


具有杰出才能的人:~杰。英~。文~。自~。气魄大,直爽痛快,没有拘束的:~放。~爽。~迈。~气。~情。~兴(xìng )。~举。~语。~华。强横的,有特殊势力的:~强。~门。~族。~绅。巧取~夺。古同“毫”,极小。……


1. 饮 [yǐn]饮 [yǐn]喝,又特指喝酒:~水思源。~酒。~泣(泪流满面,流到口里,形容悲哀到了极点)。~鸩止渴。指可喝的东西:冷~。~料。~食。中医汤剂的一种类型:香苏~。~子(不规定时间服用的汤剂)。中医学指体内水液传输不利停于……



汉语拼音:háo yǐn








  1. 痛饮;纵饮。

    《金史·隐逸传·辛愿》:“剧谈豪饮,傍若无人。” 宋 陆游 《病后暑雨感怀》诗:“止酒亡聊还自笑,少年豪饮似长鲸。” 陈毅 《在志愿军司令部度春节·除夕欢饮》诗:“座上更有年迈客,喜他豪饮兴最浓。”



  1. Just as bad is the now common practice of "binge drinking, " otherwise known as getting hammered on the weekend.


  2. But be careful what you pour down your throat. Something that looks cool may not be good for your health.


  3. He stayed intrigued after years of meetings with Chinese leaders who smoked, spat or pickled themselves with mao-tai.


  4. THE BOOZE - Alcohol is very hard to come by. Fans will have to work hard for a pre-match pint. Hardly a relaxing environment.


  5. The effect was incredibly pleasant and social, so much so that me and my friends all used it instead of booze for almost a year.


  6. The ship master gathered booze, and everyone more topics, but also go up a bit: "Who gave this year's first pole? "


  7. But just now he felt desire for the drink, or, rather, for the atmosphere wherein drinks were dispensed and disposed of.


  8. Perhaps it was the crushed, social blend of booze and crowds that made Murakami uneasy.


  9. For a long time Tess did not join in the weekly pilgrimages.


  1. 豪饮汪洋一盅酒

    Drink up the ocean just like drinking a small cannikin of wine heroically

  2. 豪饮则使人再度清醒。

    And drinking largely sobers us again.

  3. 豪饮则便使人再度清醒。

    And drinking largely sobers us again.

  4. 豪饮也会影响你的睡眠。

    Booze also interferes with your sleep.

  5. 这位演员以豪饮出名。

    The actor was celebrated for drinking too much.

  6. 他们兴致勃勃的豪饮浓啤酒。

    They quaffed their ale with gusto.

  7. 有些人既能豪饮,又能控制酒量。

    Some people can drink like a fish and handle it.

  8. 一晚上的豪饮之后,他喝多了。

    He was tanked after a long night of drinking.

  9. 一晚上的豪饮之后,他喝多了。

    He was tanked after a long night of drinking.

  10. 闪光的汽酒魔杯中豪饮。

    Of foaming, and sparkling, and murmuring wine.

  11. 英国取缔酒桌游戏严打豪饮之风。

    Out go drinking games in UK crackdown.

  12. 他们也同样更少有机会豪饮。

    I must warn you though, whatever happens, dont let me go on a drinking binge.

  13. 他们前三天进行了一次豪饮。

    They went on a bust that lasted three days.

  14. 这似乎表示汉人的豪饮文化不无原因。

    This shows that the Han culture of drinking heartily is not without reason.

  15. 也许让村上不安的是豪饮的嘈杂人群。

    Perhaps it was the crushed, social blend of booze and crowds that made Murakami uneasy.

  16. 他其实并非酒徒,但每逢聚会他总是豪饮一番。

    He's not really a drinker, but he indulges at parties.

  17. 周五晚上下班后,他出去和朋友豪饮。

    On Friday evenings after work, he went out boozing with his friends.

  18. 在节日里, 他们总有想去豪饮一次的冲动。

    It's tempting for them to go on a drinking binge in the festival.

  19. 席间,没有人劝酒,他的儿子仍然顾自豪饮。

    During the meeting, no one urge somebody to drink, his son is still Guzi booze.

  20. 长期以来, 苔丝都没有参加这些每星期一次的豪饮活动。

    For a long time Tess did not join in the weekly pilgrimages.

  21. 长期以来, 苔丝都没有参加这些每星期一次得豪饮活动。

    For a long time Tess did not join in the weekly pilgrimages.

  22. 更在全情形得斑纹中闪耀豪饮,供应,和啤酒小桶。

    More sparkled in dapples all over the cases of booze, supplies, and beer kegs.

  23. 更在全情形的斑纹中闪耀豪饮,供应,和啤酒小桶。

    More sparkled in dapples all over the cases of booze, supplies, and beer kegs.

  24. 没人认为应该鼓励现在滴酒不沾的人去狂喝豪饮。

    No one believes that current nondrinkers should be encouraged to start imbibing.

  25. 有些人说, 不用在政府宴会上豪饮, 也让他们松了一口气。

    Some say they are also relieved to avoid the heavy drinking at government banquets.

  26. 经过如此漫长无水的旅途之后, 那位旅行家豪饮了几口泉水。

    After such a long thirsty journey, the traveller drank deep of the fresh spring water.

  27. 政府计划铲除“豪饮”行为,从明年开始酒瓶上会帖上危害健康的警告。

    Bottles of wine are to carry health warnings from next year under Government plans to crack down on so-called"binge drinking".


  1. 问:豪饮拼音怎么拼?豪饮的读音是什么?豪饮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:豪饮的读音是háoyǐn,豪饮翻译成英文是 unrestrained drinking; to drink like a fish...




【读音】háo yǐn


【出处】《金史·隐逸传·辛愿》:“剧谈豪饮,傍若无人。” 宋·陆游《病后暑雨感怀》诗:“止酒亡聊还自笑,少年豪饮似长鲸。”

【示例】 陈毅《在志愿军司令部度春节·除夕欢饮》诗:“座上更有年迈客,喜他豪饮兴最浓。”