







汉语拼音:hàn mò







  1. 笔墨。

    汉 张衡 《归田赋》:“挥翰墨以奋藻,陈三皇之轨模。” 清 秦道然 《金缕曲·题云川蓉湖词隐图》词:“老矣城南 杜 ,尚依然飞扬翰墨,词填花雨。”

  2. 借指文章书画。

    三国 魏 曹丕 《典论·论文》:“是以古之作者,寄身於翰墨,见意於篇籍。” 唐 颜真卿 《<干禄字书>序》:“既考文辞,兼详翰墨。”《宋史·米芾传》:“特妙於翰墨,沉著飞翥,得 王献之 笔意。” 郭沫若 《歌颂群英大会》诗:“旧状元只通翰墨,而今是各业俱全。”



  1. Since Nancy mentioned her fondness of this poem, the calligraphy will be written as she asked for it.


  2. In the calligraphy version, in the last sentence I used Jiu Huo, rescue back to life, instead of Jiao Huo, teach to be lively.


  3. As requested by disciple Zhi Xuan below I had written the heart mantra of five protectors in calligraphy.


  4. These two words in my calligraphy was taken from the title of my calligraphy of that poem.


  5. So right after I composed and done calligraphy to praise Guan Yin, the ring you offered is now on my right middle finger.


  6. Disciple Hong Fu asked me to give her study a name and write calligraphy for it.


  7. As requested by disciple Zhi Xuan below, calligraphy of my praise to Six-arm Mahakala and his mantra are attached.


  8. As requested by disciple Ji Hu one of Guru Chen's poems is now in my calligraphy.


  9. The attached calligraphy is for you ; it exponds on the meaning of your Dharma name .


  1. 原始档案以及翰墨档案附呈。

    Both original file and calligraphy file are attached.

  2. 翰墨及档案一并附呈。

    It is also in calligraphy; both files attached.

  3. 翰墨及原始档案均附呈。

    The calligraphy file and the original files are both attached.

  4. 本净,请看附呈的翰墨档案。

    Ben Jing, Originally Pure; see attached calligraphy file.

  5. 他的中文提请及翰墨一并附呈。

    Both his request in Chinese and the calligraphy are attached.

  6. 应一弟子的提请,一诗作现已成翰墨。

    Upon request from a disciple a poem is now in calligraphy.

  7. 后者的翰墨是由波兰的亚瑟所提请的。

    The latter was written in calligraphy as requested by Jacek of Poland.

  8. 应一弟子的提请我已手书附呈的翰墨。

    As requested by a disciple I had written the attached calligraphy.

  9. 应一弟子的提请,另一诗作的翰墨已书成。

    One more poem in calligraphy, as requested by a disciple.

  10. 为弟子开心住处所命名的翰墨已附呈。

    The calligraphy for disciple Kai Xin's residence is attached.

  11. 此翰墨在我看来有开心的感觉,真好!

    It seems to me that the calligraphy does convey a sense of happiness; wonderful!

  12. 附呈的翰墨是写给你的,那是你的法名的解说。

    The attached calligraphy is for you; it exponds on the meaning of your Dharma name.

  13. 谢谢弟子昌旺将此翰墨及印文重制。

    Thanks to disciple Chang Wang for rearranging the calligraphy and adding the seal.

  14. 翰墨及原始打好的赞颂作品一并附呈。

    Both calligraphies and the original typed work of the praise are attached.

  15. 这两个字取自于我此诗翰墨中的标题。

    These two words in my calligraphy was taken from the title of my calligraphy of that poem.

  16. 应弟子秀丽的提请,它们现在已写成翰墨了。

    Upon request from disciple Xiu Li they are in calligraphy now.

  17. 应弟子绵延以下之提请, 一诗作已书成翰墨。

    As requested by disciple Mian Yan below, one poem written in calligraphy.

  18. 应一弟子之提请, 一旧诗作现已书成翰墨了。

    As requested by a disciple an old poem is written in calligraphy now.

  19. 应弟子王浩以下提请,两首诗已书成翰墨。

    As requested by disciple Wang Hao below two poems are now in calligraphy.

  20. 应一弟子的提请, 今日的诗作写成翰墨已附呈。

    As requested by a disciple today's poem in calligraphy is attached.

  21. 我会依他以下之提请,很快的将翰墨写出。

    I will write it in calligraphy soon, as he requested below.

  22. 翰墨及含概我此篇的原作也都一并附呈。

    The calligraphy file and the file containing my original work on this topic are both attached.

  23. 应弟子绵延及遍照之请,三首诗已写成翰墨。

    Upon disciples Mian Yan and Pian Zhao's requests three poems are in calligraphy now.

  24. 应弟子敬行以下之提请, 一翰墨诗作及其档案附呈。

    As requested by disciple Jing Xing below one poem in calligraphy and files attached.

  25. 应弟子王浩以下的提请, 两篇翰墨已写好并附呈。

    As requested by disciple Wang Hao below, two calligraphy done and attached.

  26. 弟子虹福请我为她的书斋取个名并为之手书翰墨。

    Disciple Hong Fu asked me to give her study a name and write calligraphy for it.

  27. 应弟子本敬以下之提请, 我已为他的书房写了翰墨。

    As requested by disciple Ben Jing below I had written the calligraphy for his study.

  28. 应弟子海鹦以下的提请,我已将一法句手书成翰墨。

    As requested by disciple Hai Ying below, I had written a Dharma sentence into calligraphy.

  29. 今日的新作以中文,英文及翰墨写成。三个档案全附呈。

    Today's New work done in Chinese, English and Calligraphy. All three files attached.

  30. 她的请求原件电邮及原诗和拙之翰墨一并附呈。

    Her original email of request, the original poem, and my calligraphy are all attached.



翰墨,义同“笔墨”,原指文辞。三国魏曹丕《典论·论文》:“古之作者,寄身于翰墨,见意于篇籍。”后世亦泛指文章、书法和中国画。《宋史·米芾传》:“特妙于翰墨,沈著飞翥,得王献之笔意。”清 袁赋诚《睢阳尚书袁氏家谱》:“九世枢(袁可立子),复工书画,精鉴赏,遇古翰墨器物,极力求取,必得乃已。历代名家翰墨如:王羲之、顾恺之、齐白石、颜真卿、徐悲鸿等。