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1. 钻 [zuān]2. 钻 [zuàn]钻 [zuān]用锥状的物体在另一物体上转动穿孔:~孔。~木取火。~探。进入:~心。~营。钻 [zuàn]穿孔洞的用具:~床。~头。电~。……
汉语拼音:sī zuàn
海陆 《铁人传》:“一九五五年, 王进喜 从一个先进队调到一个后进队当司钻。”《工人日报》1984.10.10:“学成以后,他们将获得国际钻井界承认的专业培训合格证书和司钻职务操作证书。”
Observed damage on or to any equipment will be recorded in the tour book and reported to the Driller and the Toolpusher.
观测到的损坏情况要记录在班报表上,并报告给司钻和带班队长。The driller checks the end of the new drilling line for damage, and cut off any defective section by using of a hydraulic line cutter.
司钻检查新大绳的快绳头,如有任何损伤或缺陷,就用液压切绳器把它切掉。Clean and examine the threads and shoulders on box and pin ends, and inform the Driller of any damage.
清洗和检验公、母扣的丝扣、台肩,发现损伤报告司钻Drillers depth is the first depth measurement of a wellbore and is taken from the rotary table level on the rig floor.
司钻深度是井筒的首次深度测量,并从钻台上的转盘面算起。The task lays the foundation for the drilling control room man-machine interface design and supplies design and data references for it.
本课题为我国的石油钻机司钻控制房人机界面设计打下了理论基础,为其设计提供了设计参考及数据参考。The floormen spin out the connection using the air spinner, or if applicable, the driller utilizes the top drive to spin out the connection.
钻工们用气动旋扣器把扣卸开,或者是司钻用顶驱把扣卸开。When I was a driller, he was as a motorman.
我当司钻的时候,他正当司机。The driller must ensure that the drilling line is reeved in under tension and that the drilling line is properly seated in the drum grooves.
司钻必须在大绳处于拉伸状态下缠绳,使大绳与辊筒排绳槽吻合。In the case of an underbalanced kick, the driller must circulate the influx out and increase the density of the drilling fluid.