







汉语拼音:bǎi shǒu









  1. 挥手。

    宋 朱熹 《香荣供养黄蘖长老悟公故人之塔并以小诗见意》之一:“摆手临行一寄声,故应离合未忘情。”

  2. 摇手。

    《儿女英雄传》第七回:“他家当家大和尚摆手説:‘一顿饭也值得收你的钱,我化你的善缘罢。’” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“看见大奶奶对她指着 曾皓 摆手,吓得没有说出来。”

  3. 放手。

    元 高文秀 《黑旋风》第一折:“我和你待摆手去横行,管教他抹着我的无乾浄。”



  1. "The Lyons sighed tone, put to put a hand and said: " Now that your friend also say so, let's shine on what she said to do.


  2. If you had told me in college I was going to turn into a brown-rice mother I would have guffawed and waved my hand dismissively.


  3. Now swish your hand in a gentle even movement down along the front of your face, neck, chest, heart and solar plexus (tummy) area.


  4. He waved his hands, as if words failed to express his admiration.


  5. Bethune started to protest but the General waved him to be silent.


  6. But he, beckoning unto them with the hand to hold their peace, declared unto them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison.


  7. 'The others have been awake for some hours, ' said Het Masteen and gestured for the clones to leave them.


  8. A girl standing at the mouth of the cave beckoned him in.


  9. Harry shook his head violently to shut Neville up, but Professor McGonagall had seen.


  1. 前摆手点地

    Wave hands ahead and skim floor.

  2. 沃尔特摆了摆手还是摆了摆腿?

    Did Walter wave his hand or wave his leg?

  3. 她向我摆了摆手, 要我跟着她。

    She beckoned me to follow her.

  4. 小孩是否摆手 或者指东西。

    Does the baby wave or point things.

  5. 她摆了摆手谢绝了这一提议。

    She declined the offer with a wave of her hand.

  6. 我可以感觉到你在我面前摆手

    I can feel you flapping your hand in front of my face.

  7. 她轻轻一摆手让他先走开。

    She waved him aside with an airy gesture.

  8. 那陌生人摆了摆手,继续下楼去了。

    The stranger waved his hand, and continued to descend.

  9. 奥勃良摆一摆手, 叫他别说话。

    O'Brien silenced him by a movement of his hand.

  10. 土家族摆手舞的文化生态与文化传承

    Cultural Ecology and Passing On and Inheritance of Waving Dance of Tujia Nationality.

  11. 是否婴儿会摆手或者指着某些东西?

    Does the baby wave or point at things ?

  12. 新时期土家族摆手舞的体育文化研究

    Sports Culture Research on Baishou Dance of the Tujia Nationality in the New Era

  13. 一个眨眼、头或者甚至是摆手都是暗示。

    A wink, nod or even a hand wave will give you an indication.

  14. 一个眨眼, 点头或者甚至是摆手都是暗示。

    A wink, nod or even a hand wave will give you an indication.

  15. 站在洞口得一个姑娘摆手叫他进去。

    A girl standing at the mouth of the cave beckoned him in.

  16. 站在洞口的一个姑娘摆手叫他进去。

    A girl standing at the mouth of the cave beckoned him in.

  17. 弄墨抽空摆了摆手, 竹儿将那些人拉起来。

    Made Mo to take time to put to put a hand, the bamboo son pulled those people.

  18. 站在洞口的一个女孩摆手叫他进去。

    The girl standing at the mouth of the cave beckoned him in.

  19. 雨果开汽车从希拉里旁边经过时摆了摆手。

    Hugo waved as he passed Hilary in his car.

  20. 我连忙摆手推迟我的毛笔字不行, 还是不献丑了。

    I hastened to my calligraphy Waving not postponed, or not a shortcoming.

  21. 乞丐善解人意地趴在地上摆了摆手,示意女人离开。

    With his head stuck on the ground, the poor man acknowledged her kindness and beckoned the woman to go away.

  22. 我绝不接受一个铜子。南希连连摆手,答道。

    Not a penny,'replied the girl, waving her hand.

  23. 摆手舞是土家族最具代表性得民族民间祭祀舞蹈。

    Waving dance is the most representative of the Tujia ethnic folk sacrifice dance.

  24. 手摇螺丝扳手接长节摆手、伸直脖子和快速摇头。

    Ratchet wrench extension swing his arms, stretch his neck and shake his head rapidly.

  25. 她心中顿时火气,可是杰拉尔德摆了摆手,叫她平静些。

    Fury flamed in her, but Gerald waved her quiet with a hand.

  26. 彼得摆手,不要他们作声,就告诉他们主怎样领他出监。

    But he, beckoning unto them with the hand to hold their peace, declared unto them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison.


  1. 问:摆手拼音怎么拼?摆手的读音是什么?摆手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摆手的读音是bǎishǒu,摆手翻译成英文是 beckon




注音:bǎishǒu 释义:1.摇手。 例:摆手示意。 2.挥手。 例:摆手再见。