




1. 度 [dù]2. 度 [duó]度 [dù]计算长短的器具或单位:尺~。刻~。~量衡。事物所达到的境界:程~。高~。风~。分角的单位,一圆周角分为360度:角~。依照计算的一定标准划分的单位:温~。湿~。经~。纬~。浓~。电能的单位,……



汉语拼音:shǒu dù






  1. 开端。

    明 张居正 《贺冬至表》之一:“踰十辰而逢景旦,预开首度之祥。”



  1. When planes were first used in the military in World War I, they were only used for locating the enemy.


  2. One of the next big steps for the market is likely to be the first renminbi bond sale by a foreign company, bankers say.


  3. Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda may carry out his first cabinet reshuffle since taking office in a bid to increase his political clout.


  4. Our team was one of the first western film crews to gain access to this highly secured room.


  5. Dr. J. David Curb, one of the researchers, said the new grant is the first to look specifically at genes that affect life span.


  6. LEDs, made of diodes or chips, have come a long way since the first practical LED was a developed in 1962. Its sole color was red.


  7. In front of his expectant fans, the German maestro will then end his stint with a first outing in his personal FXX GT machine.


  8. It was the first time in more than a year sales outside autos rose for a third straight month.


  9. The Broadway musical My Fair Lady has opened for its first night in London, to a rapturous reception.


  1. 杜阿拉小中心首度

    The Douala Center Celebrates its First

  2. 闽南语首度进入小学课程

    South Fujian Dialect becomes part of primary school curriculum

  3. 新年临街黄金铺王首度招商

    Arst Business Invitation of the Golden Frontage Shops in the New Year

  4. 预祝我们的首度合作愉快、成功!

    I wish our first cooperation happiness and success!

  5. 第一代保护证人组首度出更

    The First Generation Witness Protection Section

  6. 这个航空公司首度放飞欧洲航线。

    The airline company launched a European route for the first time.

  7. 这个航空公司首度放飞欧洲航线。

    The airline company launched a European route for the first time.

  8. 然而,如今这个技术首度有了突破。

    Nevertheless, the first breakthrough is here.

  9. 但那是为了庆祝我的首度离异。

    But that was in celebration of my first divorce and.

  10. 解放军昨日首度在港举行阅兵仪式。

    The PLA staged its first military parade in Hong Kong yesterday.

  11. 这些杜鹃花有些将在今年首度开花。

    Several of these rhododendrons will flower this year for the first time.

  12. 今年夏天,他就要在动画里首度登场。

    This summer, he will make his debut in animation.

  13. 贝多芬于1787年首度造访维也纳。

    In the year1787, Beethoven traveled to Vienna for the first time.

  14. 这棵苹果幼树今年首度结了果。

    The young apple tree is bearing this year for the first time.

  15. 在他三岁的时候, 他就首度登台表演。

    At the age of three he made his stage debut.

  16. 在这部电影中两位著名影星首度合作。

    In this film, the two famous stars collaborated for the first time.

  17. 她首度谈起婚姻破裂带来的精神创伤。

    She spoke for the first time about the traumas of a broken marriage.

  18. 政府的减排政策也首度发挥了重大作用。

    For the first time, government policies to cut emissions have also had a significant impact.

  19. 这是波斯首度成为欧洲意识一部分的时期。

    It is when Persia first becomes part of the European consciousness.

  20. 一只新的大猩猩在圣地亚哥动物园首度亮相。

    A new gorilla has made his debut at the Santiago zoo.

  21. 世界上最大的无人驾驶飞机首度在澳洲亮相。

    The world's largest unmanned plane has been unveiled in Australia.

  22. 全国寿险公司首度使用笔记型电脑作为寿险行销工具

    Initiated the employment of notebook PC as the marketing tools of life insurance

  23. 宝马的新型高效动力概概念车首度公开亮相。

    BMW new Vision Efficient Dynamics concept car is unveiled for the first time.

  24. 百老会音乐剧我的美丽天使首度伦敦公演。

    The Broadway musical My Fair Lady has opened for its first night in London, to a rapturous reception.

  25. 这辆车在首度试开之后, 让我们非常失看。

    We were very disappointed with the results from the new car's first trial run.

  26. 首度申请失业救济人数的四周平均数字仍为519,250人。

    Jobless claims remain at average figure of around 519,250 people.

  27. 首度申请失业救济人数得四周平均数字仍为519,250人。

    Jobless claims remain at average figure of around 519, 248 people.

  28. 他们带来了材料和部件,数月以来首度恢复生产。

    They brought materials and parts to restart production for the first time in months.

  29. 这部电影在圣丹斯电影节上首度上映,我们来看看

    Well, since the film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, let's take a look.

  30. 今年有100多人首度登上这个十亿美元富翁的名单。

    There were more than 100 new billionaires on the Forbes list this year.


  1. 问:首度拼音怎么拼?首度的读音是什么?首度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:首度的读音是shǒudù,首度翻译成英文是 For the first time.