




1. 节 [jié]2. 节 [jiē]节 [jié]竹子或草木茎分枝长叶的部分:竹~。~外生枝。物体的分段或两段之间连接的部分:关~。两~车厢。段落,事项:~~(一段一段地,逐步)。~目。中国历法把一年分为二十四段,每段开始的名称:~气。……



汉语拼音:zhēn jié







  1. 忠贞不二的节操。

    《文选·张衡<东京赋>》:“执谊顾主,夫怀贞节。” 薛综 注:“夫,犹人人也。言执礼义之心,顾思 汉 德,人怀贞正之志分也。” 唐 李德裕 《授郑裔绰渭南县尉直宏文馆制》:“况两代持衡,皆有贞节,守正持法,遗风凛然。” 清 翁志琦 《反班婕妤怨歌行》:“薄俗区故新,君子秉贞节。”

  2. 封建礼教指女子不失身、不改嫁的道德行为。

    汉 刘向 《说苑·建本》:“昔者 东夷 慕诸夏之义,有女,其夫死,为之内私壻,终身不嫁。不嫁则不嫁矣,然非贞节之义也。” 北周 庾信 《彭城公夫人尔朱氏墓志铭》:“用 曹大家 之明训,执 宋 伯姬 之贞节。” 老舍 《四世同堂》十六:“老太太深信她的哲理是天下最好的,因为‘忍’字教她守住贞节,度过患难,得到像一个钢针那么无趣而永远发着点光的生命。”



  1. I do not know if she is virtuous, but she is ugly, and with a woman that is half the battle.


  2. They have the right , if not to be less virtuous than their grandmothers , at any rate to look less virtuous .


  3. Women with great virtue in Shandong practiced the concept of virtue in different ways.


  4. Chastity was a mainstream value patronized by the Qing state and gentry, who considered it the apex of female morals.


  5. We keep the Sabbath, dress modestly and eat clean foods to glorify God, not to be saved.


  6. Right " if your lover is lost duteous , you still marry with her " this problem, the male undergraduate that has 53. 4% chose " not " .


  7. Snake: A few days before the Virtuous Mission, then.


  8. Although my virginity was a disadvantage, I stayed hopeful about dating.


  9. Study of female chastity in "Three Stories" and "Amazing Stories"


  1. 玷污的贞节

    To violate the chastity of.

  2. 贞节旌表制度

    system of woman chastity recognition

  3. 贞节任务, 开始!

    Commencing operation Virtuous mission now.

  4. 私通, 不守贞节

    conjugal infidelity

  5. 儒家贞节观

    confucian chastity.

  6. 理学贞节观

    Confucian duteous concept.

  7. 她是贞节的化身。

    She is chastity personified.

  8. 她是贞节的典范。

    She is the image of chastity.

  9. 迷迭香是贞节的象徵。

    Rosemary is emblematic of constancy.

  10. 迷迭香是贞节的象征。

    Rosemary is emblematic of constancy.

  11. 迷迭香是贞节得象征。

    Rosemary is emblematic of constancy.

  12. 这幅画是贞节的寓意

    This painting is called The Allegory Of Chastity.

  13. 杜十娘与爱情贞节观

    Du Shiniang and Her Conception of Love Chastity.

  14. 从鲁迅作品看鲁迅的贞节意识

    On Lu Xuns Chastity Consciousness in His Works

  15. 那是忠实和贞节的花儿芳香

    That was the flowre of faith and chastity

  16. 你不想保留你的寡妇贞节牌坊

    You wanted to lose your widow virginity.

  17. 她是个虔诚的女子, 贞节无瑕。

    She was a holy woman, innocent and chaste.

  18. 女人并非老是为贞节之故而贞节的。

    It is not always for virtues sake that women are virtuous.

  19. 有些宗教修会的男女保持贞节。

    People in some religious orders remain chaste.

  20. 有些宗教修会得男女保持贞节。

    People in some religious orders remain chaste.

  21. 即使是女子的贞节也不再重要。

    Even chastity was no longer considered becoming.

  22. 她真不愧是一位贞节烈女呀!

    Only a great woman will die to defend her chastity.

  23. 她真不愧是一位贞节烈女呀!

    Only a great woman will die to defend her chastity.

  24. 她的频率与贞节任务一样, 还是145。73。

    Her frequency is the same as during the Virtuous Mission, 145.73.

  25. 我从来不认为贞节是一种美德。

    I never held fidelity to be a virtue.

  26. 试论明代贞节观的嬗变

    Evolution of the concept of womens chastity in Ming Dynasty.

  27. 贞节修行是明遗民的生活态度。

    The cultivation of virtues reflects their life attitude.

  28. 贞节对一个女人来说是重要的。

    Chastity is important to a woman.

  29. 贞节对一个女人来说是重要得。

    Chastity is important to a woman.

  30. 明天我们学习贞节烈女的事迹。

    Tomorrow we'll study stories of virtuous women.


  1. 问:贞节拼音怎么拼?贞节的读音是什么?贞节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贞节的读音是zhēnjié,贞节翻译成英文是 chastity

  2. 问:贞节的拼音怎么拼?贞节的的读音是什么?贞节的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贞节的的读音是,贞节的翻译成英文是 chaste