







汉语拼音:dàn mǎ






  1. 古代仪仗队中不鞴鞍鞯以示备用的马。

    《宋书·江夏文献王刘义恭传》:“平乘但马不得过二匹。” 唐 段成式 《酉阳杂俎·礼异》:“ 北齐 迎南使,……使主、副各乘车,但马在车后,铁甲者百餘人,仪仗百餘人。” 宋 程大昌 《演繁露·诞马》:“但者,徒也。徒马者,有马无鞍,如人袒裼之袒也。……然则谓之但马,盖散马备用而不施鞍轡者也。”



  1. The Dalai Lama had mentioned he would like to visit Taiwan again next year, but Ma said the timing was not appropriate.


  2. His wife, who will then also be a mother, might watch in silent dread but Massa insists he shall push himself to the limit again.


  3. Although some villagers were happy to sell because their land was rocky, Ma told me of one of his friends who had protested and refused.


  4. The farmer did not wish to sell his fine colt, but when the horse dealer tickled his palm with a few hundred dollars, he consented.


  5. His critics have accused him of pocketing the money but he has claimed it was all spent for public purposes.


  6. He'll need a while to get used to the right pace, but Marco showed an improvement on Sunday and I think he will improve again tomorrow.


  7. The friend has called a few times over the years, but Ms. Marini has chatted only briefly with her.


  8. But Ms. Matos says the ex-president asked her to safeguard these items decades ago.


  9. Even though the Naboo politicians seemed unfailingly polite, he could never quite get a straight answer out of anyone.


  1. 但马先生今天身体不舒服。

    But Mr horse is not well today.

  2. 她驱使马作第一次起跳,但马不肯跳,并把她掀下地来。

    She set her horse at the first jump,but it refused,and threw her to the ground.

  3. 马,比风跑得快但,马

    Habit Horse runs ahead of wind But Never Out of wind

  4. 他们试着骑马,但那些马不喜欢炎热的天气和沙漠。

    They tried to ride horses, but those horses didn't like hot weather and desert.

  5. 但我又马上将它拿开。

    But, straightaway, I would lift it on to my head.

  6. 勇气意味着,尽管惧怕死亡,但依然策马前行

    Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.

  7. 我的马跃过深谷,但其余的马都突然停止不动。

    My horse jump across the deep ravine, but all the others balk.

  8. 其中有许多是非常出色的马, 但饲养欠佳。

    Many of them were exceedingly good horses, but in low keep.

  9. 那是匹漂亮的马,但对没经验的骑手有点太活蹦乱跳了。

    It's a beautiful horse but a bit too frisky for an inexperienced rider.

  10. 莎伊娜好想得到一匹小马,但她爸爸却带了一只小驴子回家。

    Saina wants a pony, but she gets a donkey instead.

  11. 比尔去年比赛中赢了一匹小马,但好事很少能成双。

    Bill won a pony in the contest last year,but lightning never strikes twice in the same place.

  12. 他们势均力敌, 但马丁以智取胜。

    They were pretty evenly matched, but Martin got the best of him by a clever trick.

  13. 但马丁斯没有表露出担忧情绪。

    But Mr Martins shows few signs of worry.

  14. 但马克。安东尼的梦想需要金钱的支持。

    But Mark Antony's dream required money.

  15. 但马丘比丘的真正用途仍不能确定。

    The true purpose of Machu Picchu has never been conclusively determined.

  16. 但马可总是信守他所讲的每一个故事。

    But Marco always stood by his tales.

  17. 莎拉想去酒店帮忙, 但马宏阻止了她的行为。

    Sara wants to go to the hotel and help, but Mahone forbids it.

  18. 但马太也是犹太人社群中最不受欢迎的人物。

    But Matthew was one of the undesirables in Israelite society.

  19. 但马太也认为他和他教会的信徒,也应该如此效法。

    But Matthew also believes that he and his fellow disciples in his church should be that way too.

  20. 但马奇亚维利打破这些,关于不给坏榜样的规则。

    Yet, Machiavelli breaks these rules about not giving bad examples.

  21. 但马尔塞夫不是要证实腾格拉尔和基督山谁的罪大。

    It was not whether Danglars or Monte Cristo was more or less guilty.

  22. 但马云并不是轻率地开腔, 这番话极有分量, 即便你很难理解。

    What he says carry weight even if it is difficult to understand.

  23. 他的马开始腾跃, 但他设法不摔下来。

    His horse began to buck, but he managed to stay on.

  24. 格利佛喜欢那些马但不喜欢那些人。

    Gulliver liked the horses, but did not like the people.

  25. 他的马开始腾跃,但他设法不摔落下来。

    His horse began to buck, but he managed to stay on.

  26. 亨特的马状态欠佳,但他纵马跳障碍这一轮还算不错。

    Hunt jumped a respectable round although his horse was unfit.

  27. 我作牛作马好几年。但连选腰带这样的事他们都不信任我。

    I've slaved away for years, and I'm not even trusted to pick out a belt.

  28. 所有的马都是动物, 但并不是所有的动物都是马。

    All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses.

  29. 比尔不能骑那匹马, 但黛安娜能。

    The Bill can not ride that horse, but Dai Anna can.

  30. 有些人喜欢骑马, 但我喜欢打高尔夫。

    A algunas les gusta montar a caballo, pero prefiero jugar al golf.


  1. 问:但马国拼音怎么拼?但马国的读音是什么?但马国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:但马国的读音是,但马国翻译成英文是 Tajima Province

  2. 问:但马屋拼音怎么拼?但马屋的读音是什么?但马屋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:但马屋的读音是Dànmǎwū,但马屋翻译成英文是 Tajimaya

  3. 问:但马海拼音怎么拼?但马海的读音是什么?但马海翻译成英文是什么?

    答:但马海的读音是Dànmǎhǎi,但马海翻译成英文是 Tajimanoama

  4. 问:但马皇女拼音怎么拼?但马皇女的读音是什么?但马皇女翻译成英文是什么?

    答:但马皇女的读音是,但马皇女翻译成英文是 Princess Tajima

  5. 问:但马飞行场拼音怎么拼?但马飞行场的读音是什么?但马飞行场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:但马飞行场的读音是,但马飞行场翻译成英文是 Tajima Airport