







汉语拼音:kǒu wù










  1. "I wasn't conscious of that at all, " she said. "If I am doing it I'm not intending to. "


  2. When answering the question of the interviewer, I made a slip of tongue.


  3. Just a slip of the tongue, but Betty is so mad she won't speak to me.


  4. "She gave me a look that only a mother could give a child, " Bush said as the crowd burst into laughter.


  5. In fact , I was to say that was only a malapropism , and I was very ugly .


  6. Yang later told The Associated Press that she had misspoken , but declined further comment.


  7. This slip of the tongue was greeted with uproarious laughter from Brown's political opponents , and even from some of his supporters .


  8. A spokesman for the regulator issued a strong denial of Mr Tu's remarks, saying that the vice-chairman "misspoke" .


  9. And as I said, when I make a mistake or commit a culture faux pas, people usually understand.


  1. 这是我的口误。

    I misspoke.

  2. 一定是我口误了。

    Must have been a Freudian slip.

  3. 这是我得口误。

    I misspoke.

  4. 口误产生的心理学原因

    The Reason Psychological Causes for Speech Errors

  5. 口误经常产生意外的结果。

    A slip of the tongue oft bring about unexpected result.

  6. 凭良心说他只是一时口误

    And it was a slip of the tongue, let's be fair.

  7. 他的口误引起了人群的哄堂大笑。

    His slip of tongue brought titters from the crowd.

  8. 你确信那只是一时的口误吗

    Are you sure that it was just a slip of tongue

  9. 我很抱歉,刚才口误说错话了。

    Um, i'm sorry. that was just a bad choice of words.

  10. 我很抱歉,刚才口误说错话了。

    Um, i'm sorry. that was just a bad choice of words.

  11. 我很抱歉,刚才口误说错话了。

    Um, I'm sorry. That was just a bad choice of words.

  12. 布赫图耶娃说这只是口误。

    She said it was just a slip of the tongue.

  13. 口误是自然言语的重要组成部分。

    Slip of the tongue is an important part of natural speech.

  14. 后来情报局声称这是局长的口误。

    The agency later said he misspoke.

  15. 我想说那只是口误,我想说其实我很丑。

    In fact, I was to say that was only a malapropism, and I was very ugly.

  16. 阴谋者一时口误暴露了自己的动机。

    In a slip of the tongue the schemer exposed his true motivation.

  17. 阴谋者一时口误暴露了自己得动机。

    In a slip of the tongue the schemer exposed his true motivation.

  18. 拉瑟特所犯的错误可能只是口误。

    Russert's mistake might have been a mere tongue slip.

  19. 当学生出现口误时, 她立刻打断他。

    She took the pupil up sharply when he had a slip of the tongue.

  20. 你有没有过口误而即刻后悔的时候?

    HAVE you ever mistakenly said something you instantly regretted ?

  21. 当他紧张时, 他有时就会发生口误。

    When he was nervous, he would sometimes make a slip of the tongue.

  22. 如果我真的说了那话,那完全是口误。

    If I did say that, it was just a slip of the tongue.

  23. 母亲的口误使艾达和吉蒂笑得前仰后合。

    This slip of their mothers convulsed Ada and Kitty.

  24. 会议上的一个口误导致了一笔重大的损失。

    A slip of the tongue at the conference resulted in a big loss.

  25. 由于口误我把理查德说成了罗伯特。

    A slip of tongue made me say Robert instead of Richard.

  26. 我一时口误把理查德说成了罗伯特。

    A slip of the tongue made me say Robert instead of Richard.

  27. 当他说星期二时, 他实际是说星期四。那只是个口误。

    When he said Tuesday, he really meant Thursday. It was a slip of the tongue.

  28. 口误或笔误。违背了我们的意愿。我们为这个意愿感到羞耻。

    A slip of the tongue or of the pena wish aof which we are ashamed.

  29. 但我不得不指出,莎拉?佩林在此点上有些口误。

    But I have to point out, Sarah Palin has had a few bloopers even on that point.

  30. 口误是探测正常人言语生成活动机制的重要途径之一。

    Tongue slips are one of the important ways to test the generating mechanism of speaking activities of the normal people.


  1. 问:口误拼音怎么拼?口误的读音是什么?口误翻译成英文是什么?

    答:口误的读音是kǒuwù,口误翻译成英文是 error in speaking; slip of tongue



口误又称“舌误”(slip of the tongue)。口误广泛地存在于我们的El常语言中。什么是“口误”,Boomer&Laver(1968)指出,“口误是说话人对其试图表达的一种偏离”,它并非因发音器官错位或字词意义理解错误而导致的发音错误。口误非常普遍但相关论述并不是很多,大概与其难以收集记录的特点有关。还有许多口误可能被忽视,因为听话人在头脑里有一套期望交际装置和自动纠错机制,即使说话人表达有误,听话人也能按自己的期望理解而不会产生交际障碍。