




分量小,与“重(zhòng )”相对:~重。~型。~便(biàn )。~于鸿毛。~尘栖弱草(喻人生渺小短暂)。程度浅,数量少:年~。工作~。用力小:~放。~声。~闲。~描淡写。负载少,装备简省:~装。~骑。~锐(轻装的精锐部队)。认为容易,……



汉语拼音:jiǎn qīng








  1. 亦作“减轻”。数量、重量、程度由多变少、由重变轻或由深变浅、由强变弱。

    《汉书·王莽传中》:“ 汉氏 减轻田租,三十而税一。” 巴金 《关于<第四病室>》:“她随时在努力帮助别人减轻痛苦,鼓舞别人的生活的勇气。”



  1. But further safety measures, including head gear that would lessen the impact of any knock to the head, might be warranted, he said.


  2. Politeness is like an air cushion; there may be noting in it, but it eases our jolts wonderfully.


  3. The muskeg berries did not allay this gnawing, while they made his tongue and the roof of his mouth sore with their irritating bite.


  4. She said the fact that the outbreak had occurred in a remote part of the country "should help to mitigate" the impact.


  5. Working in an office is less glamorous than going to hospitals, but I prefer to work at alleviating the suffering of my people.


  6. These fluctuations can, with a bit of luck and good policy, be tamed but not abolished.


  7. Flexible working arrangements may cut down on your stress as well as free up some of your time.


  8. For the summer though, once I get all these muscles how I'm gonna take a little, you know, weight off the sides so I fit in my swimsuit?


  9. In fact, what he wanted to express was that with your aid he had relieved the pressure.


  1. 减轻背痛。

    allay back pains.

  2. 疼痛已减轻。

    The pain has eased off.

  3. 减轻税收负担

    tax relief.

  4. 减轻赋税负担

    tax mitigation.

  5. 为了减轻体重

    To lose weight!

  6. 减轻痛苦, 减轻悲伤

    To allay the sorrow or grief of.

  7. 减轻农民负担

    lighten the burden on the peasants

  8. 减轻债务负担

    reduction or cancellation of debts.

  9. 减轻五英磅

    Lost five pounds.

  10. 减轻疼痛, 解痛

    to ease pain

  11. 减轻企业工作量。

    Reducing work load of system maintenance.

  12. 减轻船舶载货

    lightening of a ship.

  13. 在悲泣中减轻么

    Take comfort in my weep

  14. 靠药减轻痛苦

    recourse to drugs to lessen pain

  15. 吃药减轻病痛

    find relief from taking a medicine

  16. 减轻,释放放走

    To relieve or release let off.

  17. 疼痛已在减轻。

    The pain was already lessening.

  18. 减轻背痛参见

    allay back pains.See Synonyms at relieve.

  19. 从未减轻的疼痛

    Pain that never eased.

  20. 疼痛逐渐减轻了。

    The pain was ebbing.

  21. 减轻伤口的疼痛

    to ease the pain of a wound

  22. 笑能减轻压力

    I will chuckle and my burdens will be lightened.

  23. 工作能减轻烦恼。

    Work can allay trouble.

  24. 使病人减轻痛苦

    give a patient relief from pain

  25. 按摩能减轻疼痛。

    Massage will help the pain.

  26. 减轻感冒的症状

    to relieve the symptoms of a cold

  27. 识别和减轻风险。

    Identify and mitigate risks.

  28. 法官减轻了处罚。

    The judge modified the penalty.

  29. 白天发烧减轻了。

    The fever lessened during the day.

  30. 去减轻这个问题。

    in order to alleviate the problem.


