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1. 景 [jǐng]2. 景 [yǐng]景 [jǐng]环境的风光:~色。~致。~物。~观。~气(a.景色;b.指经济繁荣现象,统指兴旺)。~深。情况,状况:~象。~况。年~。佩服,敬慕:~仰。~慕。高,大:~行(xíng )。姓。景 ……
汉语拼音:pén jǐng
In the quest of keeping all of your gadgets charged up, nothing would be quite like using a bonsai tree that uses the sun to juice them up.
要让你所有的小玩意儿都充上电,没有什么比利用一棵太阳能充电盆景树更好的了。That is one of the main draws of terrariums, she said: they are good for people who love plants but do not actually enjoy gardening.
她说:“这是水晶球盆景吸引人的主要因素,这对那些喜欢植物而又不精通园艺的人来说是个好消息。”The dry, frigid site is now surrounded by glaciers and is completely treeless, except for a few bonsai-size dwarf trees.
这个地区的气候干燥寒冷,广布冰川。除了少量盆景式矮化林以外,再也找不到别的树木。Yung Shue strong vitality, suitable for long-term bonsai culture, is a fine handed down the significance of tree species.
榕树生命力强,适合于长期盆景培养,是具有传世意义的上乘树种。She described making a terrarium as a sort of science experiment, albeit one conducted with color, texture and visual composition in mind.
她决定用一系列水晶球盆景做一个科学实验,研究颜色、纹理和视觉效果对情感的影响。Although handled by the computer, it is still pouring good bonsai , and his growth for a long time, we have to be respected.
虽然用电脑处理过了,但仍然是一盆好的盆景,他的生长的时间很长了,值得我们去尊敬。When creation impulses of originally reaching Jincheng bonsai garden quelled a little, art life would not terminate.
初到金城盆景园的创作冲动稍稍平息后,艺术生命不会停止。Dr. Wu was acclaimed as the "Sage of Penjing" . Proceeds from sales of the books were used to establish the Wu Yee Sun Education Fund.
他说,伍博士早在一九七六年,把出售一万册《文农盆景》所得成立「伍宜孙教育基金」,用以支持大学。The pictures of workers pulling up the bonsai plants by the roots while transporting them are in a sense quite shocking.