







汉语拼音:dàn píng






  1. 任凭。

    清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·赚将》:“但凭尊意。” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·进果》:“两位爷在上,本驛只剩有一匹马,但凭那一位爷骑去就是。”



  1. When her mother asked her if she also agreed to the marriage proposal, she replied shyly that it was totally up to her parents.

  2. It seems as if it would rain this afternoon.

  3. Yet any waste of a valuable resource is offensive at a visceral level. Just ask those who lived through the war.

  4. Meanwhile, depressed housing markets are having little trouble making home affordable all by themselves.

  5. The world is hoping that the finest political and economic brains on the planet can sort it all out. But why?

  6. He spoke very persuasively but I felt In my bones that he was lyIng.

  7. I also have four evolutionary managers say, still apply, with or without reason, But, Chun See.

  8. We all want our relationships to be characterized by persistence and self-sacrifice. But we can never do that on our own.

  9. But we kept our faith and the encouragement of our upline drove us to build a successful business.


  1. 但凭经验下雨的可能性不大。

    It seems as if it would rain this afternoon.

  2. 但凭什么认为这些措施能战胜行业的反对?

    But why should we expect such measures to surmount industry opposition?

  3. 虽然他讲得很有说服力, 但凭直觉, 我感到他在撒谎。

    He spoke very persuasively but I felt in my bones that he was lying.

  4. 但凭他的手艺和那些灰烬, 宝石匠尽着最大的努力。

    With his hand and ashes he will try the best he can.

  5. 屋内漆黑一团, 但凭我的第六感觉, 我断定这屋子里一定有人。

    It was pitch black but some sixth sense told me that there was somebody in the room.

  6. 但光凭我阻止不了他。

    But I cannot stop him by myself.

  7. 但仅凭强劲的经济无法保证政治稳定。

    But a strong economy alone does not guarantee political stability.

  8. 但单凭诚实很难有足够强的说服力。

    But honesty alone is rarely persuasive enough.

  9. 但您凭什么认为那夺标的就是他呢

    But why are you so sure of his being the winner of the Jockey Club prize

  10. 她的脸转过去了, 但我凭她的头发认出了她。

    Her face was turned away, but I recognized her by her hair.

  11. 但仅凭这些就能说是一个阴谋帮派吗?

    But can this be said to amount to a conspiracy?

  12. 先生,尽管我们尊敬你,但我们凭什么相信你的演讲呢

    With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir

  13. 他没有受过什么训练, 但能凭实际经验建造温室。

    Hes quite untrained but he can build a greenhouse by a rule of thumb.

  14. 屋内漆黑一团,但我凭直觉知道这屋里肯定有人。

    It was pitch black but some sixth sense told me that there was somebody else in the room.

  15. 狐狸虽然狡猾,但仅凭狡猾是打败不了强大的对手的。

    Although the cunning fox, but the cunning alone will not defeat a powerful opponent.

  16. 他虽天赋不高, 但全凭坚韧的毅力赢得了胜利。

    Although hes less talented, he won by sheer dogged persistence.

  17. 他虽然天赋不高,但全凭坚韧的毅力赢得了胜利。

    Although he's less talented, he won by sheer dogged persistence.

  18. 但仅凭这些天生的优势并不足以确保电视幸免于难。

    Yet these natural advantages alone are not enough to ensure television's survival.

  19. 但我想凭我的成绩和我的品行。

    But I figure that with my grades and with my personality.

  20. 我属于那个世界,但我全凭直觉工作。

    I'm in that world, but I work purely instinctively.

  21. 那也很有道理,但我是凭良心做事。

    There's a good deal in that, but I acted conscientiously.

  22. 但我估计凭我的成绩和人品, 我不会有问题的。

    But I figure that with my grades and with my personality, I'll have no problem.

  23. 但威拉德全凭双手完成雕像, 过程令人赞叹。

    But Willard creates all by hand in an astonishing process.

  24. 他是个盲人,但他能凭记忆演奏许多动听的歌曲。

    He is bind, but he can play many beautiful songs by ear.

  25. 这个不足为凭, 但我确实是这样的!

    Show us your toes to prove you are really a Chinese.

  26. 但请不要凭你们心中疑心生暗鬼来欲加之罪吧。

    But just please dont blame us out of your imaginary voodoo.

  27. 但不要仅凭你听到的溢美之词就作出决定。

    But don't make a decision based on the good things you hear.

  28. 她颤抖和厉害,但凭着坚强的意志力,她不再发抖了。

    She was trembling violently, but with a determined effort of will she stopped.

  29. 但我常说,凭良心投票很重要

    but I always say it's important to vote with your conscience.

  30. 但我们谁都不能凭良心说没有过警告。

    But none of us can in good conscience say there was no warning.