







汉语拼音:xià qiū






夏秋 [夏秋,女,@@@@@年生,辽宁沈阳人。辽宁省民间文艺家协会驻会副主席、秘书长,中国民间文艺家协会第八届理事会理事,中国书法家协会会员,辽宁省书法家协会理事。#####]
  1. 夏秋,女,@@@@@年生,辽宁沈阳人。辽宁省民间文艺家协会驻会副主席、秘书长,中国民间文艺家协会第八届理事会理事,中国书法家协会会员,辽宁省书法家协会理事。



  1. Enjoy! As the season for berries is usually in the summer and fall, this snack or dessert really hits the spot.


  2. Like most wildlife, deer reproduce, grow, store fat in the summer and fall when there and is plenty of nutritious food available.


  3. Spring, summer, autumn, winter---the seasons change without fail. The ancient Greeks told a story of how the seasons came to be(1).


  4. There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.


  5. There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, fall and winter.


  6. But over the summer and fall, tightened local lending collided with the global financial crisis to choke off easy credit.


  7. As a summary, the quality of spring tea was better than the quality of autumn tea and summer tea.


  8. HeFaTongYan will with pillow, spring, summer, autumn, winter four different pillow core, for you to change.


  9. Canberra put it into two, in the spring, summer and autumn months, a number of activities to be held in the lake.


  1. 夏秋用蚕种

    silkworm races for summer and autumn rearing.

  2. 民航昨起实施夏秋时刻表

    Civil Aviation Changed to Summer Schedule Yesterday

  3. 长沙夏秋干旱的分析与预测

    Analysis and forecast of Changsha summer and autumn drought

  4. 米兰花一般在夏秋时节开放。

    Milan took the general open season in the summer and fall.

  5. 夏秋番茄引种比较试验初报

    A Introduction Experiment for Tomato in Summer and Autumn Season

  6. 夏秋反季节花椰菜营养吸收规律探讨

    Nourishment Absorption Regulation of Cauliflower Planted in Late Summer

  7. 今年夏秋二季,您将参加什么比赛?

    What races are on your calendar this summer and fall?

  8. 夏秋反季节莴苣的营养吸收规律初探

    Primary Study on Nourishment Absorption Regulation of Lettuce Planted in Late Summer

  9. 这限制了夏秋季节枝条的数量和长度。

    This limits the number and length of and fall shoots.

  10. 这限制了夏秋季节枝条得数量和长度。

    This limits the number and length of and fall shoots.

  11. 气候变暖对甘肃夏秋作物产量的影响

    Impact of climate warming on yield of summer and autumn crops in Gansu province

  12. 夏秋萝卜抗芜菁花叶病毒品种资源的研究

    Studies on the resistant resources of radish to Turnip mosaic virus.

  13. 不论夏秋, 她都惹人注目地穿着一套白色衣裙。

    Summer or autumn, she sports a white dress.

  14. 夏秋两季病人饮食最差,冬季最好,春季次之。

    Invalids bear food worst and autumn, most easily in winter and next spring.

  15. 第一,在夏秋季节,动物体内贮存了大量脂肪。

    The first is that it has stored supplies of fat in its body during the summer and autumn.

  16. 温度对夏秋草莓可溶性固形物含量的影响

    Effects of Temperature on Content of Soluble Solid Substance of Strawberry in Summer and Autumn

  17. 笼养大鸨在夏秋季节行为活动的时间分配和活动节律

    Timing of activity and behavior rhythm of Great Bustard in summer and autum

  18. 夏秋季节时间可稍长些,春冬季节时间可适当缩短点。

    The summer fall season time may slightly long, spring the winter season time be possible to reduce the spot suitably.

  19. 若发生在夏秋农作物生成期会导致庄稼失收或绝收。

    If it happed in Summer and Autumn when the crops were growing, it would lead to a crop failure.

  20. 利用贵州夏秋冷凉的催花气候条件发展高档花卉产业

    Developing Top Grade Flower Industrialization under the Favorably Cool Climate in Spring and Autumn in Guizhou

  21. 西葫芦品种夏秋王的抗病毒鉴定及露地栽培田间表现

    Identification of zucchini cultivar Summer Elite to cucurbits viruses and its performance in open field cultivation

  22. 一批早中熟品种的不断问世填补了夏秋期间的需求空挡。

    A batch early in of ripe breed out ceaselessly fill the demand neutral during Xia Qiu.

  23. 优良杨树品种夏秋二季净光合速率及生态因子的日变化

    Diurnal Variation of Net Photosynthetic Rate and Ecological Factors of A Fine Poplar Variety in Summer and Fall

  24. 鼓风湿度增加是锰铁高炉夏秋两季生产指标差的根本原因。

    Blast humidity increasing is the basic reason of bad index in summer and autumn.


  1. 问:夏秋干拼音怎么拼?夏秋干的读音是什么?夏秋干翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夏秋干的读音是Xiàqiūgàn,夏秋干翻译成英文是 Natsuaki Miki

  2. 问:夏秋的拼音怎么拼?夏秋的的读音是什么?夏秋的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夏秋的的读音是xià qiū de,夏秋的翻译成英文是 estivo-autumnal



所属科室 中医康复科 夏秋,教授,硕士学位。中共党员。1986年入长春中医药大学针灸骨伤系学习,1991年师从针灸届泰斗刘冠军教授攻读针灸专业硕士。 2006年晋升主任医师并转为大连医科大学教授职称。受聘四级教授。中国针灸学会耳针分会耳穴标准化审定专家,大连软伤学会副理事长,针灸研究会主任委员。 专业方向为针灸对糖耐量低减的研究,针灸的良性调整作用。近年来,发表多篇CSCD杂志本专业论文,其中四篇发表于本专业权威杂志《中国针灸》。撰写著作三部,其中主编著作一部,副主编著作一部,编写著作一部。主编针灸专业微创教材一部。担任医科大学中医专业及本硕连读专业授课,外国留学生英文带教。