


1. 各 [gè]2. 各 [gě]各 [gè]每个,彼此不同:~别。~得其所。~尽所能。~有千秋。~自为政。各 [gě]〔自~儿(gěr)〕自己,亦作“自个儿”。方言,特别:这个人真~。……


1. 处 [chǔ]2. 处 [chù]处 [chǔ]居住:穴居野~。存在,置身:设身~地。~心积虑。~世。跟别人一起生活,交往:融洽相~。决定,决断:~理。对犯错误或有罪的人给予相当的惩戒:~罚。~决。止,隐退:~暑。处 [chù]地方:……



汉语拼音:gè chù







  1. But once Packard got a "search image" of the savanna in his mind, he began to see evidence of it everywhere.


  2. That said, yes, our delis have become a bit of a chain, with several throughout Mumbai, and we're eyeing spots in Delhi and elsewhere.


  3. The searchers scattered all over the countryside looking for her.


  4. We who are your brothers and sisters from around the universe will come to the surface of your planet in physical form within this period.


  5. I was now fully loaded down, walking around New York to meet friends dragging packages and bags behind me like some sort of crazed bagman.


  6. AMERICA'S federal debt is so vast that it is hard to think about: a few billion here or there seems to make little odds.


  7. Certainly she was a good girl, but she was seen at all hours here and there about Bonneville and Guadalajara.


  8. When you also apply the Law of Attraction, the Light wins hands down and is drawing immense amounts of Light from around the Universe.


  9. Nakuru, said he believes Gaddafi is still the capital, "the opposition will be searching for him everywhere. "


  1. 它们遍布各处。

    They re all over the place.

  2. 雪飘至各处。

    The snow had drifted everywhere.

  3. 消息散布到各处

    Word got around.

  4. 遍布各处的,星散的

    dotted about

  5. 到处发生遍及各处

    To occur here and there throughout pervade.

  6. 到店里各处看看。

    Have a look round the shop.

  7. 遍布各处得, 星散得

    dotted about

  8. 我各处有一些汗。

    I have some sweat everywhere.

  9. 各处奔跑的小动物。

    small animals scuttling about

  10. 部队被调遣到各处。

    Troops were dispatched in all directions.

  11. 她尾随男朋友到各处。

    She tags her boy friend around.

  12. 人们在各处散发传单。

    People were handing out leaflets on every corner.

  13. 各处正在兴建新建筑物。

    New buildings are going up everywhere.

  14. 天空在哪里?天空在世界各处。

    Where is the sky? It is all around the world.

  15. 石灰石裸露在山脊各处。

    There is limestone cropping out on the ridge above.

  16. 石灰石裸露在山脊各处。

    There is limestone cropping out on the ridge above.

  17. 他们想走遍巴黎各处。

    They wanted to go everyplace in Paris.

  18. 会打开各处军事基地的

    would open a lot of armory doors

  19. 确保各处都被灌注到

    to make sure that the chemo really washes everywhere.

  20. 到处找戒指各处乱跑

    Looked hither and thither for the ring ran hither and yon.

  21. 各处都有企业商家倒闭。

    Businesses are closing down all over the place.

  22. 各处使用钢柏地板硬木。

    There Is Also Kempas Hardwood Flooring Throughout.

  23. 人们从各处来庆祝胜利。

    People come from everywhere to celebrate the victory.

  24. 人们纷纷从世界各处抵达。

    People arrived from all corners of the world.

  25. 她把它们往各处乱填。

    She had stowed them all over the place.

  26. 我将带他们到各处转转。

    I'm going to show them around everywhere.

  27. 我带你们到城里各处看看。

    I'll take you round the town.

  28. 花园里各处开着小花。

    Here and there in the garden little flowers had grown up.

  29. 我去各处不动产中介店。

    I make the round of real estate agents.

  30. 我满房子各处找我的钱包。

    I ransacked the house looking for my purse.


  1. 问:各处拼音怎么拼?各处的读音是什么?各处翻译成英文是什么?

    答:各处的读音是gèchù,各处翻译成英文是 Every place; everywhere

  2. 问:各处函数拼音怎么拼?各处函数的读音是什么?各处函数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:各处函数的读音是gè chù hán shù,各处函数翻译成英文是 miscellaneous function



gè chù ㄍㄜˋ ㄔㄨˋ 各处