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1. 鸟 [niǎo]鸟 [niǎo]脊椎动物的一纲,温血卵生,全身有羽毛,后肢能行走,前肢变为翅,一般能飞:~类。候~。益~。~语花香。……
汉语拼音:shuǐ niǎo
He said: 'The wetlands are home to lots of wading or marsh birds, as well as numerous alligators.
他表示,这片湿地里生活着大量沼泽鸟(或涉水鸟),以及很多短吻鳄。and when the next rain will come is all that the rain bird thinks of.
而水鸟所想的只是下次的雨什么时候来。Some researchers speculate that they made the best of a bad situation by catching fish, and hunting turtles and waterfowl from the canals.
科研人员进一步猜想,认为每遇到情况不妙的时候,他们还能打鱼过日子,会从他们开挖的水渠系统中捕捉一些海龟和水鸟一类的东西。The scientists are trying to prevent the water birds from leaving the confines of this preservation.
科学家们试图阻止水鸟离开这个保护区的范围I found a beige colored, strange and small water bird swimming at the pond, where I always go and watch.
在我常常去观察的池塘上,一只浅驼色陌生小水鸟游泳呢。We also saw some herons , egrets of all sizes. Even though we did not see the "legendary" black-faced spoonbills, but we were still happy.
我们还有看到一些水鸟如苍鹭,大、中、小白鹭等,虽然没有看到「传说中」黑面琵鹭,但我们还是很高兴。Young Confucius: Birds were singing in an islet, a beautiful and virtuous lady is a good bride candidate of a gentleman.
小孔丘:水鸟在河洲当中欢唱,一位美丽贤德的女子,是君子的好配偶。Wildly impractical, but a giant-dipping-bird farm sure would be a sight to behold.
相当的不切实际。但是满眼望去的蘸水鸟会是一到难得的风景。At peak migrations times, the sky over Mai Po is dark with ducks and waders, harried by the eagles and hawks that hunt them.