




1. 称 [chēng]2. 称 [chèn]3. 称 [chèng]称 [chēng]量轻重:~量(liáng )。叫,叫做:自~。~呼。~帝。~臣。~兄道弟。名号:名~。简~。~号。~谓。职~。说:声~。~快。~病。~便。赞扬:~道。~……



汉语拼音:kān chēng







  1. glimpse of what might have been a movie charting the tragic singer's rehearsals for his concert comeback on its worldwide debut today.


  2. "It was all organized by the British and just a very nice gesture as a farewell gift, " McCormack said.


  3. Dropbox provides a fine example of what a registration form should look like. The white space is effective, and the page uncluttered.


  4. America's free-market capitalism has always been a model for the rest of the world.


  5. It would be akin to a Chinese Monroe Doctrine, which asserted the rights of a then-rising US to its Latin American backyard.


  6. Caves belong to the most enigmatic formations, created by Mother Nature on the surface of planet Earth, or, to be more accurate, beneath it.


  7. As critics have alleged, Mr Romney is something of a political weathervane.


  8. Frank Gibbons was an acknowledged manufacturing genius in his industry and, by any profitability standard, a very effective executive.


  9. The 20-year-old hazelnut clarity, calm on the ship, except for a few small fish, and reflection of the mountains around the meditation.


  1. 堪称史上最少。

    than ever before.

  2. 那场比赛堪称典范。

    The match was a classic.

  3. 他的口才堪称第一。

    He is unrivalled in eloquence.

  4. 这款手表堪称极品。

    This is the Cadillac of watches.

  5. 守门员的表现堪称完美。

    The goalkeeper's performance was immaculate.

  6. 在我心里,你堪称奇迹

    You are my prodigy.

  7. 在我心里,你堪称奇迹。

    You are my prodigy.

  8. 堪称冠军级惊世杰作

    To boast of being the masterpiece of champion level

  9. 我们相互取长补短,堪称完美。

    We complement one another perfectly.

  10. 那场足球比赛堪称典范。

    The football match was a classic.

  11. 他们的工作是堪称楷模的。

    Their work has been exemplary.

  12. 三者的结合堪称完美。

    A combination of all three would certainly be the ideal.

  13. 那座岛屿堪称人间天堂。

    The island is truly a heaven on earth.

  14. 史密斯教授堪称活字典。

    Professor Smith is, as it were, a walking dictionary.

  15. 这部作品堪称千古绝唱。

    The work can be ranked as a masterpiece throughout the ages.

  16. 他的书架堪称古怪的大杂烩。

    His bookshelf is a weird hodgepodge.

  17. 精美的壁画, 堪称绝代佳品。

    Exquisite frescos, can Jiapin peerless.

  18. 简的烹饪技巧堪称一绝。

    Jane is a fabulous cook.

  19. 他的作品堪称传世之作。

    His work has a timeless quality.

  20. 这位教授堪称为人师表。

    The professor is. a paragon of virtue and learning.

  21. 这种堪称活化石得手工技术,

    This manual technique, billed as a living fossil

  22. 这种堪称活化石的手工技术,

    This manual technique, billed as a living fossil

  23. 有个堪称旷世奇才的诗人。

    There's one absolutely stunning poet.

  24. 每家的质量都堪称一流。

    Each home boasts an unprecedented level of quality throughout.

  25. 堪称是江南民居的典型啊。

    They can be rated as typical Jiangnan dwellings.

  26. 在舞台设计方面他堪称第一。

    He rival the best in stage designing.

  27. 我们可以堪称牙医的候诊室。

    We call it the dentist's waiting room.

  28. 荷兰堪称是自行车手们的天堂。

    Holland is the heaven of the bicycle hands.

  29. 制胜一球堪称精雕细琢。

    The winning goal was a beautifully carved piece of sculpture.

  30. 希特勒的军事实力堪称无敌。

    Hitler's military might was unequaled.


  1. 问:堪称拼音怎么拼?堪称的读音是什么?堪称翻译成英文是什么?

    答:堪称的读音是kānchēng,堪称翻译成英文是 Can say; can declare.




【拼音】kān chēng 


【基本解释】 称得上。