




1. 转 [zhuǎn]2. 转 [zhuàn]3. 转 [zhuǎi]转 [zhuǎn]迁徙;流亡:老弱~乎沟壑。不直接的,中间再经过别人或别的地方:~送。~达。~发。~运。周~。改换方向:~弯。向左~。改变位置:~移。改变形势、情况:~……





汉语拼音:yī zhuǎn niàn







  1. 谓再一想而改变主意。

    叶圣陶 《倪焕之》二:“父亲一转念,觉得 焕之 也没有什么不是,而且很有点志气。” 茅盾 《动摇》三:“他忍不住这股怒气,抢前几步,打算撕碎那个旧布招儿。但是一转念,他又放手,急步向回家的路上去了。” 冰心 《寄小读者》十二:“一转念纵使没有我,她还可有别的女孩子做她的女儿。”



  1. But then, she thought, it doesn't matter. He took no money with him, and he surely didn't leave much behind.


  2. On second thoughts, if the benefits seemed big enough, people might go along with it.


  3. At first, she wanted to call the guards, but on second thoughts she changed her mind.


  4. Heathcliff, on second thoughts, resolved to avoid a struggle against the three underlings.


  1. 随着, 又一转念, 她又何必来呢?

    And then, as a second thought, why should she come at all?

  2. 他刚想开口,但一转念,又不说了。

    He was on the point of speaking but then thought better of it.

  3. 起先, 她想叫卫兵, 但是一转念又改变了主意。

    At first, she wanted to call the guards, but on second thoughts she changed her mind.

  4. 蓦地一转念, 他又把听筒挂上, 跑出管理部来。

    He began calling the operator, but suddenly changed his mind, hung it up again, and ran out of the office.

  5. 他原来不大情愿移居国外,但他一转念,也就愿意了。

    He was not entirely wishful to emigrate, and yet when he thought of it he was wishful.

  6. 再一转念, 如果好处足够大的话, 人们也许真能这么做。

    On second thoughts, if the benefits seemed big enough, people might go along with it.

  7. 希刺克厉夫一转念,决定避免和这三个下属争斗。

    Heathcliff, on second thoughts, resolved to avoid a struggle against the three underlings.

  8. 他刚想开口说话,但一转念,觉得还是暂时不提为好。

    He was just going to speak when he thought better of it and didn't mention it for the moment.

  9. 有时, 惯技总是那么轻易得手, 就在人们一转念的轻信之间。

    Sometimes, old trick always is so easy and procurable, be in people of one think better of credulous between.

  10. 但是于一转念, 又觉得实在并无可笑, 小心一点总比冒险好。

    Better, after all, to be overcautious rather than unnecessary risks.

  11. 我正要去,可转念一想

    I was on my way, but then I got to thinking.

  12. 转念一想 我不相信自己能。

    On second thought, I don't trust myself

  13. 但转念一想, 面孔就苍白了。

    An old and careworn face but on second thoughts turning pale.

  14. 然而, 转念一想, 我们敢聘用他吗?

    Yet, on second thoughts, would we have dared hire him?

  15. 实际上, 转念一想, 我还是自己做吧。

    Actually, on second thought, I'll do it myself.

  16. 转念一想,我想他也彰显了神迹。

    On second thought, I guess he did do miracles.

  17. 但是转念一想, 不, 这是你的梦想。

    But then I thought, No, this is your dream.

  18. 但是转念一想,我这是在混淆视线

    But then I thought, oh, I'm sending myself mixed messages.

  19. 可是转念一想 似乎也做得太简单了

    But then I had a thought of, boy, maybe it's too simple.

  20. 我本来打车去,转念一想,我还是打算坐地铁去。

    On second thought, I will take the subway instead of a taxi.

  21. 我们原计划登山, 但转念一想觉得太危险。

    We decided to climb the mountain, but on second thought realized that it was too dangerous.

  22. 且慢,转念一想,我可不想破坏了你的悬念。

    Wait, on second thought, I don't want to be the one to ruin it for you.

  23. 转念一想,我可以说他们之间的争执到了新的高度。

    On second thought I should have said they, ve taken their dispute to new heights.

  24. 咱们去看电影吧,结果转念一想,我想我们还是散散步算了。

    Let's go to the cinema. No, wait, on second thought, I would rather just fora walk.

  25. 但转念一想, 这种做法是不是多多少少有点像税收机制呢?

    But on second thought, isn't that more or less how taxes work?

  26. 梅尔有点忍俊不禁, 转念一想还是不要笑出声来为妙。

    Mel was tempted to laugh, then supposed he had better not.

  27. 我又转念, 见日光之下有一件虚空的事。

    Then I came back, and I saw an example of what is to no purpose under the sun.

  28. 传47我又转念, 见日光之下有一件虚空的事。

    Then I looked again at vanity under the sun.