


1. 食 [shí]2. 食 [sì]3. 食 [yì]食 [shí]吃:~肉。~欲。吃的东西:~品。粮~。零~。丰衣足~。俸禄:“君子谋道不谋~”。日月亏缺或完全不见的现象:日~。月~。食 [sì]拿东西给人吃:~母(乳母)。食 [yì]……









汉语拼音:shí zhī wú wèi







  1. bought pork farms, how much a little fat fat, tasteless but wasteful to discard.


  2. "Tasteless but wasteful to discard" is now playing advisor of the true feelings of players.


  3. That has led some councillors to dub them "chicken ribs" - tasteless when eaten but a pity to throw away.


  4. Accumulated time of love, is tasteless, but wasteful to discard . . .


  5. I think American produce commonly found in small-town supermarkets is not fresh, usually tasteless and probably drenched in pesticides.


  6. cobolli gigli said this week : " without juventus , the serie a championship this season has been modest and boring . "


  7. Call this the Turkey Principle: On the stock market, it's a lot easier to spot a turkey than an eagle.


  8. Despite her hunger and the careful attention to the preparation of hermeal, everything seemed tasteless.


  1. 食之无味,弃之可惜

    unappetizing and yet not bad enough to throw away

  2. 时间积累起来的爱,食之无味,弃之可惜

    Accumulated time of love, is tasteless, but wasteful to discard.

  3. 个儿挺大却食之无味的番茄和莴苣。

    Gigantic insipid tomatoes, huge flavourless lettuces.

  4. 但是, 现在的美元是烫手的山芋, 食之无味, 弃之可惜。

    However, the dollar is a hot potato, tasteless but wasteful to discard.

  5. 菜场买来的猪肉, 多少带点肥膘, 食之无味, 弃之可惜。

    bought pork farms, how much a little fat fat, tasteless but wasteful to discard.

  6. 但柿子也有不足之处,食之过多也有危害。

    But the persimmon also has the deficiency, eat too much is harmful.

  7. 有时他才华横溢, 熠熠生辉, 有时则言语晦涩, 闻之无味。

    Sometimes he was brilliantsometimes he was maddeningly tiresome.

  8. 肉片鲜嫩, 雪菜笋片色泽翠白分明, 食之味美爽口。

    Fresh meat, slice Pickled clear white color Tsui, food is delicious and refreshing.

  9. 因为烤肉味道香气扑鼻, 食之有味, 成为许多人聚会的首选。

    Because the aroma of barbecue flavor assail the nostrils, food Youweis become the party of choice for many people.

  10. 食尸鬼之触杖

    Added Wand of Ghoul Touch

  11. 这就是宋代中秋食月饼之俗。

    It is the custom of song Autumn moon food.

  12. 伙伴的行踪革命军和暴食之森的陷阱!

    The Revolutionary Army and the Trap of the Forest of Gluttony!

  13. 就连饭后甜品都是赏心悦目,令人不忍食之。

    Even the dessert after a meal a pleasure, it can not bear to eat.

  14. 钥匙, 与食人魔和德莱尼之心, 是毁灭恶魔的关键。

    Ther key plusac Humus therh Ogre whise Drea thes key, ther demon thee.

  15. 其色泽翠绿, 味道清香而略带苦味, 食之别有风味。

    The color green, slightly bitter flavor and fragrance, food of the bold.

  16. 那些残存的食死徒要么绳之于法要么归入魔法社会。

    Surviving Death Eaters will have to be brought to justice or reintegrated into magical society.

  17. 原平锅魁因在历史上夺得当地炉食之魁而得名。

    Yuanpingguo kui won in the history of the local Fukui furnace after food.

  18. 原平锅魁因其在历史上夺得当地炉食之魁而得名。

    Yuanpingguo kui won because in the history of the Fukui local furnace after food.

  19. 原平锅魁因在历史上曾夺得当地炉食之魁而得名。

    The original level in the history of guo kui won the Fukui local furnace after food.

  20. 聚餐每个客人都自带食物然后大家分而食之的一顿饭

    A meal at which each guest brings food that is then shared by all.

  21. 貔貅是以财为食的,纳食四方之财。

    Pi Xiu is a fiscal diet, and satisfied food fortune Quartet.

  22. 一年之食在于春

    Eat At Spring

  23. 平淡去肤浅无味只有毫厘之差。

    Between mildness and mere flatness there is only a very thin margin.

  24. 它是梦想之物, 仙家之食, 午餐的首选。

    It's the stuff of dreams, the food of the gods, what's for lunch.

  25. 之后每年五月五日划龙舟以纪念之6, 端午食粽。

    May 5 after a year to commemorate the dragon boat 6, the Dragon Boat Festival food dumpling.

  26. 狂怒食人魔之盾

    Targ Of The Rampaging Ogre

  27. 动物舐食岩盐之盐渍地

    salt lick

  28. 呦呦鹿鸣,食野之苹。

    The cowards acts as deer eat wild apples with wail.

  29. 食衣住是生活之必需。

    Food, clothing and shelter are the necessaries of life.

  30. 大米食味影响因素之我见

    Factor of Influencing Rice Eating Flavour