







汉语拼音:xióng xīn








  1. 伟大的理想和抱负。

    汉 阮瑀 《为曹公作书与孙权》:“示之以祸难,激之以耻辱,大丈夫雄心,能无愤发。” 宋 苏轼 《白帝庙》诗:“远略初吞 汉 ,雄心岂在 夔 。”《儿女英雄传》第八回:“如今看了你这番雄心侠气,竟激动我的性儿了。” 魏巍 《谁是最可爱的人·挤垮它》:“坚韧地斗争下去吧,以你更大的雄心去压倒敌人吧!”

  2. 称雄称霸之心。

    李大钊 《国情》:“苟无实力,纵宣言万遍,寧有丝毫效果,足遏列强之雄心?”



  1. Gadhafi aimed to turn into Africa's capital, building it up as a showcase of his ambitions to be the continent's leader.


  2. But much is still up in the air in Iraq and Mr Shahristani's ambitions have often been foiled by disagreements within Baghdad's power elite.


  3. As with Deng, many commentators did not know quite what to make of Thatcher's ambitions.


  4. She laughs at the fact that she would rather dream about becoming a sailor than any ambition in her career.


  5. Formula One fan Matthew James, however, had a more specific ambition. He wanted the car company to help build him a new bionic hand.


  6. and I so much regret the loss of his rare powers of action, that I cannot help counting it a fault in him that he had no ambition.


  7. This will almost certainly thwart any ambitions to extend the reach of the federal government over the next two years.


  8. It's not necessary to dream big or to grow fast. Be clear about your passion and stick to it.


  9. Needless to say, ZeroMQ is an ambitious project, and this short introduction only scratches the surface of the full feature set.


  1. 有雄心大志

    fly high

  2. 体弱雄心减。

    Failing health dwindled ambition.

  3. 过分自信的雄心

    vaulting ambition

  4. 雄心驱策他进取。

    Ambition winged his spirit.

  5. 你如何保持雄心?

    What are your remaining playing ambitions?

  6. 钢铁雄心2。世界末日

    Hearts of Iron II Doomsday

  7. 他缺乏意志和雄心。

    He lacked will and ambition.

  8. 雄心与贪心截然不同

    Ambition differs from greed.

  9. 希望, 兴趣, 雄心的恢复

    the revival of hope, interest, ambition

  10. 第十章雄心和逆境

    Chapter TenA Good Heart and a Small Fortune

  11. 他缺乏意志力跟雄心。

    He lacks will and ambition.

  12. 我意识到你的雄心。

    It appears to me that the ture weather of ur souls is ambition.

  13. 雄心挥舞出狂野得弧线,

    The wild arc of ambition and the eye

  14. 他的雄心大志驱使他前进。

    His ambition goaded him on.

  15. 一些人的雄心已然消退。

    Some ambitions have been trimmed.

  16. 他聪明伶俐而且雄心不

    He was quick and extravagantly ambitious.

  17. 雄心挥舞出狂野的弧线,

    The wild arc of ambition and the eye

  18. 你不能说有雄心不好。

    You can't fault ambition.

  19. 你应该坚持你的雄心大志。

    You should persist in your ambition.

  20. 为国增光是他的雄心。

    The glory of his country was his ambition.

  21. 我们长期的雄心是使得。

    Our long term ambition is to make JBoss the defacto middleware platform for the industry.

  22. 他的研究目标是有雄心的。

    The aim of his research was ambitious.

  23. 有干劲和雄心的成功者

    Person who is successful by being energetic and ambitious

  24. 预计将会有更加雄心

    More ambitious projects are envisioned, among them adding protein to staples like corn and changing the type of oil produced by soybeans

  25. 我们的雄心没有止境, 他说。

    There is no end to our ambitions, he said.

  26. 而且在这个领域也没有雄心。

    And have no ambitions in this area.

  27. 雄心是一种很大的激励。

    Ambition is a great stimulus.

  28. 人们认为你缺乏干劲和雄心。

    People think you lack drive and ambition.

  29. 这让你感受到我的雄心。

    which would give you a sense of my ambition.

  30. 她的雄心受到来自她家庭的限制。

    Her ambition was straitjacketed by her family.


  1. 问:雄心拼音怎么拼?雄心的读音是什么?雄心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雄心的读音是xióngxīn,雄心翻译成英文是 ambition

  2. 问:雄心勃勃拼音怎么拼?雄心勃勃的读音是什么?雄心勃勃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雄心勃勃的读音是xióngxīnbóbó,雄心勃勃翻译成英文是 aggressive and ambitious

  3. 问:雄心壮志拼音怎么拼?雄心壮志的读音是什么?雄心壮志翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雄心壮志的读音是xióngxīnzhuàngzhì,雄心壮志翻译成英文是 have lofty aims or noble ambitions; lofty a...

  4. 问:雄心威龙拼音怎么拼?雄心威龙的读音是什么?雄心威龙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雄心威龙的读音是,雄心威龙翻译成英文是 Ambitious Dragon



雄心,名词,称雄称霸之心;游戏名称:雄心 。