


分量小,与“重(zhòng )”相对:~重。~型。~便(biàn )。~于鸿毛。~尘栖弱草(喻人生渺小短暂)。程度浅,数量少:年~。工作~。用力小:~放。~声。~闲。~描淡写。负载少,装备简省:~装。~骑。~锐(轻装的精锐部队)。认为容易,……





汉语拼音:qīng hū







  1. 轻视忽略。

    《汉书·孔光传》:“若不畏惧,有以塞除,而轻忽简诬,则凶罚加焉。” 宋 欧阳修 《论郭承祐不可将兵状》:“中外之士,见国家轻忽戎患,弛武北方,人皆献言,愿早为备。” 冰心 《寄小读者》十七:“蒲公英虽是我最熟识的一种草花,但从来是被人轻忽,从来是不上美人头的。”

  2. 潇洒飘逸。

    前蜀 贯休 《少年行》:“锦衣鲜华手擎鶻,閒行气貌多轻忽。稼穡艰难总不知,五帝三皇是何物。”

  3. 轻率随便。

    《后汉书·左雄传》:“朱紫同色,清浊不分。故使姦猾枉滥,轻忽去就,拜除如流,缺动百数。” 郑振铎 《桂公塘》二:“他要为国家惜此身。他要做的事比这重要得多。他不愿便这样轻忽的牺牲了。”



  1. Perhaps he knew that Archippus had a tendency to settle down in comfort and to take things easy.


  2. Our people seem to have the notion that foreigners are being hypocritical, and ridicule the advice.


  3. We need a more formal system to ensure that they cannot be so easily brushed off.


  4. Do not neglect the gift which is in you, which was given to you by means of prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.


  5. Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you.


  6. You have neglected the Rock who begot you And have forgotten the God who travailed with you.


  7. But in oil, the threat should not be discounted lightly, as they come from a position of strength.


  8. Any government which is impaired to this point may pay a whopping price.


  9. A compliment is a gift, not to be thrown away carelessly, unless you want to hurt the giver.


  1. 轻忽职务。

    Lie down on the job.

  2. 熟稔造成轻忽。

    Familiarity breeds contempt.

  3. 你轻忽你自己的安全。

    You are thoughtless of your own safety.

  4. 她的作用被轻忽了。

    Her role was neglected.

  5. 疏忽, 轻忽习惯性的缺乏关心

    Habitual lack of care.

  6. 你太轻忽了,忘记你姊姊的生日。

    It was thoughtless of you to forget your sister's birthday.

  7. 你轻忽了生你的磐石,忘记了产你的神。

    You have neglected the rock who begot you and have forgotten the God who travailed with you.

  8. 你轻忽了生你的磐石,你忘记了产你的神。

    Of the Rock that begat thee thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee.

  9. 我们得到太廉价的, 因我们评价太轻忽。

    What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly.

  10. 由于约翰的轻忽才造成那场交通意外。

    John brought about the accident because of carelessness.

  11. 由于约翰得轻忽才造成那场交通意外。

    John brought about the accident because of carelessness.

  12. 你能有今天的成绩, 不可轻忽他的帮助。

    You have him to thank for today's achievements, you shouldn't overlook his help.

  13. 你能有今天的成绩,不可轻忽他的帮助。

    You have him to thank for today's achievements, you shouldn't overlook his help.

  14. 永远不要轻忽在家庭中罪的影响力。

    Never underestimate the power of sin in a family.

  15. 岂能以为是饮食小事, 率而轻忽了它呢

    How can we overlook the matters of eating and drinking and think they are unimportant ?

  16. 你们既轻忽我的一切劝告,不肯接受我的责备

    since you ignored all my advice and would not accept my rebuke.

  17. 蜥人族是个强大得战士种族,绝不可以轻忽。

    Hardened fighters, the Zaurask are not to be trifled with.

  18. 蜥人族是个强大的战士种族,绝不可以轻忽。

    Hardened fighters, the Zaurask are not to be trifled with.

  19. 所以上述的显示轻忽感染寄生虫机率的观念是不正确的。

    Moreover, as the above list shows, this belief is far from being true.

  20. 他时常从参议院例会中缺席,轻忽了督导的职责。

    He was sometimes absent from Senate sessions and neglected his whip duties.

  21. 对敬天拜神、四时的祭祀等也从来不敢轻忽。

    I never neglect the sacrifice to the heaven and god in all seasons.

  22. 我们似乎认为外国人乃是伪善,因而便轻忽这样的建议。

    Our people seem to have the notion that foreigners are being hypocritical, and ridicule the advice.

  23. 也许他知道亚基布容易流于安逸和处事轻忽。

    Perhaps he knew that Archippus had a tendency to settle down in comfort and to take things easy.

  24. 耶39因以色列轻忽了他的淫乱, 石头木头行淫, 就被玷污了。

    Because of the lightness of her harlotry, she polluted the land and committed adultery with stones and trees.

  25. 另外,置放肺动脉导管来评估心功能与体液多寡变不容轻忽。

    In addition, the placement of pulmonary artery catheter is crucial for assessing the cardiac function and fluid status.


  1. 问:轻忽拼音怎么拼?轻忽的读音是什么?轻忽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:轻忽的读音是qīnghū,轻忽翻译成英文是 To despise; neglect.





【释义】 1.轻视忽略。 《汉书·孔光传》:“若不畏惧,有以塞除,而轻忽简诬,则凶罚加焉。” 宋欧阳修 《论郭承佑不可将兵状》:“中外之士,见国家轻忽戎患,弛武北方,人皆献言,愿早为备。” 明 冯梦龙 《东周列国志》第四十五回:“此去从渑池而西,正是崤山险峻之路,吾父谆谆叮嘱谨慎,主帅不可轻忽。” 冰心 《寄小读者》十七:“蒲公英虽是我最熟识的一种草花,但从来是被人轻忽,从来是不上美人头的。” 2.潇洒飘逸。 前蜀 贯休 《少年行》:“锦衣鲜华手擎鹘,闲行气貌多轻忽。稼穑艰难总不知,五帝三皇是何物。” 3.轻率随便。 《后汉书·左雄传》:“朱紫同色,清浊不分。故使奸猾枉滥,轻忽去就,拜除如流,缺动百数。” 郑振铎 《桂公塘》二:“他要为国家惜此身。他要做的事比这重要得多。他不愿便这样轻忽的牺牲了。”