


气势大,力量大:~将。~士。~烈。勇~。忽然,突然:~然。~省(xǐng )(亦作“猛醒”)。~可(突然,陡然)。~不防。严厉:宽以济~。凶暴:苛政~于虎。~禽。~兽。~戾。~悍。古哺乳动物,长毛的象:~犸。……


1. 涨 [zhǎng]2. 涨 [zhàng]涨 [zhǎng]水量增加,水面高起来:~潮。~落。~水。河水暴~。价格提高:~价。~钱。物价飞~。涨 [zhàng]体积增大:豆子泡~了。他~红了脸。多出来:~出十块钱。……



汉语拼音:měng zhàng



  1. Troubled photography firm Eastman Kodak has unveiled a new plan to transform the company into a digital player, sending its shares soaring.


  2. Critics say that huge change is one of the reasons corn prices on global markets have risen 77 percent over a year ago.


  3. Citing higher U. S. inventories of crude, ministers said the weak dollar was driving oil's rally, not a lack of oil in world markets.


  4. "The monumental energy price increases will be a 'game change' for Asia, " the bank said in a research note.


  5. Oil prices have been on a tear of late, rising almost 6% in a week to close at close to $87 per barrel on April 5.


  6. Likewise, many changes are taking place in hospitals, where the costs of medical equipment care is skyrocketing .


  7. 'Concern and fear translate into greed, and speculators take [any news of refinery outages] and hype it into much higher prices, ' he said.


  8. Instead of crumbling with the rest of the nation, prices continued to rocket.


  9. Khartoum closed its border with its southern neighbor in March, cutting off trade and leading to a sharp rise in commodity prices.


  1. 价格猛涨。

    Price has skyrocketed.

  2. 河水猛涨。

    The level of the river is skying.

  3. 去年票价猛涨。

    Ticket prices shot up last year.

  4. 去年金价猛涨。

    The price of gold jumped sharply last year.

  5. 生活费用在猛涨。

    The cost of living is soaring.

  6. 这个冬季食品价格猛涨。

    Food price soar during the cold weather.

  7. 额外的成本会使价格猛涨。

    The extra cost will bump up the price.

  8. 川流猛涨,河水呼啸而下。

    The brook came down in roaring spate.

  9. 棉价暂跌之后又猛涨起来。

    The cotton price reacted strongly after a brief drop.

  10. 在过去一年中,石油价格猛涨。

    Oil prices jumped in the past year.

  11. 新鲜食物非常匮乏,导致价格猛涨。

    Fresh food is so scarce that prices have rocketed.

  12. 食品价格的猛涨引起了许多不满。

    The jump in food prices gave rise to a lot of complaint.

  13. 沙特油厂险遭袭击全球油价猛涨

    Oil prices jump as bombers strike at Saudi refinery

  14. 就像最近的石油价格不断猛涨一样。

    Like the recent surge in gasoline prices.

  15. 由于山区连续降雨,山塘的水位猛涨。

    Due to continuous rain, the water level of the ponds in the mountain has increased rapidly.

  16. 对丝绸需求的增长引起了丝绸价格的猛涨。

    The increasing demand for silk caused the silk price to zoom.

  17. 猛涨,暴涨突然显著的上涨,如价格或薪水的猛涨

    A sudden pronounced rise, as in price or salary.

  18. 物价和失业率猛涨的同时,生产却下降了。

    Production has dropped while prices and unemployment have skyrocketed.

  19. 但是,这样的大幅增长并没有带来价格的猛涨。

    Yet the explosive demand has not been accompanied by big prices.

  20. 水坝挡住了这股大洪水洪水猛涨,大坝告急。

    The dam took the heavy flood waters.

  21. 八德房地价格猛涨, 建设公司把握良机猛兴土木。

    As Pate land values rise, up go the projects of the construction companies.

  22. 然后三期,四期依次类推,房价被人为操控猛涨。

    Then three issue, four issues analogize in turn, the price rises suddenly by the artificial control.

  23. 经济体制的改革使该公司股票从人民币25元猛涨到36元。

    The reform of the economic structure rocketed the companys shares from RMB 25 yuan to 36 yuan.

  24. 经济体制得改革使该公司股票从人民币25元猛涨到36元。

    The reform of the economic structure rocketed the companys shares from RMB 25 yuan to 36 yuan.

  25. 暴风雨过后,恒河水猛涨,很多人担心河水会泛滥。

    After the storms the river Ganges was in full spate and thousands feared the possibility of flooding.

  26. 面对家具价格猛涨所带来的压力,家居卖场深有感触。

    Faced with skyrocketing prices of furniture brought about by the pressure, home stores emotionally.

  27. 面对家具价格猛涨所带来得压力,家居卖场深有感触。

    Faced with skyrocketing prices of furniture brought about by the pressure, home stores emotionally.

  28. 而在学费猛涨的同时,联邦政府对学生的资助却削减了。

    And at the same time that tuition costs have been rising dramatically, there has been a cutback in federal aid to students.

  29. 他种了一种特优品种得醋栗,但这灌木猛涨枝干,越来越粗壮。

    He had one choice currant bush which had gone too much to wood.


  1. 问:猛涨拼音怎么拼?猛涨的读音是什么?猛涨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猛涨的读音是Měngzhǎng,猛涨翻译成英文是 to be in spate