







汉语拼音:qiú zhèng






  1. 寻找证据或求得证实。



  1. YangGuo listened to of course not letter also very angry, feather flat for proof in her, had to take her to a central.


  2. Assange said WikiLeaks did not check the authenticity of the video with the Department of Defense, however.


  3. Anyway, enough of that. My job today is to talk about Angus. Andthere are no skeletons in his cupboard or so I thought.


  4. "Yes that's it, " Harry announces before turning to his wife.


  5. They knew media reporters would parrot every bit of gossip without bothering with lowly fact-checking.


  6. The existence of the most suitable down content is proved by the mathematical analysis to the testing data, and its reason is discussed.


  7. Campbell was so befuddled that he took the card to the post office to verify it really came from China.


  8. In the case of women, employers look for the credibility of the qualification, she argues, more so than they might do with men.


  9. I speak the truth. you will do me a favor to answer this . your letters are full of true love fou me Good--bay!


  1. 让我先和律师求证。

    But let me confirmwith my lawyer.

  2. 但是,我的意见没法得到求证。

    However, my opinion on this question was not sought.

  3. 你老师找他求证。你冒充他的声音?

    Your teacher called the old man to confirm, you imitated his voice on the cell phone ?

  4. 特性验证使用定理求证系统来实现。

    Property verification is carried out using theorem proving systems.

  5. 如果你想的话可以打给领事馆求证

    Call the consulate if you like.

  6. 求证已一步一步地写在黑板上了。

    The proof is set out, step by step, on the blackboard.

  7. 手无寸铁仅有热忱的心及论点去求证

    Armed with nothing but heart and a point to prove

  8. 为了求证,作者参酌该书的一段话。

    For proof the writer refers to a passage from the book.

  9. 记者试图通过多方求证来避免不实报道。

    A reporter tries to guard against inaccuracies by checking with a variety of sources.

  10. 裤型结构的建立及裆弧线长度的求证

    The Establishment Of Pants Type Structure And The Affirmation Of Crotch Curve Length

  11. 水冲密实法砂碎石最大干密度试验求证

    To Test of Maximum Dry Unit Weight by Water Jet Method of Pile Driving

  12. 为了求证,我用手机把这只锅拍了下来。

    I took a photo of the pot with my cellphone for later verification.

  13. 创造性思考的四个阶段是准备、沉思、启迪、求证。

    The four stages of creative thought are preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification.

  14. 这个故事我一直都有听说但从来没有去求证过。

    It's a story I always heard of but never pursued before.

  15. 该项目的目标之一是求证是谁最先发现青蒿素。

    The objective of this project is to find the true story of how and who discovered Artemisinin.

  16. 不要认为你知道事实,对于你所生气的人要小心求证。

    Don't assume you know the facts. Calmly clarify the information with the person you are upset with.

  17. 特曼做了一项问卷调查以求证专家治疗是否有效。

    Terman has developed a questionnaire to help determine whether expert care is needed.

  18. 还完成了若干有希望得发现, 现正求证符合专利条件。

    A number of promising discoveries had also been made and were now being proved up.

  19. 还完成了若干有希望的发现,现正求证符合专利条件。

    A number of promising discoveries had also been made and were now being proved up.

  20. 科学本应证实或证伪,进化论者却用辩护代替求证

    Science should be confirmation or falsification, but evolutionists always use defense in stead of confirmation.

  21. 怀疑假设求证是其治学方法三个最重要的构成部分。

    The three most important components of his experimentalist method are suspecting, hypothesizing, and proving.

  22. 不揣浅薄,吾宁将之作为一个大胆的假设,小心求证。

    Do not surmise shallow, I rather to use as a bold hypothesis, careful verification.

  23. 为求证这个假说,科学家在陨石里寻找含量异常高的镁26。

    To test this hypothesis, scientists have searched for unusually high amounts of26Mg, the decay product of26Al, in meteorites.

  24. 对于张鹏的说法, 记者也找到国信证券的相关人士予以求证。

    For Peng said, reporters also found a letter States securities to be relevant evidence.

  25. 如果你是一个凡事求证的怀疑论者, 现在你可以找到证明了!

    If you were a skeptic and needed proof, well, now you have it!

  26. 一位本地记者事先没和我求证就在一篇报导里那麽写著。

    A local reporter wrote that in an article without asking me about it.


  1. 问:求证拼音怎么拼?求证的读音是什么?求证翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求证的读音是qiúzhèng,求证翻译成英文是 seek verification

  2. 问:求证医学拼音怎么拼?求证医学的读音是什么?求证医学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求证医学的读音是qiú zhèng yī xué,求证医学翻译成英文是 evidence-based medicine