







汉语拼音:jié chéng








  1. 忠诚;尽心。

    《汉书·刘向传》:“赖忠正大臣 絳侯 、 朱虚侯 等竭诚尽节以诛灭之,然后 刘氏 復安。”《旧唐书·德宗纪上》:“赖天地降祐,人祇协谋,将相竭诚,爪牙宣力,羣盗斯屏,皇维载张。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·邵女》:“妾竭诚终日,君即醉,请一琖而别。”



  1. Through our dedicated service, we strive to morning King Corporation to develop into a high-quality, integrity, and improve the company.


  2. With a fine image, outstanding staffs and top-notch quality, BOCP offers wholehearted service to clients at home and abroad.


  3. The company is ready to offer more excellent products, better sales service to printing & packaging field consumers.


  4. Rich company is willing to canteen operators years of experience and dedication to the general business services!


  5. For more welcome, the kind of demand, the company dedicated to providing customers with quality products and services.


  6. It is all our pleasure to serve for you, supply the comprehensive solution for you, to make you enamoured in the natural stone.


  7. Thanks to our customers the support and trust, the company wholeheartedly with you hand in hand to create a beautiful tomorrow!


  8. Quality and efficient and trustworthy companies to win customers, glowing rays were dedicated work with you to create a splendid tomorrow.


  9. She dared not relate the other half of Mr. Darcy's letter, nor explain to her sister how sincerely she had been valued by his friend.


  1. 竭诚服务教学。

    Provide good service for teachers and students heart and soul.

  2. 欢迎!热烈欢迎!竭诚欢迎!

    Welcome! Warm Welcome! Welcome heartily!

  3. 竭诚为顾客服务

    serve the clients wholeheartedly

  4. 竭诚欢迎客户惠顾

    Enquiries and orders are warmly welcome

  5. 竭诚欢迎光临寒舍。

    You are most welcome to my humble abode.

  6. 我竭诚欢迎我的朋友。

    I welcome my friend heartily.

  7. 他们竭诚地欢迎我们。

    They welcomed us with open arms.

  8. 我竭诚欢迎国外朋友。

    I welcome foreign friends heartily.

  9. 他们竭诚为顾客服务。

    They served the clients wholeheartedly.

  10. 我将竭诚为您服务!

    I will serve for you!

  11. 我将竭诚为您服务!

    I will serve for you!

  12. 竭诚的邀请你加入我们。

    You are welcome to join us.

  13. 热情地劳动, 竭诚地助人,

    But to labor with zest, and to give of your best

  14. 欢迎, 竭诚招待对。敞开门户

    Throw open the door to

  15. 竭诚为客户提供以下服务

    Proposing its clients a full assistance in

  16. 竭诚为各界人士服务!

    Serve for people of all walks of society in an honored partnership.

  17. 竭诚为各界人士服务!

    Serve for people of all walks of society in an honored partnership.

  18. 白云酒店竭诚为您服务。

    White Cloud Restaurant at your service.

  19. 我们会始终竭诚为您服务!

    We will always serve you faithfully!

  20. 达翔自动化竭诚为您服务!

    DX automation reach for your dedicated service!

  21. 我们恭候您, 并竭诚为您服务。

    We are ready and eager to serve you.

  22. 他尽他力所能及, 竭诚信仰。

    No decay is possible to the diamond. He believed to the extent of his powers.

  23. 竭诚欢迎有识之士加盟本公司!

    Welcome a man of insight to join in wholeheartedly our company!

  24. 竭诚欢迎国内外新老客户。

    We sincerely welcome new and old customers home and abroad.

  25. 蓝天人将竭诚的为您服务!

    The sky will be dedicated to serving you!

  26. 新加油站竭诚欢迎你经常惠顾。

    The new gas station would like to have your custom.

  27. 竭诚为贵公司的发展出谋划策!

    Give counsel for your company development with all my heart!

  28. 竭诚为贵公司得发展出谋划策!

    Give counsel for your company development with all my heart!

  29. 我竭诚向你推荐王奇先生。

    I have the honor to recommend to you Mr. Wang Qi with all my heart.

  30. 我们将竭诚为您服务, 请稍候。

    We are eager serving you. Please hold the line.


  1. 问:竭诚拼音怎么拼?竭诚的读音是什么?竭诚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竭诚的读音是jiéchéng,竭诚翻译成英文是 wholeheartedly



竭尽忠诚;全心全意:~帮助ㄧ~拥护 ㄧ~为读者服务。[wholeheartedly]∶完全忠诚[with all one's heart]∶一心一意竭诚相见忠诚;尽心。