











汉语拼音:xiā sān huà sì







  1. 方言。乱讲乱说。

    欧阳山 《苦斗》四三:“那个姑娘看见他只顾瞎三话四,毫无诚意,生气了。” 周立波 《麻雀》:“‘这样说起来, 小陈 是在准备写情书的了。’有人说。‘瞎三话四’,是 小陈 的声音。” 林海音 《城南旧事·兰姨娘》:“昨天跟你爸瞎三话四,讲到半夜的那只四眼狗是什么人?”



  1. na.
  2. reckless talk

  1. 他因为掉了门牙,说起话来唾沫四溅。

    He sprayed because of the missing teeth.

  2. 完备的提法, 还是毛主席的四句话。

    Chairman Mao's words are a complete formulation.

  3. 龙川四都话有五个单字声调。

    Longchuan Sidu dialect has five tones.

  4. 每段最多包括三到四句话。

    Each paragraph should contain three or four sentences, at most.

  5. 就让我让四句话结束这篇日志吧。

    So let me finish this article with four sentences.

  6. 这些诗十分短小, 许多只写了四句话。

    They were very short poems. Many were only four lines long.

  7. 我曾经把今后的工作概括为四句话。

    For once, I made an attempt to summarize our future work in four sentences.

  8. 我学开车的时候就深刻体验了这四句话。

    I experienced this saying deeply in the courses of learning driving three year ago.

  9. 而这一次他只用了四段话谈股票投资。

    This time around he devotes four paragraphs to the case for stocks.

  10. 龙川四都话在两字词组中只有去声不变。

    Only the Qu tone in Longchuan Sidu dialect compounds of two characters does not exhibit tone sandhi.

  11. 这四句话, 在中央关于轮训干部得决定里头是有得。

    They are included in the decision mentioned earlier.

  12. 这四句话, 在中央关于轮训干部的决定里头是有的。

    They are included in the decision mentioned earlier.

  13. 妈妈,是个男孩儿!你有一个新孙子了!四句话。美丽的四句话。

    Mom, its a boy! You have a new grandson!

  14. 你念这一段咒文, 有四句话可以来表达这段咒文的意思。

    There is a verse which expresses the meaning of this section of mantra.

  15. 用三到四句话写下你过去最喜欢的一个梦或经历。

    Write down an old, favorite dream or experience in three to four sentences.

  16. 考克斯,他说话是真得四马难追。

    L. Cox,and he as good as his word.

  17. 如果你反对布什总统的政策的话,你应该四年前参选。

    If you want to run against President Bush, you should have run four years ago.

  18. 一句话新闻始回顾论四明日报的立场,言论和新闻

    On the stand, opinion and news of Siming daily

  19. 他一着急,说起话来就唾沫星子四溅。

    He splutters terribly when excited.

  20. 四签名, 歌德的话。

    The Sign of Four, lines of old Goethe.

  21. 再买四个瓷茶杯的话, 她就有全套的茶具了。

    Just four more China teacups to buy and she'll complete the tea set.

  22. 正是因为以上的种种,他四年前的这些话一点都不令人惊讶。

    At this point, employees wondered why we were keeping such rebellious boy.

  23. 话句话说,等于大气压的四分之一。

    In other words, about a quarter of an atmosphere.

  24. 李四和王五也重复了同样的话。

    And Dick and Harry repeat this.

  25. 第四句话,推进四项改革。第一项是农村改革。

    Fourth, to advance reform in four areas, and the first area is rural reform.

  26. 到了三五的话,就会激增到四百分之一。

    Those odds increase to 1 in 400 by age 35.

  27. 可以编写四个非常简单的会话虚包方法

    We could write four very simple session facade methods

  28. 阅读第四课五遍,读懂每一句话。

    Read unit 4, five times. have to understand every sentences.

  29. 我很诧异亨利四世的亵渎的话竟会是这个。

    This astonishes me on the part of Henri IV.

  30. 刘四爷的话使人人心中窝住一点气愤不平。

    Fourth Master Liu's harangue rankled in each heart.


