




斫,消除,修改:~误(亦作“勘误”)。校(jiào )~。不~之论(喻至理名言)。刻:~石。~印。~本。排版印刷:~行(xíng )。创~。~登。~载。出版物:~物。报~。书~。……



汉语拼音:nián kān







  1. The collection seems to have been made up of cuttings from old newspapers, magazines and annuals.


  2. GRIM expression in a yearbook photo or family snapshot could mean more than just a passing bad mood.


  3. The Engineering Index Annual abstract number is found at the beginning of each abstract.


  4. The January 2009 issue of the Annals of the Academy of Political and Social Science is dedicated to a critical reappraisal of his report.


  5. It is an annual, but sometimes two years out of a roll together, for example, we will introduce the 11 volumes that is all.


  6. I loved the yearbooks; they were like an atlas for the school.


  7. Our school annual is published once a year.


  8. The team then looked up pictures of their volunteers in the university's yearbooks and graded the degree of their smiles.


  9. Details of the findings have been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


  1. 香港统计年刊。

    Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics?

  2. 世界贸易年刊补编。

    Supplement to the world trade annual.

  3. 社会年刊已经出版了。

    The annals of the society have been published.

  4. 我是毕业班年刊摄影师

    I was yearbook photographer?

  5. 我是毕业班年刊摄影师?

    I was yearbook photographer?

  6. 大部分书店都出售年刊。

    The yearly was available at most bookstores.

  7. 大部分书店都出售年刊。

    The yearly was available at most bookstores.

  8. 香港模具协会年刊2007经已出版。

    The HKMDC Annual Publication 2007 is now available.

  9. 我们校年刊每年出版一次。

    Our school annual is published once a year.

  10. 工业趋势和结构评论和评价年刊

    Annual Review and Appraisal of Industrial Trends and Structures

  11. 今年我们的年刊改版成双月刊了。

    Our annual has changed into a bimonthly publication.

  12. 今年我们的年刊改版成双月刊了。

    Our annual has changed into a bimonthly publication.

  13. 许多大学图书馆都收藏我们的年刊。

    Many universities have our annuals kept in the library.

  14. 别忘记找他们要年刊, 也别提电视节目, 好吗?

    Don't forget to plug the annual, and don't mention the TV show, okay

  15. 年刊能为你提供天文学文献的一个全貌。

    A broad survey of the astronomical literature is provided by annual review journals.

  16. 我喜欢读年刊它们就像一本学校的图解集。

    I loved the yearbooks they were like an atlas for the school.

  17. 多数中学出版年刊, 其中刊登当年全体毕业生的照片。

    Most high schools publish an annual, with pictures of all the graduates of the year.

  18. 在年鉴的日子里我们去自助餐厅签订了彼此的年刊

    It was yearbook day and we went to sign each other's yearbooks in the cafeteria

  19. 我收好了年刊,我要提前向法国夫人报名,然后上床。

    I decided to check in early with Madame and go to bed, and I put the yearbooks away.

  20. 本届艺术节的青年节目已经列入协会的欧洲青年双年刊。

    The youth programmes of this festival are included in the association Biennale of the Young of Europe.

  21. 我使它变成海报和它已经在一些国际的设计年刊中表示。

    I made it become a poster and it already showed in some international design annuals.

  22. 哈吉斯白天运送家具,周末为山达基教会的年刊拍照。

    Haggis was moving furniture during the day and taking photographs for church yearbooks on the weekends.

  23. 二年生或多年生草本, 具根状茎或者木质, 很少年刊。

    Herbs biennial or perennial, with rhizomes or woody caudex, rarely annuals.

  24. 收集物好像是由那些从旧报纸、旧杂志和旧年刊剪下来的内容组成的。

    The collection seems to have been made up of cuttings from old newspapers, magazines and annuals.


  1. 问:年刊拼音怎么拼?年刊的读音是什么?年刊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年刊的读音是niánkān,年刊翻译成英文是 An annual publication.



年刊 niánkān [annual]∶为了满足一年一度季节性的市场所需的一套印刷品[yearbook]∶学校或学院每年的纪念性刊物 中学里最普通的出版物是报纸、杂志和年刊 年刊通常包含了一年中的大事记,绩效成绩,获奖等内容。