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1. 阿 [ā]2. 阿 [ē]阿 [ā]加在称呼上的词头:~大。~爷。~爹。~罗汉。~毛。~婆。~弟。~姊。阿 [ē]迎合,偏袒:~附。~其所好。~谀逢迎。凹曲处:山~。……
汉语拼音:ā bà
Abba, Father, " he said, everything is possible for you. "
他说、阿爸、父阿、在你凡事都能。And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.
他说,阿爸,父阿,在你凡事都能。求你将这杯撤去。然而不要从我的意思,只要从你的意思。In His own prayers He used the word Abba (Daddy), an informal address that Jews had not previously used in prayer.
耶稣自己祷告的时候,称父为阿爸父(Abba);这种非正式的亲密称呼,以前犹太人祷告时从来不曾用过。Jesus tells us to call His Father, "Abba, " because we have become His beloved children.
耶稣让我们称天父为“阿爸”,因为我们已成为祂所爱的孩子。When I realize the truth of how Abba and the Lord delight in me, I do not have to be afraid.
当我认识阿爸和主对我的悦纳,我就不用害怕,我只需活出正常的身分。And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.
你们既为儿子,神就差他儿子的灵,进入你们(原文作我们)的心,呼叫阿爸,父。Well you're hard for me to take. My parents would have gotten back together if my dad hadn't met you.
我仲难受呀!本来阿爸想同阿妈好翻,想要复合,点知识左你,就变晒心。For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
你们所受的不是奴仆的心,仍旧害怕。所受的乃是儿子的心,因此我们呼叫阿爸,父。I could have whooped his ass, but this gravel, I slipped on it.
Father helps me feed my battle steed
爸爸, 阿爸, 老爸, 爹
Dad, Daddy, Dada, Pa, Pop
In the New Testament, God.
A Song Abba Sings to Me
亲爱的阿爸, 父耶和华上帝
Our Abba, Father Lord Jehovah God and Jesus Christ in heaven.
But you dad and mum will worry about you.
我是神的儿女, 神是我的阿爸父, 我的天父。
I am a child of God, and God is my Abba father, my Daddy God.
Xiao Gang's father is the prince of folk singing in his village.
Xiao Gang's father is the prince of folk singing in his village.
The Son needed his Abba, his Dad!
I believe, I believe, I believe God is my Abba Father, He thinks I am precious.
我相信, 我相信, 我相信天父是阿爸父, 祂看我为宝贵。
I believe, I believe, I believe God is my Abba Father, He thinks I am precious.
My father and mother, now together.
Oh, my God. I said, OK, fine. Does Pop know you're driving?
Thanks Abba, Father Lord Jehovah God and Jesus Christ gracious gift.
And by him we cry, Abba, Father.
所受的乃是儿子的心, 因此我们呼叫阿爸, 父。
How does our Abba Father show His love to us?
Abba Father I want an honest heart to worship you!
阿爸这几天有些烦躁, 我知道会有事情发生。
Recently, dad is tending to fidget, I know something wrong will happen.
And that, his father and I sat by the side of his private Diaojiao house and chatted over tea.
爱是用心去感受阿爸, 父耶和华上帝和主耶稣的感受。
Love is using our all heart to feel Abba, Father and Jesus Christ feeling.
Mongolian national minority's traditional virtue are many, the father teaches me the generation toward downloading.
Mongolian national minority's traditional virtue are many, the father teaches me the generation toward downloading.
阿爸, 父耶和华上帝和主耶稣引导我写出来的文章。
Our Abba, Father Lord Jehovah God and Jesus Christ guides me to write the article.
Jack holds Karen's son as hostage and forces Karen to comply with his requests.
Everything set for the feast day, lanterns, flags, badges, and pigs all the hubbub is great, plus Daddys shoulders to sit on.
For summer vacation, Marc takes his wife Beatrix and their two children to the seaside house of his youth.
The grace of Abba, Father Lord Jehovah God and Jesus Christ be with God's people. Amen.