


1. 拉 [lā]2. 拉 [lá]拉 [lā]牵,扯,拽:~车。~网。~下马(喻使某人下台)。用车载运:~货。使延长:~延。~伸。排泄粪便:~屎。联络:~拢。~帮结伙。摧折:摧枯~朽。带领转移:把部队~出去。牵引乐器的某一部分使乐器发出声……





汉语拼音:lā jù






  1. 两个人用锯一来一往地锯东西。比喻双方来回往复。

    叶圣陶 《北上日记》:“街上行人极少,此地经拉锯战多次,损坏重矣。” 峻青 《秋色赋·夜宿灵山》:“ 灵山 地区从此不断地进行着拉锯式的争夺战,今天敌人占领了 灵山 ,明天我军又歼灭了敌人。”《体育报》1984.3.9:“在双方相持、比分拉锯的情况下,更应仔细观察对方攻防战术的运用及变化。”



  1. The session had been a back-and-forth one, with traders weighing new signs of global recession against promising signals for the U.


  2. In fact, the only emerging pattern is one of wildly see-sawing fortunes, as coastal towns change hands with almost metronomic regularity.


  3. How many times after old beam to last ZhuKeLing under the old sheet, but he was pushed into a moment of old single out his hand a note.


  4. "In the coming one or two quarters, it's going to be a seesaw game, " Strategy Analytics director Thomas Kang said Thursday.


  5. LOS ANGELES - Two tennis players are locked in a furious baseline exchange. Eventually, a line judge calls the ball "out. "


  6. Ms. Pak's raucous style, and her wry pleasure in the blood sport of politics, was evident in her description of a conflict with Mr. Peskin.


  7. By manipulating the amount of money on offer in each situation, Cohen and his collaborators could watch this neural tug of war unfold.


  8. Some economists have begun to argue that high inflation may be around for some time. Here again, the tug of war is evident.


  9. It was the beginning of another long week.


  1. 据信正在进行拉锯战。

    A seesaw battle was believed under way.

  2. 他拉锯般用毛巾擦背。

    He sawed the towel across his back.

  3. 他象拉锯那样用刀切面包。

    He sawed at the loaf of bread with his knife.

  4. 从一开始比分就成拉锯局面。

    The score had been seesawing from the very start.

  5. 人们相信这种拉锯战正在进行中。

    The seesaw battle is believed underway.

  6. 有些人刷牙象拉锯, 也就是横着刷。

    The some people brushes teeth the elephant pulls to saw, and also be thwart brush.

  7. 我认为, 拉锯战的可能性大于闪电战。

    I expect it to be more of a tug of war than a blitz.

  8. 接着两名赛跑运动员就拉锯似地交替领先。

    Then the lead went seesaw between the two runners.

  9. 他的喉咙里开始象拉锯似的喘起气来。

    His breath was beginning to saw in his throat.

  10. 这就让硅谷成为了这场拉锯战的中心。

    That has put Silicon Valley at the center of a tug of war.

  11. 她正在用一把钝刀拉锯般地切着面包。

    She was sawing the bread with a blunt knife.

  12. 短线在连续大幅拉锯调整后有望重拾升势。

    Short line after continuously large crosscut saw adjustment hopeful ascends the upward tendency again.

  13. 他说他的这台脑科手术是个拉锯战

    He told me his brain surgery could be a marathon.

  14. 与艾滋病的斗争将会是一场旷日持久的拉锯战。

    The fight against AIDS will be a long drawn fight.

  15. 第三盘比赛,纳达尔继续与西蒙展开拉锯战。

    The third competition, Nadaer continues with Simon to launch the seesaw battle.

  16. 信贷对实体经济的支持, 将是一场持久战和拉锯战。

    Credit to support the real economy will be a war and battle.

  17. 两队之后展开激烈的拉锯战,比分也是交替上升。

    After two teams, launches the intense seesaw battle, the score is also rises alternately.

  18. 约翰很少打呼噜的, 但是昨天晚上他的呼噜就像是拉锯。

    John rarely snores, but last night he really started snore.

  19. 两者之间的这种拉锯战可能还将持续一段时间。

    This back and forth is likely to continue for some time.

  20. 同时,三元和三鹿之间的谈判也一直处于拉锯战中。

    At the same time, between three and Sanlu has been in negotiations in a seesaw battle.

  21. 当你不再能抑制这种冲动, 价格拉锯战就正式开始了。

    And when you can hold back no longer, bargaining begins in earnest.

  22. 在六个月的来回拉锯之后, 我们必须断定这是一种僵局。

    After six months of going to and fro, we must conclude that there is a stalemate.

  23. 不过,在数个月的拉锯战之后,微软最终放弃了收购。

    Nevertheless, after the seesaw battle of several months, microsoft abandoned finally buying.

  24. 一旦挖地洞的蚯蚓被捉住,一场小型的拉锯战就展开了。

    Once a burrowing worm is caught, a tug of war in miniature begins.

  25. 比赛第一盘双方展开了拉锯战, 郑洁在抢七局中险胜。

    The first game set the two sides launched a seesaw battle, and Zheng Jie won a narrow victory in the tiebreak.

  26. 说了这么多,我只能宣布这场拉锯战还将一直继续下去

    With all said and done, I can only say that the tug of war will always continue.

  27. 而她和晏紫的双打比赛则因为这场拉锯战而迟迟不能开始。

    But she and Yan's purple doubles match because of this seesaw battle, but cannot start slowly.

  28. 而拉锯战的另一方, 景谷森达却在此事件中表现得非常强硬。

    While the other side of a seesaw battle, Jinggu Sendashonga but in this incident was very tough.


  1. 问:拉锯拼音怎么拼?拉锯的读音是什么?拉锯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拉锯的读音是lājù,拉锯翻译成英文是 see-saw

  2. 问:拉锯战拼音怎么拼?拉锯战的读音是什么?拉锯战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拉锯战的读音是lājùzhàn,拉锯战翻译成英文是 stalemate

  3. 问:拉锯地带拼音怎么拼?拉锯地带的读音是什么?拉锯地带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拉锯地带的读音是lā jù dì dài,拉锯地带翻译成英文是 Scene of a Seesaw Battle

  4. 问:拉锯战地带拼音怎么拼?拉锯战地带的读音是什么?拉锯战地带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拉锯战地带的读音是lā jù zhàn dì dài,拉锯战地带翻译成英文是 Area which Frequently Changes Hands in a War...



1.两个人用锯一来一往地锯东西[英文翻译:work a tow-handed saw;dragsaw]。比喻双方来回往复[英文翻译:sway;be locked a seesaw struggle 2. 陈慧娴同名歌曲《拉锯》