






1. 杠 [gàng]2. 杠 [gāng]杠 [gàng]一种较粗的棍子:~子。~杆。在阅读或批改文字中作标记而画的粗直线。杠 [gāng]旗杆。小桥。床前横木。……



汉语拼音:qiāo zhú gàng







  • 【解释】:比喻利用别人的弱点或以某种口实为借口来索取财物。
  • 【出自】:清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第17回:“兄弟敲竹杠,也算会敲的了,难道这里头还有竹杠不成?”
  • 【示例】:《木刻纪程》是用原木版印的,因为版面不平,被印刷厂大~,上当不浅。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、宾语;含贬义


  1. The impression is of a government that's happy to reap the benefits at a time when consumers and businesses are paying through the nose.


  2. Get ready to be ripped off, boys.


  3. Whenever any of these items rises above its previous level the consumer becomes indignant, and feels that he is being rooked.


  4. Dumb money is the term Hollywood uses for people from outside the industry trying to finance movies because they are often fleeced.


  5. (I could work in the nude if I liked ) And goodbye to the filthy, always late and criminally expensive Long Island Rail Road.


  6. That's highway robbery! I can buy the same thing for half the price at the shop down the road!


  7. The recent debt exchange deal Europe offered Greece was a rip-off, providing much less debt relief than the country needed.


  8. We'll help stop predatory practices, and curb unscrupulous lenders, helping secure your family's financial future.


  9. Eight thousand bucks for that blouse is a rip-off.


  1. 敲竹杠的场所

    gyp joint.

  2. 向某人敲竹杠

    fleece a man of his money

  3. 游客们担心被敲竹杠。

    Tourists are worried they'll get ripped off.

  4. 那家饭店真是敲竹杠!

    They really fleeced us at that hotel!

  5. 那家饭店真是敲竹杠!

    They really fleeced us at that hotel!

  6. 那顿饭简直是敲竹杠。

    That meal was a real gyp.

  7. 他想在我身上敲竹杠。

    He's trying to hustle me for a fast Buck.

  8. 他被指控向客户敲竹杠。

    He was accused of soaking his clients.

  9. 所有的游客都会被敲竹杠。

    All the visitors will be ripped off.

  10. 买房时他向她敲竹杠。

    He did her down over selling the house.

  11. 开那么高的价, 简直是敲竹杠。

    It is no less than blackmail ask such a high price.

  12. 开这么高的价, 简直是敲竹杠。

    It is no less than blackmail to ask such a high price.

  13. 那件上衣卖8,000元,简直是敲竹杠。

    Eight thousand bucks for that blouse is a ripoff.

  14. 两个三明治要三镑简直是敲竹杠!

    Three pounds for two sandwiches Its daylight robbery!

  15. 两个叁明治要叁镑?简直是敲竹杠!

    Three pounds for two sandwiches ?It's daylight robbery!

  16. 他就是要对我大敲竹杠的那个医生。

    He's just a doctor who's gonna slap me with a gigantic bill.

  17. 真是敲竹杠, 你本不该付那么多钱得。

    That's a rip off. You shouldn't have spent so much.

  18. 太生气了。这些石油公司分明是在敲竹杠。

    I'm so angry about it. The oil companies are ripping me off.

  19. 真是敲竹杠,你本不该付那么多钱的。

    That's a rip off. You shouldn't have spent so much.

  20. 那可是一家漫天要价,大敲竹杠得商店阿!

    That shop is plain a clip joint!

  21. 那可是一家漫天要价,大敲竹杠的商店阿!

    That shop is plain a clip joint!

  22. 那可是一家漫天要价, 大敲竹杠的饭馆啊!

    That restaurant is plain a clip joint!

  23. 这是下流得敲竹杠得企图, 匹克威克先生说。

    It's a vile attempt to extort money, said Mr. Pickwick.

  24. 这是下流的敲竹杠的企图,匹克威克先生说。

    It's a vile attempt to extort money, said Mr. Pickwick.

  25. 那可是不定一家漫天要价,大敲竹杠的商店啊!

    That shop is plain a clip joint

  26. 这家餐馆的价格令人难以置信?简直是在敲竹杠。

    The prices in this restaurant are unbelievable? It's highway robbery.

  27. 一位博主称, 他的朋友一家被一位餐厅老板敲竹杠。

    A blogger said his friends family was fleeced by a restaurant owner.

  28. 要是你们想拿这件事来敲竹杠, 我自然也没办法。

    If you choose to make capital out of this accident, I am naturally helpless.

  29. 这笔生意听起来好像有点敲竹杠,我不想做这笔买卖。

    This sale sounds like sharp practice to me and I want nothing to do with it.

  30. 你也不想被敲竹杠的公司, 可今天在这里经历的明天。

    You also don't want to get ripped off by companies that may be here today and gone tomorrow.


  1. 问:敲竹杠拼音怎么拼?敲竹杠的读音是什么?敲竹杠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:敲竹杠的读音是qiāozhúgàng,敲竹杠翻译成英文是 rip-off; to take advantage of somebody's being in...


