


1. 哑 [yǎ]2. 哑 [yā]哑 [yǎ]不能说话:聋~。~巴。~子吃黄连(歇后语,喻有苦难言)。嗓子干涩发音困难或不清楚:沙~。嘶~。无声的:~剧。~铃(一种铁制的运动器械)。因发生故障,炮弹、子弹打不响:~炮。笑声(旧读yǎ ㄧㄚ……





汉语拼音:yǎ mí






  1. 隐语;谜语。喻指难以猜测的问题。

    元 王实甫 《西厢记》第二本第三折:“老夫人转关儿没定夺,哑谜儿怎猜破。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷三三:“而今我这遗书中暗藏哑谜,你可紧紧收藏。且待我儿成人之日,从公告理。” 魏巍 《东方》第四部第十八章:“事过两天,师长打的哑谜就清楚了。”



  1. The creation as a whole seems to speak to us in riddles, or at least in ambiguous terms.


  2. "You speak in riddles, learned sir, " said the pale minister, glancing aside out of the window.


  3. "I don't think I know what you mean? " she said, "you use too many figures of speech; I could never understand allegories. "


  4. Carl, now you know charades . Carl.


  5. Carl, now you know charades.


  6. On the first weekend in June, residents in one of China's richest cities were subjected to an Orwellian charade.


  7. To her reason , her judgment , it was completely a puzzle .


  8. Be plain, good son, and homely in thy drift; riddling confession finds but riddling shrift.


  9. Did this man belong to the double enigma of order and disorder?


  1. 你想玩哑谜?

    You want to play charades?

  2. 我不喜欢哑谜。

    I don't like charades.

  3. 我们来玩哑谜。

    We're going to play charades.

  4. 我不想玩哑谜。

    I didn't want to play charades.

  5. 你们会打哑谜吗?

    Do you know how to play charades?

  6. 你在打什么哑谜?

    What are you trying to insinuate?

  7. 别给我们打哑谜啦!

    Don't keep us guessing.

  8. 这哑谜越来越猜不透了。

    The enigma was more impenetrable than ever.

  9. 现在你知道什么是哑谜了。

    Carl, now you know charades.

  10. 抱歉,我应该停止打哑谜。

    Sorry, I should stop speaking in riddles.

  11. 你就直说吧,别打哑谜了!

    Tell me straight – don't talk in riddles!

  12. 不要暗示,不要绕弯子,也别打哑谜。

    No hints, no insinuations, no clever allusions.

  13. 我宁可知道痛苦的事实,不愿猜哑谜。

    I would rather know the painful truth than imagine it.

  14. 别再打哑谜了,解释一下发生了什么事。

    Stop talking in riddles and explain what's going on.

  15. 我想你的哑谜游戏已经被大家看穿了。

    I think your charade is all played out.

  16. 直来直去,不要暗示,不要绕弯子,也别打哑谜。

    Straight up, no hints, no insinuations, no clever allusions.

  17. 我急着要走,没时间和你打哑谜。

    I am in a hurry, and have no time to speak in riddles with you.

  18. 我急着要走,没时间和你打哑谜。

    I am in a hurry, and have no time to speak in riddles with you.

  19. 所有的一切,在这个离奇的哑谜中,是无法解释的。

    Everything about this singular enigma was inexplicable.

  20. 对于她的理智,对于她的见识,这是个猜不透的哑谜。

    To her reason, her judgment, it was completely a puzzle.

  21. 我不想玩猜哑谜,所以他们都生我的气了。

    I didn't want to play charades, so they're angry at me.

  22. 有关此类交易的公告完全就是在打哑谜。

    Public announcements of such deals are something of a charade.

  23. 你给儿子娶媳妇了, 还在这儿和我们打哑谜。

    You decided to marry your son off, and you keep mum.

  24. 你是在打哑谜,博学的先生,牧师斜瞥着窗外说。

    You speak in riddles, learned sir, said the pale minister, glancing aside out of the window.

  25. 这阵子老是教抗生素, 就来打个药理性一点得哑谜吧。

    However, as nowadays people always overuse antibiotics, there are more and more bacteria resistance to antibiotic.

  26. 这阵子老是教抗生素,就来打个药理性一点的哑谜吧。

    However, as nowadays people always overuse antibiotics, there are more and more bacteria resistance to antibiotic.

  27. 这人是不是一个在混乱和秩序两方面都有关连的哑谜呢?

    Did this man belong to the double enigma of order and disorder


  1. 问:哑谜拼音怎么拼?哑谜的读音是什么?哑谜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:哑谜的读音是yǎmí,哑谜翻译成英文是 riddle



隐语;谜语。喻指难以猜测的问题。 元王实甫《西厢记》第二本第三折:“老夫人转关儿没定夺,哑谜儿怎猜破。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷三三:“而今我这遗书中暗藏哑谜,你可紧紧收藏。