










  1. Experience this type of scenario, the common approach is to dip water Chief thermal steam water version of a waste of time.


  2. Keep in mind that you cannot use cloth moistened with water or printer does not work due to damp.


  3. Can dip in with cigarette silk water, inunction affected part, can subsidence of a swelling stops urticant.


  4. dip in with clean towel once a week water is pigheaded after working light to sofa mop.


  5. An iron that stood the ordinary test of a wet finger was too cold for Joe and Martin, and such test was useless.


  6. Soy sauce, salad dressings, sauces, dips, ketchup, mustard and relish all contain sodium.


  7. Use swabs to wet her mouth, the nurse told me. Hold her hand.


  8. To conserve water, some local Dai residents said they will confer blessings by using a branch to sprinkle water on others.


  9. Specific help is cleansed with salt water to dip the nose, dry after washing.


  1. 仿皮底或橡胶底,则可用刷子蘸水洗净。

    By copy skin bottom or balata, usable brush dips in bath is clean.

  2. 也可以用纯棉拖把蘸水拧干对地板进行擦拭。

    Also can dip in with pure cotton mop water is pigheaded work to undertake wiping to the floor.

  3. 每周一次用干净毛巾蘸水拧干后对沙发轻拭。

    dip in with clean towel once a week water is pigheaded after working light to sofa mop.

  4. 然后他把肥皂蘸了点水,又把它放下。

    Then he dipped the soap in the water and laid it down.

  5. 用刷子蘸上小苏打水轻刷藤椅,也可以除掉顽垢。

    Dip in with the brush on sodium bicarbonate water brushs cany chair gently, also can get rid of dense dirties.

  6. 用化妆棉蘸上调肤水, 比如有机金屡梅, 来清除残留的泥巴。

    Follow with a toner on a cotton pad such as organic witch hazel to clean off the remaining clay.

  7. 用一块蘸过温肥皂水的软布来清洁。

    Clean with a soft cloth dipped in warm soapy water.

  8. 将面包在水里快速蘸一下,然后将它挤干。

    Dip the bread briefly in water, then squeeze it dry.

  9. 对其中的一部分用海绵蘸上含有去污剂的水仔细地擦洗。

    The vegetation in one of these parts is carefully sponged with water containing a detergent.

  10. 开始的时候,用一点水弄湿面刷,然后蘸到阿育吠陀泥中。

    To begin with, dampen the face brush with a little water and dip into the Ayurvedic clay.

  11. 他拿钢笔蘸墨水。

    He dipped his pen into the ink.

  12. 她把笔在墨水池里蘸了蘸。

    She dipped her pen in the inkwell.

  13. 护士用纱布蘸了消毒水洗伤口。

    The nurse sponged the wound with an antiseptic.

  14. 塞巴斯蒂安把手在水钵里蘸了一下。

    Sebastian dipped his fingers in the water stoup.

  15. 她将羽毛笔在墨水里蘸了一下,随后开始书写。

    She dipped a quill in ink, then began to write.

  16. 用蘸过温水的棉球揉幼犬的肛门部位就可以给予刺激。

    Gently massage the puppy's anal region with a cotton ball that has been dipped in warm water.

  17. 请用软布轻蘸温和的洗涤剂溶液或清水擦拭机壳。

    Clean the speaker cabinets with a soft cloth lightly moistened with a mild detergent solution or water.

  18. 杰奎琳·肯尼迪用蘸满蓝黑墨水的钢笔在浅蓝色信笺上写道:

    Jacqueline Kennedy wrote in dark blue pen on light-blue stationery:

  19. 就那么放滚水里捞一下,配点姜丝,再蘸以醋,即是上等佳肴。

    Cook in the boilingwater, fish a plate, add some ginger and vinegar, that is ok.

  20. 每月一次用中性洗涤剂约两杯溶于温水中,蘸布揉擦纤维。

    D, mensal in making an appointment with Yu Wenshui of two cups of dissolve with neuter scour, dip in cloth is kneaded brush fiber.



很多地方都流行“蘸水”(zhàn shuǐ),就是用来蘸菜吃的,由多种调味料调制而成的酱汁。


蘸水制作非常简单,根据需要把调味料适量和开水 、汤料混合即可。常用的 调料主要为盐、味精、鸡精、胡椒粉、辣椒、蒜泥、姜末、葱花、香菜、花椒、薄荷、麻油、花生酱、腐乳、酱油、醋、黄酒等,几乎所有的日常调味料都可以用上,具体视菜肴情况和个人口味喜好而定。