  1. 问:减轻拼音怎么拼?减轻的读音是什么?减轻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻的读音是jiǎnqīng,减轻翻译成英文是 reduce

  2. 问:减轻剂拼音怎么拼?减轻剂的读音是什么?减轻剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻剂的读音是jiǎn qīng jì,减轻剂翻译成英文是 palliative

  3. 问:减轻孔拼音怎么拼?减轻孔的读音是什么?减轻孔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻孔的读音是jiǎn qīng kǒng,减轻孔翻译成英文是 Lightening Hole

  4. 问:减轻犯拼音怎么拼?减轻犯的读音是什么?减轻犯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻犯的读音是jiǎn qīng fàn,减轻犯翻译成英文是 mitigated offense

  5. 问:减轻的拼音怎么拼?减轻的的读音是什么?减轻的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻的的读音是,减轻的翻译成英文是 mitigatory

  6. 问:减轻债务拼音怎么拼?减轻债务的读音是什么?减轻债务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻债务的读音是jiǎn qīng zhài wù,减轻债务翻译成英文是 abatement of debts

  7. 问:减轻刑罚拼音怎么拼?减轻刑罚的读音是什么?减轻刑罚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻刑罚的读音是jiǎn qīng xíng fá,减轻刑罚翻译成英文是 mitigation of punishment

  8. 问:减轻刺激拼音怎么拼?减轻刺激的读音是什么?减轻刺激翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻刺激的读音是,减轻刺激翻译成英文是 abirritate

  9. 问:减轻因素拼音怎么拼?减轻因素的读音是什么?减轻因素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻因素的读音是jiǎn qīng yīn sù,减轻因素翻译成英文是 mitigating factor

  10. 问:减轻情节拼音怎么拼?减轻情节的读音是什么?减轻情节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻情节的读音是jiǎnqīngqíngjié,减轻情节翻译成英文是 extenuate circumstances

  11. 问:减轻损失拼音怎么拼?减轻损失的读音是什么?减轻损失翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻损失的读音是jiǎnqīngsǔnshī,减轻损失翻译成英文是 mitigate damage

  12. 问:减轻照亮拼音怎么拼?减轻照亮的读音是什么?减轻照亮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻照亮的读音是,减轻照亮翻译成英文是 lighten

  13. 问:减轻痛苦拼音怎么拼?减轻痛苦的读音是什么?减轻痛苦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻痛苦的读音是jiǎnqīng tòngkǔ,减轻痛苦翻译成英文是 alleviate suffering

  14. 问:减轻船重拼音怎么拼?减轻船重的读音是什么?减轻船重翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻船重的读音是jiǎn qīng chuán zhòng,减轻船重翻译成英文是 Lighten Ship

  15. 问:减轻证据拼音怎么拼?减轻证据的读音是什么?减轻证据翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻证据的读音是jiǎn qīng zhèng jù,减轻证据翻译成英文是 evidence in mitigation

  16. 问:减轻评价拼音怎么拼?减轻评价的读音是什么?减轻评价翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻评价的读音是jiǎn qīng píng jià,减轻评价翻译成英文是 mitigation assessment

  17. 问:减轻质量拼音怎么拼?减轻质量的读音是什么?减轻质量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻质量的读音是jiǎn qīng zhì liàng,减轻质量翻译成英文是 weight reduction

  18. 问:减轻体重法拼音怎么拼?减轻体重法的读音是什么?减轻体重法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻体重法的读音是,减轻体重法翻译成英文是 reducing

  19. 问:减轻充血的拼音怎么拼?减轻充血的的读音是什么?减轻充血的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻充血的的读音是jiǎn qīng chōng xǐè de,减轻充血的翻译成英文是 decongestive

  20. 问:减轻刺激的拼音怎么拼?减轻刺激的的读音是什么?减轻刺激的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减轻刺激的的读音是,减轻刺激的翻译成英文是 abirritant



减轻 jiǎnqīng 降低重量、负担等 减轻国家的负担 使程度减少 减轻忧愁 《汉书·王莽传中》:“ 汉氏 减轻田租,三十而税一。” 巴金 《关于<第四病室>》:“她随时在努力帮助别人减轻痛苦,鼓舞别人的生活的勇气。”