


1. 通 [tōng]通 [tōng]没有阻碍,可以穿过,能够达到:~风。~天。~气。~宵。~行。~过。~衢。贯~。四~八达。曲径~幽。懂得,彻底明了:~晓。~彻。~今博古。~情达理。传达:~令。~讯。~报。~告。~知。~缉。~谍。往来交接……




通:四通八~。~德(通行天下的美德)。~人。~士(达人)。通晓:洞~。练~。遍,全面:~观(对不如意的事情看得开,不计个人的得失)。到:到~。抵~。通宵~旦。实现:目的已~。传出来:传(chuán)~。转(zhuǎn )~。得到显要的地位:……





汉语拼音:tōng xiāo dá dàn







  1. So, working around the clock over a weekend, they built another version, with a more rudimentary algorithm.

  2. The implication was that I had been selling overnights in the White House to raise money for the DNC.

  3. As he worked alone on the land, or sat up with his ewes at lambing time, the facts and material of his daily life fell away.

  4. Reported that Kelsey is always fun to go out, frequent replacement of her boyfriend, and friends throughout the night party.

  5. Late at night, he would sit up with his tape recorder, hearing a voice that certainly wasn't Polish and was sounding a little less Scottish.

  6. Luminaries and dignitaries from around the world joined the king as he danced the night away to the music of the Royal Hawaiian Band.

  7. I imagine her mother must have kept her up the entire evening.

  8. No more allnighters to get a nifty program working? Then this post might be just for you.

  9. In the west, binge drinking is associated with young men and women spilling out of pubs and clubs in the early hours of the mornings.


  1. 他们狂欢通宵达旦。

    They reveled until dawn.

  2. 狂欢活动通宵达旦。

    The revelries went on all night.

  3. 我忙得通宵达旦。

    I was very busy overnight.

  4. 他通宵达旦地工作。

    He worked away all night.

  5. 他经常通宵达旦地学习。

    He often studies over night.

  6. 他经常通宵达旦地工作。

    He often works round the clock.

  7. 它们通宵达旦睁着眼睛

    Who sleep with open eyes the whole night long

  8. 他们常常通宵达旦地工作。

    They often work over night.

  9. 他们饮酒狂欢作乐通宵达旦。

    They were drinking and revelling all night.

  10. 余则饮酒玩钱,通宵达旦。

    I was drinking play money, all night long.

  11. 有些年轻人则通宵达旦上网。

    Youngsters are attracted to internet even the whole night.

  12. 他们成群地通宵达旦地守着。

    They watched all night in groups.

  13. 工人们通宵达旦地辛勤劳动着。

    The workers toiled all through the night.

  14. 他们通宵达旦地玩西洋骨牌戏。

    They played dominoes all night.

  15. 考试前, 他经常通宵达旦的熬夜。

    Before the exam, he usually burns the midnight oil.

  16. 小伙子们和姑娘们跳舞跳个通宵达旦。

    The boys and girls at the dance made a night of it.

  17. 就算是忙个通宵达旦也好,我不管。

    I don't care if it takes everybody you got working around the clock.

  18. 世界杯期间我经常通宵达旦地看球赛。

    During the World Cup, I watched football matches day and night.

  19. 为了公司, 她准备通宵达旦地大干一番。

    She was prepared to work all hours of the night for the sake of the company.

  20. 现在好了不羁的小宝宝, 不羁伍吉通宵达旦。

    Well now boogie little baby, Boogiewoogie all night long.

  21. 这本书太有趣了, 我读了个通宵达旦。

    The book was so interesting that I sat up all night reading it.

  22. 在过年期间, 小孩子们通宵达旦地玩爆竹。

    The children played with fire crackers all night long during the Spring Festival.

  23. 在春节期间,小孩子们通宵达旦地玩爆竹。

    The children played with fire crackers all night long during the Spring Festival.

  24. 工人们在那儿通宵达旦辛勤劳动着的工厂。

    Factories where men toiled all through the night.

  25. 夜晚,人们举着熊熊的火把,通宵达旦,载歌载舞。

    In the evening, people hold burning torches, sing and dance, stay up all the night.

  26. 陶醉在胜利的喜悦中, 他们通宵达旦唱歌跳舞。

    Intoxicated by victory, they sang and danced all night.

  27. 彩券中奖的那天晚上,我和太太出去通宵达旦。

    On the evening we won the lottery, my wife and I went out and made a night of it.

  28. 柯特连续三天通宵达旦的学习,最后病倒了。

    Kurt stayed up until early morning for three days and finally became ill.

  29. 柯特连续三天通宵达旦得学习,最后病倒了。

    Kurt stayed up until early morning for three days and finally became ill.

  30. 他的好友们不知有多少次和他通宵达旦地喝酒。

    His best companions have a thousand times to drink up the sun with him.


  1. 问:通宵达旦拼音怎么拼?通宵达旦的读音是什么?通宵达旦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:通宵达旦的读音是tōngxiāodádàn,通宵达旦翻译成英文是 all the night long



读 音tōng xiāo dá dàn释 义通:整个;宵:夜间;通宵:通夜,整夜;达:到;旦:天亮。整整一天,从天黑到天亮。出 处《北齐书·文宣纪》卷四:“或躬自鼓舞,歌讴不息,从旦通宵,以夜继昼。”示 例乙校昨夜~,将赤化书籍完全焚烧矣。(鲁迅《华盖集续编·无花的蔷薇之三》)近义词夜以继日反义词一朝一夕用 法联合式;作主语、状语;用于学习、工作等等注意“宵”不能写作“霄”。灯谜通宵达旦(打字一)谜底:歹