


给予帮助使脱离危险或解脱困难:~济。~命。~护。~国。~难(nàn )。~灾。~药。~正(补救匡正)。~死扶伤。~困扶危。终止:濯以~热。……


天文学上指宇宙间能发光的或反射光的天体;一般指夜间天空中发光的天体:~球。恒~。行(xíng )~。卫~。披~戴月。细碎的小颗粒东西:火~儿。秤等衡器上记数的点:定盘~。军官衣领上的徽记:五~将军。形容夜间:~行。~奔。星名,二十八宿之一:……



汉语拼音:jiù xīng







  1. 比喻帮助别人脱离苦难的人或集体。

    明 康海 《中山狼》第四折:“今来遇着丈人,这是俺命儿里该有救星。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三四回:“ 秋菊 ,你的救星恩人到了。” 知侠 《铁道游击队》第二章:“在斗争生活里,他眼睛明亮了,知道了共产党是自己的党,是受苦人民的救星。”



  1. If Sunnis and Shias did not cease their wrangling, he said, Muslims would end up turning to secularism as their saviour.


  2. He also considers it a monument to himself that will mark him in history as one of his country's great benefactors.


  3. Behold the day is at hand, the day of the Lord, and I hear upon the mountains the feet of Him who shall be the Saviour of the world.


  4. He fought this election as the champion of the poor and a man of the people, in contrast to his more cerebral predecessor, Thabo Mbeki.


  5. What these young workers seem to need is a fairy godmother. The infinitely patient Ms Sun is almost up to that challenge.


  6. McDade was the chief operating officer of Lehman, who had spent the last few days trying to find a saviour for the failing bank.


  7. The Internet turned out to be the salvation of the company .


  8. "Tim Howard was 'Man Of The Match' and that was proof of how strong we were, " said David James, without flinching.


  9. A well-managed welfare state is not the enemy of globalization. Instead, some say it is the saviour.


  1. 谁是世界的救星?

    The Saviour of the world

  2. 碰到了救星一样。

    The KoolAid fountain dry.

  3. 谁是世界得救星?

    The Saviour of the world.

  4. 我视书本为救星。

    I consider books my salvation.

  5. 牧师是灵魂的救星。

    A priest is a saver of souls.

  6. 谢谢,你真是个救星。

    Thanks.You're a lifesaver.

  7. 谢谢,你真是个救星。

    Thanks. You're a lifesaver.

  8. 嘴甜是好的!大救星!

    It's good to be sweet!Life Savers.

  9. 我们是你最后的救星。

    We are your last resort.

  10. 谢谢你。你是我的救星

    Thanks for doing this. you're my savior

  11. 谢谢你。你是我得救星

    Thanks for doing this. you're my savior.

  12. 微电影是我们的救星。

    Micro films have come to our rescue.

  13. 他被拥戴为国家救星。

    He was acclaimed savior of the country.

  14. 他们也不是荒野的救星。

    They are not the savior of the wilderness.

  15. 你不是作家, 不是国家的救星。

    You're not a writer, savior of the country.

  16. 她将他当成自己的救星。

    She regarded him as her saviour.

  17. 简直就是纽约的救星了

    And that,lady,is a New York City hostess.

  18. 反抗军原以为你是救星。

    The supposed savior of the resistance.

  19. 这是拯救星城和未来

    It's the only way to save Star City.

  20. 这个是 你简直是个大救星。

    Oh, well, actually You are a lifesaver.

  21. 因为我们是他唯一的救星。

    For we are his only salvation.

  22. 我幻想自己为国家的救星。

    I saw myself as the saviour of my country.

  23. 他幻想自己为国家的救星。

    He saw himself as the saviour of his country.

  24. 死神往往是解除痛苦的救星。

    Death is often a welcome release from pain.

  25. 上图就是你的美丽救星了。

    The above is Beauty Aid.

  26. 人们显然把她看成了救星。

    The people clearly saw her as their saviour.

  27. 呼尔嗨哟, 他是人民大救星!

    Dole called Haiyo, he was a great emancipator!

  28. 新任经理被誉为俱乐部的救星。

    The new manager has been hailed as the saviour of the club.

  29. 他们把他看成国家的救星。

    They regarded him as the saviour of their country.

  30. 在战时她曾是她祖国的救星。

    She was her country's saviour during the war.


  1. 问:救星拼音怎么拼?救星的读音是什么?救星翻译成英文是什么?

    答:救星的读音是jiùxīng,救星翻译成英文是 saviour


