







汉语拼音:suǒ suǒ







  1. 树木名。

    明 陶宗仪 《辍耕录·锁锁》:“ 回紇 野马川 有木曰锁锁,烧之,其火经年不灭,且不作灰。”

  2. 细碎的鸟鸣声。

    明 汤三江 《夜行船序·题唐玄宗还宫感旧》套曲:“鸳鸯瓦碎,锁锁先时梦兆。” 樊增祥 《再示儿辈》诗:“对属天然燕雀侔,可知锁锁儷钩钩。”



  1. It was appointed that the book should shut with a spring for ever and for ever when I had read but a page.


  2. Laziness is like a lock , which bolts you out of the storehouse of information and makes you an intellctual starveling.


  3. Downstream it led, after about a mile, to a tiny lock with heavy wooden gates that strained shut against the current.


  4. You merely twisted the chain of your canoe round a palm tree instead of fastening it with a padlock.


  5. The door fastens with a latch.


  6. The locking mechanism comprises a locking ramp on the holder and corresponding locking tab on a clamping ring surrounding the holder.


  7. Larizonainess is like a lock! whichproducts you out of the storehouse of inform come up withs you anintellectuis starveling. --Bernard Shaw.


  8. It's particularly useful for detecting symptoms of deadlocks, lock contention, memory leaks, and cycling threads.


  9. In the lock on stage, you can personally hang a lock you their love, believe that will grow old together.


  1. 这锁锁不上。

    The lock does not catch.

  2. 这个锁锁不上。

    The lock wont catch.

  3. 用挂锁锁箱子

    padlock the box

  4. 这锁锁不上了。

    The lock won't catch, ie cannot be fastened.

  5. 请把门用锁锁好。

    Please fasten a lock on to.

  6. 大门用挂锁锁著。

    The gate was padlocked.

  7. 门都用挂锁锁着。

    The doors were padlocked.

  8. 这门是用锁锁住的。

    The door fastens with a latch.

  9. 用或好象用挂锁锁上

    to lock up with or as if with a padlock

  10. 这门是用撞锁锁住得。

    The door fastens with a latch.

  11. 这门是用撞锁锁住的。

    The door fastens with a latch.

  12. 一个旧信箱被挂锁锁着。

    An old mailbox has been padlocked shut.

  13. 用挂锁链上用或好象用挂锁锁上

    To lock up with or as if with a padlock.

  14. 你晚上关门时务必将锁锁好。

    Make sure that you shoot the lock to as you close the door at night.

  15. 客户需自备金属锁锁好所属之每个常满储物箱。

    The customers should prepare the medal lock for the Sheung Moon box.

  16. 上锁上锁的动作或上锁的一瞬时

    The act or an instance of locking.

  17. 要想锁住锁芯, 需要旋转把手。

    To lock the bolt the handle is rotated.

  18. 每秒导致死锁的锁请求数。

    Number of lock requests per second that resulted in a deadlock.

  19. 要想锁住锁芯,需要旋转把手。

    To lock the bolt the handle is rotated.

  20. 走时请把大门的碰锁锁好。

    Please latch the front gate when you leave.

  21. 锁管理器请求得新锁和锁对话数目。

    Number of new locks and lock conversions requested from the lock manager.

  22. 所属行业摩托车锁自行车锁挂锁其他锁具

    Industry Motorcycle Lock Bike lock Padlock Other Locks.

  23. 所属行业锁具锁具配件机械门锁挂锁磁卡锁

    Industry Lock Lock Accessories Mechanical locks Padlock Magnetic card lock.

  24. 所属行业锁具纸包装机械箱包锁密码锁挂锁

    Industry Lock Paper packaging machinery Luggage lock Lock Padlock.

  25. 所属行业摩托车锁自行车锁汽车锁机械门锁挂锁

    Industry Motorcycle Lock Bike lock Car locks Mechanical locks Padlock.

  26. 所属行业机械门锁窗锁挂锁磁卡锁门窗五金

    Industry Mechanical locks Window lock Padlock Magnetic card lock Window Hardware.

  27. 所属行业密码锁箱包锁挂锁家具锁,办公锁机械门锁

    Industry Lock Luggage lock Padlock Furniture locks, office locks Mechanical locks.

  28. 所属行业箱包锁密码锁挂锁家具锁,办公锁窗锁摩托车锁

    Industry Luggage lock Lock Padlock Furniture locks, office locks Window lock Motorcycle Lock.

  29. 所属行业锁具配件箱包锁机械门锁窗锁挂锁门窗五金

    Industry Lock Accessories Luggage lock Mechanical locks Window lock Padlock Window Hardware.

  30. 使用右侧的旋钮可以解锁,锁住或自动控制驾驶舱门。

    The door can be unlocked, locked, or automatically controlled using the right knob.