


1. 伊 [yī]伊 [yī]彼,他,她:~说。~人(那个人,多指女性)。文言助词:下车~始。~谁之力?~于胡底(到什么地步为止,不堪设想的意思)。姓。……





汉语拼音:yī shǐ








  1. 初始,事情的开端。

    晋 陆机 《皇太子宴玄圃宣猷堂有令赋诗》:“匪愿伊始,怡命之嘉。” 宋 周密 《齐东野语·巴陵本末》:“朕访落伊始,首下詔求讜言。” 明 何景明 《寄赠王子衡》诗之一:“昔饯迈伊始,今怀缅犹故。” 清 端方 《请平满汉畛域密摺》:“昔 日本 维新伊始,废藩置县,前此藩士,皆有世禄。”



  1. Of course, the nice bump stocks are getting in the start of third - quarter trading is probably putting a bit of pressure on Treasurys too.

  2. At the beginning of the 19th century, America was a stumbling babe as far as a culture of its own was concerned.

  3. The Canon name and logo were created to reflect the Company's global perspectives, which it adopted right from the beginning of its history.

  4. Monopolies of every kind marked your administration almost in the moment of its commencement .

  5. Sunrider, which has been a sponsor of this event since its inception, received a Bamboo Sponsor Award in recognition of its support.

  6. Since the foundation of the UN, the UK has been a cornerstone of our support base.

  7. There have been a lot of discussions about the imperialistic language of Conrad since the release of Heart of Darkness.

  8. Early the next spring, the wise man had a plan. He took four young men with him to the iron box on wheels. Each man led his donkey.

  9. Ever since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the question of the future of energy supplies has occupied economists.


  1. 幸福,就此伊始。

    Well,that's when happiness begins.

  2. 幸福,就此伊始。

    Well, that's when happiness begins.

  3. 本公司创建伊始。

    The company was founded at the beginning.

  4. 新的一天伊始。

    The day begins.

  5. 新年伊始,万象更新。

    With the beginning of the new year, everything takes on a new look.

  6. 全新球赛,今日伊始

    It's a whole new ball game nowadays.

  7. 和创业伊始的模样

    and when you started the business.

  8. 万物伊始的最初时刻。

    The primordial moment when everything began.

  9. 新千年伊始,万象更新。

    New chiliad beginning, every phenomenon is newer.

  10. 千年伊始, 百业待兴!

    The beginning of the millennium is a time of great hope.

  11. 千年伊始,百业待兴!

    The beginning of the millennium is a time of great hope.

  12. 新年伊始,就有点不景气。

    The year began on a somewhat sour note.

  13. 战斗伊始, 为正义的实现

    A battle rages for the right for what will become

  14. 战斗伊始, 为正义得实现

    A battle rages for the right for what will become

  15. 比赛伊始双方踢得四平八稳。

    It was a sedate opening to the game.

  16. 委员会工作伊始即十分不利。

    The committee began its work under unfavourable auspices.

  17. 今年伊始的故事似乎很简单。

    The story seemed so simple at the start of the year.

  18. 从生命伊始就获得 各种保护。

    Now that is prevention at the very beginning of life.

  19. 他来到东京, 恰逢战争伊始。

    Part of goods do not coincide with standards described in the contract.

  20. 让刘先生在2008年伊始倍感压力。

    Liu in 2008 at the beginning of feeling the pressure.

  21. 第二轮刚战罢,第三轮当伊始。

    Rounding second and heading for third.

  22. 第二轮刚战罢,第三轮当伊始。

    Rounding second and heading for third.

  23. 第二轮刚战罢,第三轮当伊始。

    Rounding second and heading for third.

  24. 学期伊始, 就着手你的学习计划。

    Start your plan at the beginning of the term.

  25. 你许下了新伊始的心愿吗?

    Have you amde a New Year resolution wish yet

  26. 新春伊始,我愿你健康、快乐、美丽!

    Chinese New Year begins, I wish you health, happiness, beautiful!

  27. 战斗伊始, 他就想到走为上策。

    When the fight began, he thought it politic to leave.

  28. 他们可以在新年伊始交到新朋友。

    They can make new friends on the first days of a new year.

  29. 美国总统小布什上任伊始便宣称。

    American president small Bush assumes office beginning alleges.

  30. 收获伊始地里大概有3亿吨粮食。

    There were about 300 million tons of grain in the fields at the start of the harvest.


  1. 问:伊始拼音怎么拼?伊始的读音是什么?伊始翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伊始的读音是yīshǐ,伊始翻译成英文是 begin; start


