉伪装。拔:勿剪勿~。拨动:~拉。~开草棵。扒 [pá]用耙搂,聚拢:~草。搔,抓:~痒。炖烂,煨烂:~羊肉。……





汉语拼音:pá qiè







  1. It turned out there had been a lot of petty thefts in the area, particularly that of stealing milk bottles from doorsteps.


  2. Switzerland lived up to its clean-living reputation, with just 10, 198 recorded cases of shop theft, the lowest in Europe.


  3. Tip: Look for objects carried on your opponent's belt. These can be pick pocketed when your opponent is unaware.


  4. With the credit card in your wallet or purse, you don't have to carry much cash and worry about losing money through carelessness or theft.


  5. Eg. John as caught for picking and stealing, and was dragged to the police station.


  6. pick-pocketing case is a special form of larceny case and belongs to a kind of multiple occurrence crime.


  7. The present invention discloses an anti-theft and anti-loss system and a using method thereof.


  8. Specialize in the art of pickpocketing and become a master in stealing small items from people without them noticing it.


  9. Jukebox style - This mode simulates a classic jukebox, allowing the user to browse through album covers and pick tracks.


  1. 扒窃或企图扒窃

    To pick or try to pick pockets.

  2. 他遭到扒窃。

    He had his pocket picked.

  3. 他们严禁扒窃。

    They clamp down on pickpockets.

  4. 我被扒窃了。

    My pocket is picked.

  5. 他被扒窃了。

    He had his pocket picked.

  6. 扒窃某人的口袋

    to pick somebody's pocket

  7. 在公共汽车上扒窃钱包

    Pick purse on the bus

  8. 扒窃某人衣袋中的钱包

    Pick sB.'s pocket of his purse

  9. 我的兜被人扒窃了。

    My pocket's been picked!

  10. 他们起诉他扒窃商店货物。

    They prosecuted him for shoplifting.

  11. 我认为扒窃是一种罪行。

    I regard picking pocket as a crime.

  12. 扒手常扒窃老年妇女得钱。

    Pickpockets often lift money from old women.

  13. 扒手常扒窃老年妇女的钱。

    Pickpockets often lift money from old women.

  14. 你有没有看见那个扒窃嫌疑人?

    Have you seen the suspected pickpocket?

  15. 他们可能扒窃钱包,溜门撬锁。

    They might steal purses, burglarize apartments and homes.

  16. 小偷扒窃粗心大意的人口袋里的东西。

    Thieves pick the pockets of unwary people.

  17. 店主看管好货物以防扒手扒窃。

    The shopkeeper protects the goods from the pickpockets.

  18. 乘坐地铁时如何防范扒窃和诈骗行为?

    How to be on guard against pickpockets and swindlers?

  19. 约翰因扒窃被抓住,并被扭送到派出所。

    John as caught for picking and stealing, and was dragged to the police station.

  20. 扒窃历来是纽约街头的一个阴暗面。

    Pickpockets have always been a shadowy feature of New York's streets.

  21. 真手能够扒窃受害者的手提包和口袋。

    And the real hand can steal from the victim's handbag and pockets.

  22. 最流行的犯罪,扒窃,存在于任何国家的任何地方。

    Pickpockets, the most popular crimes of all, are everywhere in every country.

  23. 扒窃是一门需要沉着,耐心与范儿的艺术

    A Pickpocket Needs Poise, Patience And Panache.

  24. 在人群中你衣袋内的东西容易被人扒窃。

    It's easy to have your pocket picked in a big crowd.

  25. 比起遭到枪击,他们被人扒窃的危险更大。

    They were more in danger of having their pockets picked than being shot at.

  26. 扒窃案件是盗窃案件的一种特殊形式,属于多发案件。

    pickpocketing case is a special form of larceny case and belongs to a kind of multiple occurrence crime.

  27. 店主签署了控告书,指控他们在店里扒窃货物。

    The storekeeper signed a complaint accusing them of shoplifting.

  28. 店东签定了控诉书,指控他们在店里扒窃货色。

    The storekeeper signed a complaint accusing them of shoplifting.

  29. 大多数的犯罪都是小窃盗案件, 如扒窃或偷窃钱包。

    Most of the crime is petty theft such as pick pocketing and purse snatching.

  30. 在冲动之下所犯的罪行,如商店扒窃,强奸,损坏公物等。

    Crimes like the as shoplifting, raping, vandalizing, etc. those are not finished on an impulse.


  1. 问:扒窃拼音怎么拼?扒窃的读音是什么?扒窃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扒窃的读音是páqiè,扒窃翻译成英文是 steal

  2. 问:扒窃物拼音怎么拼?扒窃物的读音是什么?扒窃物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扒窃物的读音是páqièwù,扒窃物翻译成英文是 pickings



司法实践中一般理解为在公共场所或公共交通工具上秘密窃取他人随身携带的财物的行为为扒窃。刑法修正案(八),明确将扒窃以列举的方式成为盗窃罪的罪状之一,是行为犯罪,只要实施了扒窃行为,就构成犯罪,不论窃得财物多少。认定扒窃行为,应重要把握两个特点: 一是地点性特征,即发生的地点是车站、码头、广场、集贸市场等公共场所或公共汽车等公共交通工具。 二是扒窃的对象是受害人随身携带的财物,既包括带在当事人身上的财物,如口袋中的钱包、手机等,也包括随身带在身边,伸手可及的地方的财物,如当事人吃饭时放在餐桌上的手机、挂在椅子背上衣服中的钱包等。