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Only such losses, damages or expenses which are the direct consequence of the general average act shall be allowed as general average.
只有属于共同海损行为直接后果的损失或费用,才应作为共同海损。The cost of insuring money advanced to pay for general average disbursements shall also be allowed in general average.
共同海损费用垫款的保险费,也应作为共同海损。In or is concerned the side to have completely tobe suitable the provision in the above contract including which the common sea damages.
在或者当事方应当在上述合同中包括一个完全适用共同海损的条款。General average sacrifices and expenditures shall be borne by the different contributing interests on the basis hereinafter provided.
共同海损牺牲和费用,应按下列规定,由各分摊方分摊。In dealing with an unadjusted average dispute, the maritime court may entrust average adjusters with the adjustment.
海事法院受理未经理算的共同海损纠纷,可以委托理算机构理算。No deductions "new for old" shall be made from the cost of temporary repairs allowable as general average.
可作为共同海损的临时修理费用,不应作“以新换旧”的扣减。General average system is an ancient and special mechanism of sharing the risk of ocean transport in admiralty and maritime law.
共同海损制度是海商法上的一种古老而特有的制度,它是一种同舟共济的救济手段。The time limit is one year for hearing maritime cases of the first instance concerning collision of ships or general average.
审理第一审船舶碰撞、共同海损案件的期限为一年;Average is of two kinds: one is General Average, and the other is Particular Average.