


丢:遗~。坐~良机。收复~地。流离~所。违背:~约。~信。找不着:迷~方向。没有掌握住:~言。~职。~调(tiáo )。没有达到:~望。~意。错误:~误。~策。过~。~之毫厘,谬以千里。改变常态:惊慌~色。……





汉语拼音:shī cè








  1. 亦作“ 失筴 ”。策略上有错误;谋划不当。

    《管子·山权数》:“故君无失时,无失筴,万物兴丰,无失利。”《后汉书·胡广传》:“国有大政,必议之於前训,諮之於故老,是以虑无失策,举无过事。” 清 杜濬 《淮阴送别徐松之》诗:“可笑淹留余失策,翻疑君去太怱怱。” 沙汀 《淘金记》二四:“寡妇强制自己笑了,因为她已经很快反省到了她的失策。”



  1. Then I wanted a car and I got it. Again I crashed. It was great driving it for a few weeks, but then I got used to it.


  2. There was Kenneth Lay, whose moniker should have warned any innocents that climbing into bed with him was going to be a mistake.


  3. If he engages in controversy of any kind, his disciplined intellect preserves him form the blunder.


  4. Toppling the Iraqi regime with only a vague plan as to what to put in its place has been the defining foul-up of the presidency.


  5. Were I to answer the director's question now, I would say that not speaking is probably inadvisable in this age of shareholder activism.


  6. And any kind of change in the administrative oversight could cause havoc with this network if it's not carefully done.


  7. The follies which a man regrets most in his life are those which he didn't commit when he had the opportunity.


  8. Critics in the music industry say the company squandered its cachet by mismanaging the effort to broaden its music mix.


  9. Some also said there might have been missteps in handling Reactor No. 1.


  1. 公司投资失策。

    The company invested unwisely.

  2. 这样做非常失策。

    It was a very unwise move.

  3. 不便的,不适当的,失策的。

    Not expedient inadvisable an inexpedient tactic.

  4. 这会导致重大的失策。

    That can lead to major missteps.

  5. 谢绝他的好意未免失策。

    It might be impolitic to refuse his offer.

  6. 危险时刻不要惊慌失策。

    Don't panic in time of danger.

  7. 几乎可以肯定,这是一种失策。

    This is almost certainly a mistake.

  8. 这样一来她们不得不补救自己的失策。

    For then they will be sure to make good their own folly.

  9. 触怒能帮助你的人是很失策的。

    It is impolitic to offend people who can help you.

  10. 来阐明我 对政府无能失策的看法。

    to illustrate what I mean with this failure of governance.

  11. 以自由为代价去复仇, 实在大大失策。

    Revenge is too dearly purchased at the price of liberty.

  12. 失策暗示了一个更深层次的问题。

    The flubs signal a deeper problem.

  13. 一步失策会使我们损失几百万美元。

    A false step can cost us millions of dollars.

  14. 最终的结果因其可能失策而不可复制。

    The end result is as unrepeatable as it can be inadvisable.

  15. 表达失策,因为我都不喜欢喝柠檬汁的

    Stupid expression anyway because I don't even like lemonade.

  16. 这种汇率管理失策带来的后果是现实的。

    The consequences of this currency mismanagement are real.

  17. 这么年轻就离开学校是一种失策的做法。

    It was a mistake to leave school so young.

  18. 由于管理不善和投资失策, 其股价大幅下跌。

    Bad management and poor investments caused its share price to plunge.

  19. 那里被安置一个守卫就是你失策的地方。

    Placing a guard there proved to be your downfall.

  20. 新经理由于失策使公司损失了大部分利润。

    The new manager blundered away most of the firm's profits.

  21. 出台第二套刺激方案将会是严重的失策。

    Another stimulus would be a grave mistake.

  22. 这个失策让地下仪器经受了一次雷电的破坏。

    The blunder made the underground instrument undergo an undermining of the thunderbolt.

  23. 美国人的心理一片混乱, 德鲁, 而我们失策了。

    The American psyche is in turmoil, drew, and we have miscalculated.

  24. 这种不对称性的存在,基本上导致了 无能失策的政府。

    Because there is this asymmetry, which creates, basically, failing governance.

  25. 另一个美联储失策的大牺牲品是全球的美元集团。

    The other great casualty of the fed's blunder has been the global dollar bloc.

  26. 人在一生中最后悔的失策就是有机会干傻事而没干。

    The follies which a man regrets most in his life are those which he does not commit when he has the opportunity.

  27. 乌龟暗叹失策, 只好舍弃龟壳, 一步一步地爬到了终点线。

    The tortoise is dark sigh impolitic, be forced to abandon turtle shell, one pace ground climbed score.

  28. 在上述一个或多个方面失策, 都有可能使美国再度陷入衰退。

    A wrong turn on one or more of these could plunge the us back into recession.

  29. 我们必须非常小心,不要因为轰炸德黑兰而造成一次大失策。

    We must be very careful not to commit an atrocity by bombing Teheran.

  30. 对反凯因斯派来说,转向经济紧缩是个重大的失策之举。

    To Keynesian critics the switch to austerity is a colossal blunder.


  1. 问:失策拼音怎么拼?失策的读音是什么?失策翻译成英文是什么?

    答:失策的读音是shīcè,失策翻译成英文是 be unwise

  2. 问:失策的拼音怎么拼?失策的的读音是什么?失策的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:失策的的读音是,失策的翻译成英文是 impolitic





【拼音】shī cè

【基本解释】 1. [misstep]∶策划不当或不周;失算 他这一步可是失策。 2. [mistaken,unwise]∶错误的策略 不管怎样,要排干所有的沼泽地,这是失策的。