


古代朝廷传达命令或征调兵将用的凭证:虎~。~信。~节。代表事物的标记、记号:~号。音~。相合:~合。言行相~。道士画的驱使鬼神的图形或线条:~咒。护身~。古代称祥瑞的征兆:~瑞。~应(yìng )(指天降“符瑞”,与人事相应)。姓。……





汉语拼音:fú zhòu






  1. 亦作“ 符呪 ”。符箓和咒语的合称。僧道以为可以役使鬼神。

    宋 苏轼 《僧圆泽传》:“公当以符呪助我速生。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录六》:“里有 白以忠 者,偶买得役鬼符咒一册。” 老舍 《四世同堂》三:“近来,他更学着念佛,研究些符咒与法术。”



  1. Charms is also something of a catch-all for spells which aren't Transfiguration (spells which change the inherent nature of an object).


  2. Just as on my flight over Wisconsin, I was operating as if under a spell, in a vacation state of mind.


  3. Having learned the art of witchcraft from her mother, she sewed a magic charm into each one of them.


  4. So you see there never was a bad James in the Sunday-school books that had such a streak of luck as this sinful Jim with the charmed life.


  5. He puzzled over the matter some time, and finally decided that some witch had interfered and broken the charm.


  6. Open your portmanteau and keep it in one of your neutral talisman. It allows you to change into the shape of any creature.


  7. It had the effect of a spell, taking her out of the ordinary relations with humanity, and enclosing her in a sphere by herself.


  8. If I were Kate, I might have hoped for something with a little bit less bad juju.


  9. Her body was inflexible as if it was under a spell. She became worried she'd accidentally make a sound like she did earlier.


  1. 用符咒迷惑某人

    to cast a spell over someone

  2. 作护身符或符咒。

    To function as an amulet or charm.

  3. 塔克与威力符咒

    Tak And The Power of JuJu

  4. 他似有符咒护身。

    It'seemed as if he had a charmed life.

  5. 有魔力的符咒魅力

    A magic spell enchantment.

  6. 破除福利国家的符咒

    Breaking the Spell of the Welfare State

  7. 一个符咒给解除了。

    A spell was broken.

  8. 增加元素符咒的伤害。

    Increases the damage caused by all element spells.

  9. 梵文管这些话叫符咒。

    These words are called mantra in Sanskrit.

  10. 我把符咒带给了你。

    I brought the charm to you.

  11. 魔法师对她施以符咒。

    The sorcerer cast an evil spell on her.

  12. 符咒一种较低级的遗物。

    Charm A lesser form of memento.

  13. 他说符咒是面镜子面具。

    He said the charm was a mirrormask.

  14. 具有魔力的符咒, 咒语, 把戏等

    a magic spell, word, trick, etc

  15. 我曾经下过最毒的符咒。

    I'm the worst dry spell ever.

  16. 减少自然符咒的施法时间。

    Passively reduces the cost in power points of all nature spells.

  17. 像是被符咒抓住了兴趣一样。

    Capturing interest as if by a spell.

  18. 你深印我心,对我有如符咒。

    You are stuck in my heart. You've been all over me like a spell.

  19. 艾达公主的符咒失去了威力。

    Princess ida's spell lost its potency.

  20. 什么类型的符咒你正在做吗?

    And what kind of spells are you doing?

  21. 我被你的爱情符咒镇住了。

    I'm under the spell of your love.

  22. 用符咒驱除百日咳是不可能的。

    It is impossible to charm away the whoopingcough.

  23. 那些是一个男巫士的符咒。

    Those spells are the work of a sorcerer.

  24. 大伯,你儿子在巫婆的符咒之下!

    Baba, your son is under the spell of witches!

  25. 而且, 依凭我这首诗中得符咒。

    And, by the incantation of this verse.

  26. 而且,依凭我这首诗中的符咒。

    And, by the incantation of this verse.

  27. 希望这个符咒会给你带来好运。

    I hope this charm will bring you luck.

  28. 被动增加治疗符咒对自身的治疗效果。

    Passively increases the effects of the healing spell on you.

  29. 我感到她的出现,因她符咒般的力量。

    I felt her presence, by its spell of might.

  30. 用妖术迷惑以符咒镇住, 好象用符咒镇住

    To hold under or as if under a spellenchant or fascinate.


  1. 问:符咒拼音怎么拼?符咒的读音是什么?符咒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:符咒的读音是fúzhòu,符咒翻译成英文是 Taoist magic figures or incantations; char...



“符咒”是个多义词,它可以指符咒(《QQ三国》游戏装备), 符咒(道家修炼重要的组成部分)。