


1. 净 [jìng]2. 净 [chēng]净 [jìng]清洁:~化。~水。~土。~心(a.清净的心;b.心里没有牵挂)。~院(佛寺。亦称“净宇”)。干~。洁~。窗明几~。使干净:~面。~手(大小便)。空,什么也没有:~尽。单纯,纯粹的……


1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……



汉语拼音:jìng zhòng








  1. We ask you to send before sending amount of places of a cargo, dimensions of each box, weight BRUTTO and NETTO.


  2. If the price is fixed according to the weight of the goods, in case of doubt it is to be determined by the net weight.


  3. Gross And Net Weight Of The Goods And Number Of Packages Must Be Mentioned In Invoices, Packing List And Bill Of Lading.


  4. The process of filling a pillow, comforter or jacket is prone to differences in net filling material. A 5% variance is possible.


  5. State minimum delivery time or if have it in stock , packing size, weight , terms to place orders with your factory. Very Tks !


  6. The brand name and the nice artwork need not be changed, but the net weight must be placed on the lower part of the panel.


  7. If the net weights of the two items are the same, compare the prices to determine the cheapest.


  8. detailed packing list specifying net weight, gross weight and measurement of each packing in metric system in duplicates required.


  9. Rolled film is calculated by net weight of finished rolls. Length of rolled film is for reference only.


  1. 汽油机净重

    net weight.

  2. 净重250克

    250g net

  3. 净重250克

    net weight 250g

  4. 最大的净重713磅。

    The biggest one weighed 713 pounds.

  5. 糖得净重为1000克。

    The sugar has a net weight of one kilogram.

  6. 糖的净重为1000克。

    The sugar has a net weight of one kilogram.

  7. 纱线净重纱线强力绞纱强力

    Net weight of thread Single thread strength Lea strength.

  8. 最大得净重713磅。

    The biggest one weighed 713 pounds.

  9. 重车平均净重量

    net ton kilometers per loaded car kilometers

  10. 这些豌豆的净重是多少?

    What's the net weight of the peas?

  11. 这瓶咖啡净重180克。

    The net weight of this jar of coffee is 180 grams.

  12. 二十五公斤净重罐装。

    That's the net weight of each one.

  13. 净重吨公里对总重吨公里百分率

    percentage of net ton kilometres to gross ton kilometres

  14. 这颗钻石净重60克拉。

    This diamond weighs 60 carats.

  15. 铁桶装,每桶净重60千克。

    In iron drums of 60 kgs net.

  16. 铁桶装,每桶净重25公斤。

    In iron drum of 25 kg net each.

  17. 纸箱装,每箱净重20公斤。

    In carton of 20 kg net.

  18. 这瓶咖啡净重二百五十克。

    This jar of coffee weighs 250 grams net.

  19. 这一罐咖啡净重7盎司。

    This jar of coffee weighs7 ounces net.

  20. 尿素净重抽样检测方法的探讨

    Study on the Urea Net Weight Test Method

  21. 净重总重扣除皮重后的重量。

    Net Weight the gross weight less tare.

  22. 木箱装,没想50千克,净重。

    In wooden cases of 50 kgs net each.

  23. 打包机捆包,每包净重400磅。

    In press packed bales of400 lbs. net each.

  24. 麻袋装,每袋净重约70公斤。

    In gunny bags of about70kg net each.

  25. 例如锅炉添加料,每包净重1公斤。

    e. g. ladle additions packed in bags with 1 kg net each.

  26. 和他的净重比是30,000倍的力量。

    This holds up to 30, 000 times its mass.

  27. 新麻袋装,每袋净重约50公斤。

    In new gunny bag of abount50kgs net each.

  28. 让你画简图, 产生一净重的目录。

    It lets you draw a schematic and generate a net list.

  29. 那只猪重80磅,宰掉后的净重。

    That pig will weigh 4 score, dead weight.

  30. 油每桶净重20千克,每箱装两桶。

    The oil will be supply In tin of 20 kilo net, two tin to a crate.


  1. 问:净重拼音怎么拼?净重的读音是什么?净重翻译成英文是什么?

    答:净重的读音是jìngzhòng,净重翻译成英文是 net weight

  2. 问:净重吨数拼音怎么拼?净重吨数的读音是什么?净重吨数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:净重吨数的读音是jìng zhòng dūn shù,净重吨数翻译成英文是 net tons

  3. 问:净重条件拼音怎么拼?净重条件的读音是什么?净重条件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:净重条件的读音是jìng zhòng tiáo jiàn,净重条件翻译成英文是 net weight term


