







汉语拼音:bì hǎi







  1. 传说中的海名。

    《海内十洲记》:“ 扶桑 在 东海 之东岸。岸直,陆行登岸一万里,东復有 碧海 。海广狭浩汗,与 东海 等。水既不咸苦,正作碧色,甘香味美。” 隋 薛道衡 《从驾天池应诏》诗:“驾黿临 碧海 ,控驥践 瑶池 。” 唐 李白 《有所思》诗:“我思仙人乃在 碧海 之东隅,海寒多天风,白波连山倒 蓬壶 。”

  2. 蓝色的海洋。

    宋 苏轼 《登州海市》诗:“斜阳万里孤鸟没,但见碧海磨青铜。” 明 李梦阳 《去妇词》:“只解黄金顷刻成,那知碧海须臾变。” 鲁迅 《故事新编·奔月》:“他对着浮游在碧海里似的月亮,觉得自己的身子非常沉重。”

  3. 指青天。天色蓝若海,故称。

    宋 晁补之 《洞仙歌·泗州中秋作》词:“青烟幂处,碧海飞金镜。” 清 纳兰性德 《琵琶仙·中秋》词:“碧海年年,试问取冰轮,为谁圆缺?”



  1. Red house green trees, blue sky, the moment she fell in love with the city by the sea.


  2. Perched on a cliff above the blue-green sea and surrounded by mountains, it looks and feels like a remote outpost.


  3. Blue sea, azure sky, red tiles, green trees, yellow walls. . . all of these formed a colorful view of an attractive seaside city.


  4. Right here, you can steer the sail boat by yourself and enjoy the romance and passion of sailing on the sea and riding on the rough waves.


  5. LanSheng mountaineering, overlooking the blue, a floating in the sea island, white dots on the road, scenery is moving.


  6. White sand beaches surrounded by turquoise blue waters and rocky jagged mountains towering over lush green plains add to the beauty.


  7. Key West is not very big, but its coconut trees, silver sand, blue sky, and blue sea make many people not want to leave.


  8. The main attractions here are blue skies, emerald interesting rock seas, and formations.


  9. Situated on the beautiful southern coast of China, Shenzhen boasts blue skies, splendid flowers, and brilliant colors.


  1. 碧海彩色扩印部

    Bihai Color Photo Finishing Company

  2. 碧海青天衣夜心!

    Nightly pines amid the vast sea of the blue sky.

  3. 大连碧海集团服装设计助理。

    Dalian blue sea group dress designing assistant.

  4. 沧浪涛涛,金天碧海更从容。

    Canglang taotao, the more calm and clear day.

  5. 东莞碧海酒店绩效管理体系设计

    System Design of Performance Management of DongGuang BiHai Restaurant

  6. 若苍林之优雅,似碧海之灵动。

    The grace of the forest and the spirit of the sea.

  7. 碧海兰天可能是你的最佳选择!

    Clear blue sky may be your best choice!

  8. 爱碧海,爱蓝天,爱黑土,爱造物主创造的大自然。

    Love blue sea, love blue sky, love black earth, love God created nature.

  9. 挺起身来, 我看见碧海蓝天, 白帆隐现。

    When straightening up, I saw blue sea and sails.

  10. 从我们的房子里可以看到远处的碧海蓝天。

    We can see the sea, and sky in the distance from our house.

  11. 从我们的房子里可以看到远处的碧海蓝天。

    We can see the sea and the sky in the distance from our house.

  12. 碧海蓝天。或者是深海幽蓝。我喜欢后者的翻译。

    He once was the true love of mine.

  13. 碧海万年青和绿大帝蔓绿绒的离体繁殖

    Tissue culture for rapid propagation of Dieffenbachia amoena cv.Green Sea and Philodendron erubescens cv.Emerald King

  14. 从岛上的山顶我们可以望见四处是茫茫碧海。

    From the top to the hill on the island we could see the blue sea on every hand.

  15. 就是红瓦绿树碧海蓝天,我就觉得挺好的。

    My dream city is the one with red tiling, green trees, blue sea and clear sky.

  16. 栈桥划波斩浪,象一条长龙横卧于碧海银波。

    Pier plans Bo cut the waves, lying in the blue sea like a long queue silver wave.

  17. 碧海蓝天烘衬着这座小岛, 使它显得十分美丽。

    Set against the blue see and sky, the island seems all the more beautiful.

  18. 碧海蓝天烘衬着这座小岛,使它显得十分美丽。

    Set against the blue see and sky, the island seems all the more beautiful.

  19. 像碧海壁这样的大型矿业公司的办公室至今仍关闭着。

    Companies, such as mining giant BHP, are closing offices for now.

  20. 我正惬意地临窗而坐,眺望远山如黛,碧海连天。

    I am now at a very pleasant cottage window looking onto a beautiful hilly country, with a view of the sea.

  21. 少年即立下了大丈夫当朝碧海而暮苍梧的旅行大志。

    Junior made that the real man when North Korea and the blue sea Fifty Cangwu travel ambitions.


  1. 问:碧海拼音怎么拼?碧海的读音是什么?碧海翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碧海的读音是bìhǎi,碧海翻译成英文是 A blue sea.

  2. 问:碧海纯一拼音怎么拼?碧海纯一的读音是什么?碧海纯一翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碧海纯一的读音是Bìhǎi Chúnyī,碧海纯一翻译成英文是 Aomi Junichi

  3. 问:碧海蓝天拼音怎么拼?碧海蓝天的读音是什么?碧海蓝天翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碧海蓝天的读音是Bìhǎi lántiān,碧海蓝天翻译成英文是 The Big Blue

  4. 问:碧海追踪拼音怎么拼?碧海追踪的读音是什么?碧海追踪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碧海追踪的读音是Bìhǎizhuīzōng,碧海追踪翻译成英文是 Into the Blue, an action-adventure film directed...

  5. 问:碧海的AiON拼音怎么拼?碧海的AiON的读音是什么?碧海的AiON翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碧海的AiON的读音是,碧海的AiON翻译成英文是 Aion



碧海,传说中的海名。蓝色的海洋。也指青天。天色蓝若海,故称。出处《海内十洲记》:“ 扶桑 在 东海 之东岸。岸直,陆行登岸一万里,东复有 碧海 。海广狭浩汗,与 东海 等。水既不咸苦,正作碧色,甘香味美。”宋 苏轼 《登州海市》诗:“斜阳万里孤鸟没,但见碧海磨青铜。” 宋 晁补之 《洞仙歌·泗州中秋作》词:“青烟幂处,碧海飞金镜。”