


1. 主 [zhǔ]主 [zhǔ]权力或财物的所有者,家庭的首脑:~人。物~。失~(失掉财物的人)。当家作~。旧时臣子称君王,下级称上级,仆人称家主:君~。~上。对事物的意见或认为应当如何处理,决定:~张。~见。~意。~义。对事物有决定权力……





汉语拼音:zhǔ fàn








  1. 组织、领导犯罪集团进行犯罪活动或在共同进行犯罪活动中起主要作用的罪犯。



  1. Fairy jump to the prime culprit fortune for a GuiYu should be to have to LiMengLou encase Broadway hotel room at the door, he hit on.


  2. Lai, Jinjiang, Fujian, Xiamen smuggling case of a principal.


  3. Yet, the two of them was a sudden turn of events upsets the surprise - their son has now become a school principal shooting.


  4. Gordon Brown has finally expressed, under duress, laconic "respect" for the release of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber.


  5. If in a case there are several principal criminals, only the core of them can be applied with death penalty.


  6. The court should emphasize on the principals ; the teenager is merely an accessory in this case .


  7. It is impossible for the helper to become principal, however, he or she could be the coerced.


  8. Yes. But the principal criminal has run away, and the police are searching far and wide for him.


  9. ESFANDIAR RAHIM MASHAEI: Most of the executions are of major drug traffickers who are involved in big drug business.


  1. 主犯, 罪魁祸首

    main culprit

  2. 主犯的意思

    animus actoris.

  3. 主犯已经落网。

    The chief criminal has been caught.

  4. 这个主犯被判无期徒刑。

    The principal criminal was sentenced to life imprisonment.

  5. 主犯在枪战中被击毙。

    The ringleader was shot to death in a gun battle.

  6. 他供出了主犯的名字。

    He gave the name of the chief culprit.

  7. 他供出了主犯的名字。

    He confessed the name of the chief culprit.

  8. 把主犯移交给法律保官。

    the delivery of a principal into lawful custody.

  9. 你自己就是其中一个主犯。

    You yourself are one of the chief offenders.

  10. 这件盗案的主犯都已落网。

    The main criminals of this robbery have all been arrested.

  11. 我真正做了这个罪恶的主犯。

    Indeed I was the principal in the crime.

  12. 今天,我们要在这里处决的主犯。

    Today, we are here to execute the principal offenders.

  13. 主犯进行犯罪活动或协助犯罪活动的人

    One who commits or is an accomplice to a crime.

  14. 有关主犯和胁从犯的三个问题

    Three Problems on Prime Culprits and Rehictant Followers

  15. 这个案子正在调查之中, 主犯仍在逃。

    The case is being gone into and the main criminal is on the run.

  16. 这个案子的两名主犯负案潜逃。

    Two criminals in this case fled after committing the crime.

  17. 这个案子得两名主犯负案潜逃。

    Two criminals in this case fled after committing the crime.

  18. 这个案子的两名主犯负案潜逃。

    Two criminals in this case fled after committing the crime.

  19. 聚众犯罪首要分子与主犯关系探究

    Investigation to Relation of Ringleader and Principal in Assembling a Crowd to Commit a Crime

  20. 最后是一般共同犯罪的主犯的刑事责任。

    Finally, there is a common crime, the general principal of criminal responsibility.

  21. 警方一举拘捕了一名主犯和两名同案犯。

    The police arrested one principal criminal and two accomplices.

  22. 警方一举拘捕了一名主犯和两名同案犯。

    The police arrested one principal criminal and two accomplices.

  23. 首先是犯罪集团中主犯的刑事责任范围。

    First, it is about the criminal syndicate in the principal range.

  24. 许多罪犯被法庭判为同谋犯而不是主犯。

    Many were convicted by the Tribunal as accomplices rather than as principals.

  25. 上诉院保管案卷的法官把主犯移交给法律保官。

    Master of the Rolls the delivery of a principal into lawful custody.

  26. 主犯受到的惩罚,在有些情况下主犯已被行刑队处死。

    The culprit is punished, and in some cases culprits have faced death by firing squad.

  27. 她后来认罪, 并说是因为爱上了主犯克里斯。

    She later pleaded guilty, saying shed been in love with Krist, the mastermind of the plot.

  28. 其次本文的第二部分是聚众犯罪中主犯的刑事责任。

    Furthermore, the second part of this article is the criminal responsibility of a principal gathering crime.

  29. 被告人吕元城在共同犯罪中起主要作用,是本案主犯。

    Defendants Lv Yuan Cheng played a leading role in this jointly committed crime and is the principal in this case.

  30. 这是一条很重要的线索,它将击破这名主犯不在犯罪现场的证据。

    It's important clue that will break the alibi of the chief suspect.


  1. 问:主犯拼音怎么拼?主犯的读音是什么?主犯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:主犯的读音是zhǔfàn,主犯翻译成英文是 main culprit


