




储存:~存。~藏(cáng )。~积。……



汉语拼音:cún zhù







  1. 贮存;贮藏。

    《清会典事例·户部·积储》:“所有八成粮价银两,著存贮司库,来年粮集价平,即照数买补还仓。” 清 沉初 《西清笔记·纪典故》:“上命勒石於辟雍,凡臣工所呈进之书,皆存贮殿内。”



  1. For the four experimental binary pictures, the storage requirement is only about 39 percent of that of QT representation.


  2. cuts a good flat piece of paper, the situation is much better, at least it has a certain storage after cutting.


  3. Storage : Please store the product in sealed , cool and dry condition and put it out of children's reach .


  4. Data stored on hard disks is at higher risk due to the mechanical nature of the device.


  5. Mr. Jones's gun had been found lying in the mud, and it was known that there was a supply of cartridges in the farmhouse.


  6. Points out the logic of each data definition and the logic relation between the data storage, is the set of records.


  7. For simplicity in the design , the refresh is usually performed from a dedicated memory .


  8. Runtime storage cannot be completely allocated until all common and equivalence statements have been processed.


  9. The compute invention is a symbol that mankind began to storage data and manage data by the machine language.


  1. 冗佘存贮器

    Redundancy Memory Unit.

  2. 直接电荷存贮探测器

    Direct Ion Storage detector

  3. 皮重存贮器

    Tare Memory

  4. 相容的海量存贮系统

    consistent mass system

  5. 石油供应从油存贮系统。

    Oil supply from oil storage system.

  6. 内容定址随机存取存贮器

    Caram content addressable random access memory

  7. 地质图件的数据存贮与处理

    Storage and processing of geological map data.

  8. 阁楼上有很大的存贮空间。

    Theres a lot of storage space in the loft.

  9. 浮点数的存贮格式及安全转换

    Storage Format and Security Conversion of the Floating Numbers

  10. 磁带较便宜及拥有大量存贮空间。

    III. It is cheap and have large storage capacity.

  11. 线性表链式存贮结构的动态建立

    The dynamic creation for linkage memory structure of the linear lists

  12. 存贮论是运筹学的一个分支。

    Theory of storage is one branch of the operational research.

  13. 把这些肉存贮在冰箱里吧。

    Please store the meat in the fridge.

  14. 主存贮器的周期已趋饱和。

    Main memory cycle time has bottomed out.

  15. 在1948年第一个磁芯存贮器问世。

    The first core memory was envisioned in 1948.

  16. 建立统一格式的存贮系统已是大势所趋。

    It was reasonable for storage to be in the same mode.

  17. 林产品随机存贮策略的决策分析方法

    Stoke Decision Analysis Method of Forestry Produce for Possessing Random Requirement

  18. 语篇主题表征在大脑两半球的存贮

    The Storing of Discourse Topic Presentation in the Two Hemispheres

  19. 检查车箱与所有其它覆盖的存贮空间。

    Check trunk and all other covered storage spaces.

  20. 每个电视唱片可存贮数量惊人得信息。

    An awesome amount of information is stored in each video disk.

  21. 每个电视唱片可存贮数量惊人的信息。

    An awesome amount of information is stored in each video disk.

  22. 一类允许缺货的随机非线性存贮模型

    Category of Nonlinear Stochastic Inventory Models with Stockout Period

  23. 寄存和存贮数据指令是最通常的例子。

    The load and store data instructrons are the most common examples.

  24. 寄存与存贮数据指令是最通常的例子。

    The load and store data instructions are the most common examples.

  25. 计算机的基本原理是存贮程序和程序控制。

    The basic principle is that computer storage procedures and process control.

  26. 关于最优存贮策略的两点注记

    Some Notes on Optimal Inventory Policy

  27. 高存贮密度很不利于阵列的散热。

    High packing density greatly impedes the cooling of the array.

  28. 高存贮密度很不利于阵列得散热。

    High packing density greatly impedes the cooling of the array.

  29. 仓库容量有限条件下的允许缺货存贮模型

    The storage model permitting the lack of stock under the condition of limited capacity of a storehouse

  30. 存贮器的组成和内存容量及构造有关。

    Memory organization relates to internal memory capacity and structure.


  1. 问:存贮拼音怎么拼?存贮的读音是什么?存贮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:存贮的读音是cúnzhù,存贮翻译成英文是 To store.

  2. 问:存贮缸拼音怎么拼?存贮缸的读音是什么?存贮缸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:存贮缸的读音是cún zhù gāng,存贮缸翻译成英文是 accumulator tanks

  3. 问:存贮培养拼音怎么拼?存贮培养的读音是什么?存贮培养翻译成英文是什么?

    答:存贮培养的读音是cún zhù péi yǎng,存贮培养翻译成英文是 stock culture

  4. 问:存贮效应拼音怎么拼?存贮效应的读音是什么?存贮效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:存贮效应的读音是cún zhù xiào yìng,存贮效应翻译成英文是 carry over effect

  5. 问:存贮问题拼音怎么拼?存贮问题的读音是什么?存贮问题翻译成英文是什么?

    答:存贮问题的读音是cún zhù wèn tí,存贮问题翻译成英文是 inventory problem

  6. 问:存贮摄像机拼音怎么拼?存贮摄像机的读音是什么?存贮摄像机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:存贮摄像机的读音是cún zhù shè xiàng jī,存贮摄像机翻译成英文是 storage camera



cún zhù ㄘㄨㄣˊ ㄓㄨˋ存贮(存贮)

◎ 存贮cúnzhù[keep in store]保存贮藏,特指将数据存入计算机以备以后取出。也作“存储”