


不平常的,超出一般的:~殊。~色。~产。~权。~性。~征。~需。~技。~务。~区。~价。~例。~效。单,单一:~为(wèi )。~设。~地。~惠。~辑。~使。~赦。~约。只,但:不~如此。“相如度秦王~以诈佯为予赵城,实不可得”。三岁的兽,……





汉语拼音:tè děng








  1. 特别高的等级。

    清 李渔 《怜香伴·女校》:“谁能并,定巍然特等,岂区区闺中三友敢相衡?” 徐迟 《精神分析》:“这里是特等观众席。” 赵树理 《小二黑结婚》五:“﹝ 小二黑 ﹞有一次反‘扫荡’打死过两个敌人,曾得到特等射手的奖励。”



  1. The lucky ones among the Titanic passengers were "doubled or tripled up in staterooms, " he wrote.


  2. Some of these warheads have been exported to the overseas market along with PL-12 short-range missiles.


  3. This research was carried out in collaboration with Kleitman and Dement in the United States, among others.


  4. Antheil lobbied for support for further research from among others, William C. Bullit , Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy.


  5. At the same time the company acts Saudi Arabia, the strength top grade domestic and foreign famous brand fuse.


  6. Anti-anxiety drug commonly used drugs, including doxepin, amitriptyline, A spectrum of alprazolam, clonazepam, Principal race music.


  7. "This is intolerable! " Abner cried, storming onto the deck, from which he speedily returned to the stateroom.


  8. Principal in 1981 won the national invention awards. 1985 Gold Medal by the United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization.


  9. The Digital Universe Atlas project allows Emmart and others at the Hayden Planetarium, to incorporate data from specific places and times.


  1. 特等警务员

    Security Lieutenant.

  2. 特等客车座椅

    parlor car chair

  3. 特等联络干事

    Principal Liaison Officer

  4. 特等技术顾问

    Principal Technical Adviser

  5. 特等技术干事

    Principal Technical Officer

  6. 特等方案代表

    Principal Programme Representative

  7. 方案事务特等干事

    Principal Programme Officer

  8. 特等行政管理干事

    Principal Administrative Management Officer

  9. 程序设计特等技术员

    Principal Programmer Technician

  10. 特等外勤事务员一

    Principal Field Service Officer I

  11. 特等外勤事务员二

    Principal Field Service Officer II

  12. 海军特等步枪射手徽章

    Navy Marksman Rifle Expert Badge

  13. 海军特等手枪射手徽章

    Navy Marksman Pistol Expert Badge

  14. 空军轻武器特等射手勋表

    Air Force Small Arms Expert Marksman Ribbon

  15. 特等的豪华的、昂贵的或多种多样的

    Of a sumptuous, costly, or rich variety.

  16. 兰伯特等积方位投影

    Lamberts azimuthal equal area projection.

  17. 祝贺你维尼你赢得了特等大奖!

    Congratulations, Pooh. You win the grand prize!

  18. 特等射手取得这种等级的人。

    A person who has achieved this grade.

  19. 我们到他得特等舱里去拜访他。

    We called on him in his stateroom.

  20. 我们到他的特等舱里去拜访他。

    We called on him in his stateroom.

  21. 我们在克林顿的特等舱发现的丽。

    We found Lee in Clinton's stateroom.

  22. 我们在克林顿得特等舱发现得丽。

    We found Lee in Clinton's stateroom.

  23. 主管规划和部门间项目的特等干事

    Principal Officer in Charge of Planning and Intersectoral Projects.

  24. 吉普赛。东欧及却尔特等,体验地方欧洲风情

    Gypsy, Eastern Europe Celtic and others

  25. 特等射手级在射击术中可以取得的最高等级。

    The highest grade that can be achieved in marksmanship.

  26. 上级为赵先有追记了特等功, 并命名为革命烈士。

    WORM superiors to have the Principal Zhao Gong, and named as a revolutionary martyr.

  27. 公司同时代理沙特,力特等国内外著名品牌保险丝。

    At the same time the company acts Saudi Arabia, the strength top grade domestic and foreign famous brand fuse.

  28. 然后进行一个月一展览一评比, 颁发奖品, 特等奖发奖状。

    A display for a month and then a rating, award prizes, a award certificates.

  29. 这一研究是与美国的克莱特曼和第门特等合作进行的。

    This research was carried out in collaboration with Kleitman and Dement in the United States, among others.

  30. 马特达蒙和朱迪福斯特等演员的演技可谓无懈可击。

    And the acting of a strong cast led by Damon and Foster is flawless.


  1. 问:特等拼音怎么拼?特等的读音是什么?特等翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特等的读音是tèděng,特等翻译成英文是 special grade; top grade; special class

  2. 问:特等品拼音怎么拼?特等品的读音是什么?特等品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特等品的读音是tè děng pǐn,特等品翻译成英文是 super

  3. 问:特等射手拼音怎么拼?特等射手的读音是什么?特等射手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特等射手的读音是tè děng shè shǒu,特等射手翻译成英文是 Special-Class Marksman

  4. 问:特等炮手拼音怎么拼?特等炮手的读音是什么?特等炮手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特等炮手的读音是tè děng pào shǒu,特等炮手翻译成英文是 Expert Gunner

  5. 问:特等侦察奖章拼音怎么拼?特等侦察奖章的读音是什么?特等侦察奖章翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特等侦察奖章的读音是tè děng zhēn chá jiǎng zhāng,特等侦察奖章翻译成英文是 Expert Scout Badge

  6. 问:特等手枪射手拼音怎么拼?特等手枪射手的读音是什么?特等手枪射手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特等手枪射手的读音是tè děng shǒu qiāng shè shǒu,特等手枪射手翻译成英文是 Pistol Expert

  7. 问:特等步枪射手拼音怎么拼?特等步枪射手的读音是什么?特等步枪射手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特等步枪射手的读音是tè děng bù qiāng shè shǒu,特等步枪射手翻译成英文是 Expert Rifleman

  8. 问:特等射手合格徽章拼音怎么拼?特等射手合格徽章的读音是什么?特等射手合格徽章翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特等射手合格徽章的读音是tè děng shè shǒu hé gé huī zhāng,特等射手合格徽章翻译成英文是 Expert Qualification Badge




拼音:tèděng 英文:special grade 基本

解释:[special grade;top class;top grade] 特别高的等级