


1. 五 [wǔ]五 [wǔ]数名,四加一(在钞票和单据上常用大写“伍”代):~彩。~官。~谷。~金。~代(中国朝代名,后梁、后唐、后晋、后汉、后周先后在中原建立政权的时期)。~帝(中国传说中的五个帝王,通常指黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、唐尧、虞舜)……


聚合,聚在一起:~之。~数。~体。~结。汇~。概括全部,主要的:~纲。~则。为首的,最高的:~司令。~裁。~经理。~统。束系,束头发:~角(jiǎo )。经常,一直:~是这样。一定,无论如何:~归。“万紫千红~是春”。……


1. 龟 [guī]2. 龟 [jūn]3. 龟 [qiū]龟 [guī]爬行动物的一科,腹背都有硬甲,头尾和脚能缩入甲中,耐饥渴,寿命很长:乌~。~甲(龟的腹甲,可入药,古人又用以占卜,亦用作货币。亦称“龟板”)。龟 [jūn]同“皲”。……









  1. It was just a few short years ago that Yang Xin was applying his skills as assistant to BIG general manager Lin Xiao Wu but not any more.


  1. 小心总比打五年级学生好。

    Better be safe than a 5 th grader.

  2. 他的总积分是一百五十五。

    His total score was one hundred and fiftyfive.

  3. 俄罗斯与中亚五国总统制比较

    A Comparison of Presidential Systems Between Russia and Five Central Asian States

  4. 总算来了。你说五分钟就到的。

    Finally. I thought you said five minutes.

  5. 五甚至是六支球队有可能闯入总决赛。

    Four, five, maybe even six teams the West have the abilityadvancethe NBA Finals.

  6. 可耕地只占非洲土地总面积的五分之一。

    Only one fifth of the surface area of Africa is farmland.

  7. 大鼠血浆中补阳还五汤及总苷元的阿魏酸药物动力学研究

    Studies on Pharmacokinetics of Ferulic Acid of the Buyanghuanwu Decoction and Total Aglycone in Plasma of Rat

  8. 红毛五加总苷

    Glucosides of Acanthopanax Giraldii

  9. 五邑工商总会学校

    Five District Business Welfare Association School

  10. 每周五晚上他总有约会。

    He always has a date on Friday night.

  11. 今年失业人数总共达五万人。

    The aggregate number of unemployed is fifty thousand this year.

  12. 第五,动用总预备费须经中央批准。

    Fifth, the general reserve funds cannot be used without the approval of the central authorities.

  13. 关税及贸易总协定第五号更正议定书

    Fifth Protocol of Rectifications to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

  14. 我想我们确定在总销售的百分之十五。

    Well, we fixed it at fifteen percent on total sales, I believe.

  15. 五室中间为二缓冲室时,总隔离系数达到3205。

    As a result, the total isolation coefficient achieved3205.

  16. 第五部分为房地产金融体系总框架图。

    At last, the total frame diagram of financial system in real estate.

  17. 他对女人很有一套。周五晚上他总有约会的。

    He really has a gift with the ladies. He always has a date on Friday night.

  18. 红毛五加总甙对炎症性疼痛的镇痛作用

    Analgesic Effect of Total Glucoside of Acanthopanax Giral dii Harms on Inflammatory Pain

  19. 美国陆军总兵力差不多有一百五十万人。

    The Army of the United States now totaled approximately 1,500, 000 officers and men.

  20. 在我来说, 老年是总比我大上十五岁的。

    To min old age is always fifteen year older than I be.

  21. 对我来说,老年是总比我大上十五岁的。

    To me, old age is always fifteen year older than I am.

  22. 他们在兰伯恩总共驯了五十多匹马。

    Between them, they train over fifty horses in Lambourn.

  23. 该购物中心总面积达347万平方英尺,排名全球第五。

    It claims the 5th spot with 3.47 million sq ft of gross leasable area.

  24. 结果刺五加提取物与刺五加注射液的总黄酮含量相近。

    Results The total flavonoids contents of Acanthopanax senticosus extract and injection were similar.

  25. 结果刺五加提取物与刺五加注射液得总黄酮含量相近。

    Results The total flavonoids contents of Acanthopanax senticosus extract and injection were similar.

  26. 我借给他五十镑钱还总觉得倒欠了他的情。

    I never lent him fifty pounds without feeling that I was in his debt.

  27. 美国驻上海总领事馆周五发表声明,呼吁人们保持冷静。

    The U. S. consulate in Shanghai issued a statement Friday urging people to remain calm.

  28. 红毛五加总甙的中枢镇静作用及对吗啡依赖性的影响

    Central sedative action of total glucosides of Acanthopanax giraldii Harms and its effect on morphine dependence.

  29. 每一戏剧季节在百老汇上演得新戏总在五十出以上。

    More than 48 productions are presented each season on Broadway.

  30. 每一戏剧季节在百老汇上演的新戏总在五十出以上。

    More than 50 productions are presented each season on Broadway.