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引长:~长(cháng )。~续。蔓~。~年益寿。展缓,推迟:~迟。~缓。~宕。~误。引进,请:~聘(聘请)。~纳。~师。~医。姓。……
1. 期 [qī]2. 期 [jī]期 [qī]规定的时间,或一段时间:定~。限~。~限。学~。量词,用于刊物或其他分期的事物:第五~。盼望,希望:~望。~冀。~盼。~待。限度:“征敛无~求索无度”。必,决定:“~死,非勇也”。〔~颐〕指人……
汉语拼音:yán qī
《汉书·王莽传中》:“予前在大麓,至于摄假,深惟 汉氏 三七之阸,赤德气尽,思索广求所以辅 刘 延期之术,靡所不用。” 三国 魏 高堂隆 《谏明帝疏》:“灾异既发,惧而修政,未有不延期流祚者也。” 宋 司马光 《涑水记闻》卷十四:“自 元丰 二年正月七日以前,本息之外所负罚钱悉蠲之,凡数十万緡,负本息者延期半年。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致许广平》:“住至月底,我想走了,倘不收到我延期之信,你至二十六止,便可以不寄信来。”
In the case of any alteration, extension or loss procedures, the releasing authority after the adjustment shall accept the applications.
需要办理更改、延期或遗失手续的,由调整后的发证机构受理。Trying to cover for the delay in the escape, he tells her that his division isn't mobilizing for a few more days.
他试图找借口掩盖归家的延期,告诉她说,自己的部队要过几天才能返回。He has said he waited weeks to be interviewed by the police in Sweden; they have said that it was Mr. Assange who delayed meeting with them.
他还表示,为了瑞典警方的拜访曾等待数周,但瑞典方面表示,他们与阿桑奇先生的会面被对方多次延期。When the bank makes a payment for a confirmed deferred payment, it shall write-off the said deferred payment in the system.
银行为经确认的延期付款对外支付时,须在系统中对该笔延期付款办理相应的注销手续。Wenger is inclined to break from his policy of only offering one-year extensions to players over the age of 30.
温格倾向于打破他一向坚持的只提供1年的延期给年龄超过30岁球员的惯例。Banking regulators globally have encouraged banks to make their pay deferral periods longer, at least a year or more.
全球银行监管者曾鼓励银行延长薪酬的延期兑现时间,至少要在一年或一年以上。In an interview with the BBC, developer Kerry Michael said he was "bitterly disappointed at the continued delay. "
在一次BBC的采访中,开发者克里迈克尔说他“对无尽的延期彻底的失望。”He gave me to understand that the meeting would be postponed.
从他的话里我了解到会议将延期。All right, your teaching fellows have the authority to work with me and grant you an extension, but you have to ask for it ahead of time.