







汉语拼音:qīng míng











  1. She had uncommon features, Bright eyes and graceful eyebrows, and although no great beauty she possessed considerable charrm.

  2. 5 To be of a sober mind, pure, workers at home, good, subject to their own husbands, that the word of God would not be blasphemed.

  3. The old couple told him that today was the Tomb Sweeping Day, so they came to see their daughter.

  4. Every Qingming Day, Huang and his family return to his hometown in Southwest China's Sichuan Province, to sweep the grave of his mother.

  5. It is not necessarily a time of sadness, but one of reflection, remembrance and communion with past generations.

  6. Krishnamurti: To live in this world sanely there must be a radical change of the mind and of the heart.

  7. Usually I take my family back twice a year, at Lunar New Year and for the Tomb Sweeping Festival.

  8. If he's able to exude Zen-like calm when stuck in gridlock, 19 "he's likely to have more self-control. "

  9. Qingming is not just a day of remembrance. It sees a combination of sadness and happiness.


  1. 清明时节雨纷纷,

    It drizeles endlessly during the rainy season in spring

  2. 武汉东湖之清明

    East lake on Pure Brightness

  3. 清明, 怀念爷爷奶奶

    On the Pure Brightness Festival, Longed for Our Grandparents

  4. 梨花风起正清明。

    Ching Ming Festival Pear windy.

  5. 她的决断是清明的。

    Her decisions were sensible.

  6. 植树造林,莫过清明

    one should plant trees before Qingming festival

  7. 清明前后,点瓜种豆

    sow crops around the Qingming festival

  8. 清明雨纷纷,行人欲断魂。

    Qingming rain have pedestrian Deep Sorrow.

  9. 有的地方把清明叫做寒食。

    Pure Brightness is also called hanshi in some areas.

  10. 有的地方把清明叫做寒食。

    Pure Brightness is also called hanshi in some areas.

  11. 有得地方把清明叫做寒食。

    Pure Brightness is also called hanshi in some areas.

  12. 清明时节雨,四月芳菲尽。

    Ching Ming Festival, rain, April Fangfei do.

  13. 每到清明,他都会来悼亡。

    He comes to mourn his dead wife every Tomb-Sweeping Day.

  14. 我们有强得灵和清明得心思。

    We a strong spirit and a sound mind.

  15. 你可以在清明梦里有震动。

    You can have the vibrations a lucid dream.

  16. 张择端清明上河图卷

    Zhang zeduan along the river during the qingming festival

  17. 人们在清明节会怎样过?

    How do people celebrate Qingming Featival?

  18. 天空这一头到那一头, 完全澄澈清明。

    The sky was clear from verge to verge

  19. 在晨昏微光之中, 万物清明无色。

    In the twilight everything is lucid but colourless.

  20. 了解意味着爱和心智的清明健全。

    Understanding means love and the sanity of the mind.

  21. 清明小长假正是最好的观赏时节。

    Qingming Festival is the best time to admire the beauty.

  22. 人一抬头就可以望见清明的蓝空。

    The grove was not very dense, and the sky was bright overhead.

  23. 欲望愈少,心灵愈清明成见愈少,生命愈宽广。

    Less desire makes you virtuous and wise. Less prejudice makes your life expansive.

  24. 廉正清明的官吏肯定会受老百姓拥护的。

    Incorruptible, and just officials will surely be supported by the common people.

  25. 廉正清明的官吏肯定会受老百姓拥护的。

    Incorruptible, and just officials will surely be supported by the common people.

  26. 唐初后妃进谏与政治清明的关系

    The Relation between Empresses and Imperial Concubines Remonstrance and Clear and Bright Politics at the Beginning of the Tang Dynasty

  27. 每逢清明时节, 人们不仅白天放, 夜间也放。

    Every Tomb Sweeping Festival, people not only put during the day, night is also put.

  28. 理所当然, 我也不会写有关清明的东西。

    Of course, I will not write the Qingming things.

  29. 理所当然,我也不会写有关清明得东西。

    Of course, I will not write the Qingming things.

  30. 清明诗诗人在春光感召下的风情宣泄

    Pure Brightness Poems Revelation of Amorous Feelings in Spring


  1. 问:清明拼音怎么拼?清明的读音是什么?清明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清明的读音是qīngmíng,清明翻译成英文是 clear and bright; clear

  2. 问:清明节拼音怎么拼?清明节的读音是什么?清明节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清明节的读音是qīngmíngjié,清明节翻译成英文是 Tomb Sweeping Day, also known as Qingming Festiv...

  3. 问:清明化拼音怎么拼?清明化的读音是什么?清明化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清明化的读音是,清明化翻译成英文是 lucidification

  4. 问:清明花拼音怎么拼?清明花的读音是什么?清明花翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清明花的读音是qīngmínghuā,清明花翻译成英文是 Beaumontia grandiflora

  5. 问:清明花属拼音怎么拼?清明花属的读音是什么?清明花属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清明花属的读音是qīngmínghuāshǔ,清明花属翻译成英文是 Beaumontia

  6. 问:清明花苷拼音怎么拼?清明花苷的读音是什么?清明花苷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清明花苷的读音是qīng míng huā gān,清明花苷翻译成英文是 beaumontoside

  7. 问:清明上河园拼音怎么拼?清明上河园的读音是什么?清明上河园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清明上河园的读音是qīngmíngshànghéyuán,清明上河园翻译成英文是 Millennium City Park

  8. 问:清明上河图拼音怎么拼?清明上河图的读音是什么?清明上河图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清明上河图的读音是,清明上河图翻译成英文是 Along the River During the Qingming Festival...

  9. 问:清明站 (京畿道)拼音怎么拼?清明站 (京畿道)的读音是什么?清明站 (京畿道)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清明站 (京畿道)的读音是,清明站 (京畿道)翻译成英文是 Cheongmyeong Station



“清明”是个多义词,它可以指清明(二十四节气之一), 清明(汉语词汇), 清明(文学刊物), 清明(2014年电影), 清明(长篇小说), 清明(北宋魏野创作的七言绝句), 清明(百度贴吧·bilibili梗吧刊), 清明(唐代杜牧诗作), 清明(动画火影忍者中人物), 清明(百度贴吧·风声), 清明(黄庭坚诗), 清明(孙永的诗), 清明(平平安安的诗词)。