


草木的根:~草(泛指中药)。无~之木。事物的根源,与“末”相对:~末(头尾;始终)。根~(根源;彻底;本质上)。草的茎,树的干:草~植物。中心的,主要的:~部。~体。原来:~来。~领。自己这方面的:~国。~身。~位。~分(fèn )。……


人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……



汉语拼音:běn míng









  1. 原名。

    唐 颜真卿 《浪迹先生元真子张志和碑铭》:“ 元真子 ,姓 张 氏,本名 龟龄 。”《旧唐书·东夷传·新罗》:“ 兴光 本名与 太宗 同, 先天 中 则天 改焉。” 清 姚鼐 《郡县考》:“都鄙者,王朝本名。”

  2. 专用名词。

    清 马建忠 《马氏文通·实字·名字》:“以名某人某物者,曰‘本名’。曰 尧 曰 舜 者,古今来止一人为 尧 、一人为 舜 ,故称曰本名。 嵩岳 、 泰岱 止一山之名, 江 、 淮 、 河 、 汉 止一水之名,皆曰本名。”



  1. His wife, Betty, is Shanghai-born Chinese who left China at the age of eight, and whose book "Moon" , tells of her sister's life in China.


  2. A real name and appearance did not seem to even up the role.


  3. Bier says he began to think differently several years ago when Manson, whose real name is Brian Warner, went on a spending binge.


  4. In late 2001, CIA officials found a novel at an Arabic book store in London titled Zabibah and the King.


  5. or of a generic name with a specific name and a subspecific name to form the name of a subspecies.


  6. "THAT Used To Be Us" is the title of one of the latest books to lament America's decline from its former self.


  7. A glossy new art book, "Portraits of the Mind, " hopes to draw the general reader into neuroscience with the sheer beauty of its images.


  8. Doc was born into a life of luxury as Klaus Vandangante, son of a wealthy publishing executive.


  9. We like the star very much, therefore my also custom is called him "the star" (, although his given name is not called star).


  1. 洗礼名,本名

    the name given at the font.

  2. 这是你的本名?

    So is that your reaI name?

  3. 你的本名叫什么?

    What is your real name?

  4. 我指的是你自己的本名!

    I mean your real name?

  5. 小女贼,本名钱海燕,漫画家。

    Little female thief, this renown money salangane, caricaturist.

  6. 扎克?伊博黑姆不是我的本名。

    Zak Ebrahim is not my real name.

  7. 不是我的本名,是你给我起的名字。

    Not my name, some damn name you gave me.

  8. 我的本名叫约翰,但人人都叫我帅哥。

    My real name is John, but people call me Stud.

  9. 古时候,一个人除了本名还有个表字。

    In ancient times, one gets a secondary name apart from his official name.

  10. 老狼,本名王阳,于1968年出生于音乐世家。

    Diamond, real name is Yang, born in 1968 in the musical family.

  11. 这是一本名为未来的杂志中的一页。

    Here is a page from a magazine named Future.

  12. 没错,那是我的本名,而且我们没有关系。

    Yes, it's my real name and no, we're not related.

  13. 在票据上的签名,应当为该当事人的本名。

    The signature on a negotiable instrument shall be the true name of the party thereto.

  14. 我还在找一本名为《赠与者》的书。

    I am also looking for a book entitled The Giver.

  15. 于沙, 本名王振汉, 湖南临澧人, 国家一级作家。

    BIOGRAPHICAL SUMMARY OF THE AUTHOR Yu Sha, whose original name is Wang Zhenhan, is from Linfeng, Hunan.

  16. 外国人的名字较长,不过一般只叫他们的本名。

    Foreigners tend to have long names, but usually we only need to call them by their first names.

  17. 其中一本名为左与右。这是一本很有意思的书。

    One of them is called Left and Right It's a very interesting book.

  18. 影视圈中许多知名艺人的本名并不被众人所知。

    The original names of many celebrities from the film and TV community are not known by the public.

  19. 第一个被称作伯乐的人本名孙阳,他是春秋时代的人。

    Bole whose real name is Yang Sun, he is the person Spring and Autumn Period.

  20. 此后, 3位教师写了一本名为掌握法国烹饪艺术得书。

    The three teachers later wrote a cookbook called Mastering the Art of French Cooking.

  21. 此后,3位教师写了一本名为掌握法国烹饪艺术的书。

    The three teachers later wrote a cookbook called Mastering the Art of French Cooking.

  22. 每个党员都将收到一本名为欢迎加入工党的小册子。

    Every member will receive their own'Welcome to Labour'brochure.

  23. 弟子杨惟钦正在完成一本名为药师佛恩光的中文书。

    Disciple Jui Khin Yeo is completing a book in Chinese, The Blessing Light of Medicine Guru Buddha.

  24. 在一本名为《预言》名字取得再恰当不过了的新书里,世界上一些最伟大的思想家借一部科幻电影对未来作了一番憧憬。

    In a new book called, aptly enough, Predictions, some of the world's greatest thinkers present a vision of the future with overtones of a science fiction film.

  25. 他的作品包括《向北方迁移的季节》和一本名为《札因的婚礼》1978的短篇小说与故事集。故事《一把椰枣》就出自此集。

    His writings include Season of Migration to the North, and the collection of a short novel and stories titled The Wedding of Zein (1978), from which ' A Handful of Dates ' was taken.


  1. 问:本名拼音怎么拼?本名的读音是什么?本名翻译成英文是什么?

    答:本名的读音是běnmíng,本名翻译成英文是 Official or original name.; First name, as in v...

  2. 问:本名武拼音怎么拼?本名武的读音是什么?本名武翻译成英文是什么?

    答:本名武的读音是Běnmíng Wǔ,本名武翻译成英文是 Honna Takeshi


本名是一个汉语词语,读音běn míng,是指自己的真名。