




干净:清~。整~。纯~。~具。~癖。廉明,不贪污或指人的品德高尚:廉~。~身自好(hào )。……



汉语拼音:jiǎo jié








  1. 明亮洁白。

    汉 班婕妤 《怨歌行》:“新裂 齐 紈素,皎洁如霜雪。裁为合欢扇,团团似明月。” 南朝 宋 谢灵运 《怨晓月赋》:“浮云褰兮收泛灧,明舒照兮殊皎洁。” 唐 李端 《和李舍人直中书对月见寄》:“嬋娟更称凭高望,皎洁能传自古愁。” 明 张居正 《贺瑞雪表》七:“始繽纷乎散絮,俄皎洁以堆琼。” 茅盾 《一个女性》五:“风是这样的软软,月色是这样的皎洁,夜是这样的静默。”

  2. 清白;光明磊落。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·广譬》:“玄冰未结,白雪不积,则青松之茂不显;俗化不弊,风教不穨,则皎洁之操不别。” 南朝 宋 谢灵运 《日出东南隅行》:“美人卧屏席,怀兰秀瑶璠。皎洁秋松气,淑德春景暄。” 唐 顾况 《悲歌》之五:“新结青丝百尺绳,心在君家轆轤上。我心皎洁君不知,轆轤一转一惆悵。”《花城》1981年第1期:“莲花,多么美好的名字!多么皎洁的形象!”



  1. The wind tonight than I was cool, not so round moon, moon is not so bright.


  2. If I was a little star in the sky, I do not have the sun shining, no bringing a moon, not even bright lights of humanity.


  3. Zhou: Through the lines and words of these poems we have understood the poets' thought bright and clear like the moonlight.


  4. Color diamonds, in the moonlight, sparkling, translucent crystal beads drop a bit down. You will not let me cry! I believe.


  5. Therefore, we neglect the bright moonlight and hurry up to be well prepared for the windstorm beforehand.


  6. And he parked the car, turned the ignition off, and I looked down, beautiful lights twinkling and a moon and it was nice, it was quiet.


  7. It was a moonless night, but the brilliant stars more than made up for the want of moonshine.


  8. Moon night: a bright moon mirrored on a lake, fluttered willow leaves on the wind with romantic atmosphere.


  9. Under the glow of the moon, she recalls, her mother shared her most meaningful tales with her children.


  1. 月光皎洁。

    The moon was shining brightly.

  2. 夜幕降临, 月色皎洁。

    Night came down clear and fullmooned.

  3. 夜幕降临,月色皎洁。

    Night came down clear and fullmooned.

  4. 不求皎洁的月亮

    I never shot for the moon

  5. 秋天的月光最皎洁。

    The moon in Autumn is the clearest.

  6. 皎洁的月亮徐徐上升。

    And the fair moon was rising among them.

  7. 天上的月亮皎洁肃穆。

    The moon was above, lustrous and serene.

  8. 你的皎洁让我沉醉,

    Your sanctity let my deeply drunk

  9. 八月的晚上, 月光皎洁。

    The moon was high and magnificent in the August night.

  10. 夜出篱门,蟾光皎洁。

    I went out of the fence gate and saw the bright moonlight.

  11. 夜出篱门,蟾光皎洁。

    I went out of the fence gate and saw the bright moonlight.

  12. 皎洁的月光映照着你的臂膀

    A rocky moon light in your arms

  13. 你能感觉到月亮的皎洁么?

    Can you feel this moonlight brightness and clearness?

  14. 月亮明亮地照耀着,月光皎洁。

    The moon shone clearly.

  15. 皎洁的月光照在白雪上,

    Under the clear and bright moonlight

  16. 皎洁得月光照在白雪上,

    Under the clear and bright moonlight

  17. 伴着皎洁的月光飞上天空

    They are flying in the sky with the bright light

  18. 皎洁得月光从窗囗照了进来。

    The moon shone brightly in through the window.

  19. 皎洁的月光从窗囗照了进来。

    The moon shone brightly in through the window.

  20. 听呵,皎洁的月光洒满夜空。

    Listen Oh, bringing a moonlight speckled night sky.

  21. 爱奥尼亚的皎洁与金色的辉煌。

    Inexplicable splendor of ionian white and gold.

  22. 夏夜,皎洁的月光使我们心旷神怡。

    The beauty of the summer moon ensorcelled us.

  23. 像皎洁无云、星光灿烂的夜色。

    Of cloudless climes and starry skies.

  24. 繁星越发皎洁, 一派娇美的夜色。

    The heavy star is more and more clean, a beautiful night of parties.

  25. 那晚月光皎洁,然而严寒袭人

    brightly shone the moon that night, Though the frost was cruel

  26. 我的爱人, 皎洁红润, 超越万人。

    My beloved is white and ruddy, chosen out of thousands.

  27. 皎洁的月光透过窗户照射进来。

    Beautiful moonlight shines in through the window.

  28. 明媚的阳光照在海面上,明媚,皎洁。

    The sun is shining on the sea, shining, shining bright.

  29. 当皎洁的月魄徐徐升上夜空,

    As that fair planet in the sky above

  30. 像夜晚皎洁无云而且繁星满天

    of cloudless climes and starry skies


  1. 问:皎洁拼音怎么拼?皎洁的读音是什么?皎洁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皎洁的读音是jiǎojié,皎洁翻译成英文是 bright


